Packing Heat: Packing Heat

Published Oct 13, 2005, 7:54:55 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 13, 2005, 7:54:55 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

AU, Set in a box packing factory. After getting into trouble with his boss, a certain Saiyan has to squirm his way out of it. Goku/Vegeta, yaoi, lemon

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Chapter NaN: Packing Heat

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ. If I did, I’d use the money to buy “Dings and Dongs” and have a rich and full life.








1. Contains yaoi- man on man action.


2. Contains lemon/lime content- sex. Explicit sex. Dare I say, very explicit.


3. Contains all the various little jokes in the writing that I like to make.


4. Mocks Vegeta’s height without mercy. To be honest, if I were an old lady, I’d stuff him my shopping trolley and kidnap the guy.


5. I suppose this could be considered to be AU. So be warned.




Thanks: Are for the marvellous The Chichi Slaughterhouse, who beta’d this and also did wonders getting me to write- as per usual. It took awhile, but I did it!!!




Packing Heat




At the end of a dimly lit corridor, with a single florescent light bulb blinking occasionally between the depressingly grey walls, there was a thin, almost cardboard-like looking door, with a pane of misted glass filling a panel at head height…




Well, for most people anyway.




Inside the room it barred there sat a solitary figure, hunched over his desk, scribbling furiously at the forms set out before him, the fancy biro scratching hollowly at the paper as it danced across the page. His slight body was somewhat dwarfed by the great, high backed executive chair he sat in, with lavish shiny, squeaky leather, and the bulky, oaken desk before him. His dark, black upsweep of hair peeked up between the heaps of papers stacked upon the solid desk, a dark point against gleaming chair behind him, making his dark grey suit seem light in comparison, it apparently rather to well fitting as he shifted his shoulders in benign annoyance. Out of sight, under the thick wood, his shoes huddled beneath the ankles of his trousers; they too gleaming dully like the leather chair he sat upon.




He reached over for a stapler, standing up from his chair as he leant over the desk to retrieve it, sitting back down and slamming the metal jaws together violently over the papers he’d just filled. He cast them to one side, pushing the stapler away from him onto the desk, into the forgotten realm of executive toys and paperweights. Half the papers on the desk had already collapsed, hiding the surname on his nameplate at the front of the table, so only the man’s forename -Vegeta-, showed up. He tilted back in the chair, sighing in boredom as he crossed his arms over his head, the suit’s shoulders bunching up against his neck.




He glanced up at the clock, silently begging that the hands had somehow managed to move faster while he hadn’t been looking.




14.07…” he groaned in his mind’s eye- still nearly another three and a half hours to deal with yet…well, three hours and twenty three minutes.




He sat there, staring at the papers despondently, willing them to move themselves. Sadly, they seemed to be fairly happy with their current geography, not moving an inch. He sneered at them, regretting ever taking on this job. The real owner of the company was on holiday, currently taking a trip around the world apparently.




“Rich bastards.” He muttered, grumbling in his own personal hell as a few more papers subsided around him.




As a friend of the owner promised to help keep an eye on the place while he was away, problem arose when their own company was bogged under with work, ranging from shipments to court cases. Since it was very last minute, they were hard put finding a replacement for themselves and grabbed the most sensible person they could find…who just happened to be a very disgruntled Vegeta. Giving the irritable man instructions and emergency phone numbers, Vegeta was landed here by himself to take care of things; despite the protests it would interfere with his precious martial arts training.




Vegeta growled in annoyance, fiddling with the rim of his collar, trying to pull it away from his neck, the starchy material stiff and restricting against his muscular frame.




However, the job wasn’t going to be a permanent fixture for him, at least in the long term perspective, since the CEO and his wife were going away for about a year. Vegeta was going to be getting a fairly large sum of money for the work if he kept the company running well enough, which wouldn’t be hard. He could quite easily run through the paper work- most was self explanatory anyway, and the real CEO was always there to be called on if needed- not that had he been yet. And the person who he’d replaced was around to help out as well, but yet again was unneeded. Indeed, the job was very easy for him to keep, so much so, Vegeta was somewhat suspicious taking it up.




Until he heard what the company did, that is. It was something most high-powered executives would rather not have stain their records, to say the least.




Who would like to admit they once worked for the packaging plant of “Dings and Dongs”?




For, you see, they packaged and distributed sex toys here. And fake boobs and butts, of course.




Can’t forget the plastic derrieres can we?








Wild whoops and howls of laughter filled the packaging room; dirty workers focused around in a bustling crowd, centred on a single individual, cheering him on as he stood atop a pile of sealed boxes, dancing like a spiky haired jester.




The figure dancing on the boxes wore an orange workers jacket, with a grubby old pair of baggy orange trousers and scuffed leather shoes. Underneath his shaggy mop of black hair he presented a carefree face, grinning merrily, as his well-built body boogied atop the boxes.




Workers around his cackled with laughter as he picked up a rubber set of bosoms, and a fake pair of buttocks, putting them on over his scruffy clothes, looking even more ridiculous than before. He then stood up, waving his hips mockingly, and shaking his fist in no particular direction, as he called out in a shrill voice, in imitation of his wife, progressively louder with each statement;




“Son Goku, do the washing up!”




“Son Goku, do your homework!!”




“Son Goku, get your grubby paws off me!!!”




“Son Goku, stop eating the cake mixture!!!!”








Some of the staff fell to the floor laughing, tears rolling down their faces, as Goku did a little jig atop of the boxes, grinning wildly.




“Wanna hear me do a Vegeta, guys?” he called to the hysterical crowd around him, receiving a roar of approval as he half- crouched, in mockery of the smaller man’s height deficiency, ready to call out his imitations.








Vegeta peered at the clock again.




14.09” He groaned with boredom, smacking his head against a pile of unsigned papers, causing them to topple over him, burying his head underneath their mass. His arms flailed madly, before pausing and composing themselves, sweeping the papers off his head with at flourish, sending some fluttering to the floor. He sat up again, hunched over in his seat, frowning.




To hell with this.” He thought stubbornly, peering at the door nervously, checking to see no one was coming, as he got up, spinning around, his feet dangling and hopping off the chair, darting over and locking the door, before returning to the seat. He looked back fugitively, checking for movement behind the murky glass panel, only to find none. He sighed in relief, leaning down to the drawers in the desk, pulling one open…




Suddenly, there was an urgent hammering on his door, making him dart up violently, blushing furiously. He calmed himself hurriedly, slamming the drawer shut as his cheeks faded back to their normal tan colour, hopping off the chair and walking sedately to the door. He unlocked it, only to find a rather worried man in front of him, wringing his hands nervously.




“What is it?” Vegeta barked, as he glared at the chairman icily, eyes narrowed dangerously as the thin, moustached man trembled before him, despite being half a head taller than his superior. “I was very busy!”




“Well…there’s this guy on the factory floor…he started dancing up a storm and all the workers have stopped working!” He stuttered out, flinching under Vegeta’s hard gaze.




“What man?” He spat out, furious at being interrupted.




The chairman flinched again, making Vegeta sneer in disgust. “H-He…is Son Kakarot…they all call him Goku. He’s dancing on the packages!”




“Then bring him to me!” Vegeta roared, the vein popping out on his forehead.




“I-I can’t! There’re too many people in the way, I cannot reach him!” The man trembled, worry carved on his narrow face.




Vegeta growled in anger, pushing past the man roughly and a storming down the dim corridor, through the swing doors- throwing them open violently, going on to storm out onto the factory floor, to see the large crowd focusing around the clowning Goku.








Goku giggled to himself as he contorted his face, frowning comically, and narrowing his eyes. He was now holding a fairly large rubber dildo, shaking it around wildly, the wobbly length flopping comically as he spoke.




“Blah blah… I’m Vegeta! Work harder! Don’t steal the merchandise!” He made a crude grunting noise, waving the rubber phallus more fervently.




“Look away me! I comb my hair up to make me look taller, despite still being greatly outsized by my massive EGO!” He threw the waggling rubber dick into the crowd at the roars of laughter, pushing his stubborn hair up into a crude point, whilst wriggling his hips, the pink plastic buttocks shaking madly.




He leant down, shaking his ass as he did so, picking up an electronic vibrator and switching it on, eyeing it with amusement.




“Who here thinks he tests the merchandise before it gets released, huh?” he yelled out with glee, brandishing the vibrator at the crowd like a king would a sceptre. “While we work our asses off for him, who’s willing to bet our little friend Vegeta is having some fun in his office, to fill his humdrum days?” He shook his hips again, making hooting sex noises over the roars of the crowd before him, still waving the pulsing device before him mockingly.




“Oh, look at me!” Goku scurried back and forth over the top of the boxes, still crouched over, waving the vibrator maniacally. “I’m a short ass –temporary- CEO of a sex toy factory! Watch me dance!”




He gave out a whoop, and started yelling out the tune to the can-can, kicking his legs up high beckoning the crowd to sing with him, the roaring sound filling the factory floor with out of place cheer.








Vegeta frowned further as he stamped down the corridor, hearing the vulgar roars of the crowd, and as he reached the door, the singing of the can-can.




Swung the doors open in violent rage, screaming in anger.








Hundreds of drones froze, all turning around together, dozens of pairs of eyes wide, as they looked at the scary little man in numb shock.




From his makeshift platform, Goku froze in his tracks, one leg half in the air whilst his arms were in mid-wave, the ridiculous pose only enraging Vegeta further. The tendons on his neck strained, pushing against the rigid collar of his shirt, whilst the vein at his temple throbbed dangerously, his face bright red with rage.




Goku looked down at him nervously, at the same time, the fake plastic bosoms fell from his broad chest, clattering dully on the boxes and bouncing off his little stage, as a unanimous signal to the rest of the workers to vacate the area with a silent urgency, creeping away to avoid Vegeta’s wrath. He fell from his pose sullenly, not caring about the fact he was wearing a comically large rubber pair of buttocks, or that the vibrator in his hand was moving frantically.




Vegeta’s eye twitched dangerously. “Get the hell off those boxes! And put those things AWAY!” he yelled, trembling with fury.




Kakarot looked down to his hand, eyes widening as he threw the vibrator away in shock, his previous showmanship gone now was being scolded in front of the crowds, rather than entertaining them. The situation was probably made worse by the fact that he was being disciplined by a man over a head shorter than him.




‘This is more embarrassing when Chichi came here to yell at me.’ He grumbled mentally to himself, as Vegeta glared at him. ‘But I better do as he says…it not like anyone else was going to give me a job.




The hefty man had recently been employed here, by the real owner a couple of month before he left to travel. Goku had been employed in more unorthodox circumstances however; the owner had witnessed him being mugged…by some rather stupid youths. The bulky man was actually, like Vegeta, another martial artist, but from his scruffy clothes, and later discovered, screaming wife, he hadn’t fallen on the best of times. The CEO chose to employ him not out of pity however, but out of opportunity- he would be incredibly useful to him as a security guard, as well as using his superior strength to help the fork trucks move boxes without tipping them out on the floor.




 He sighed, taking off the rubber buttocks and discarding them, hopping off the boxes, trying to keep clear of Vegeta as much as possible, lest he incite the slighter man’s temper further. He stood opposite him, biting his lip, partially in nerves, partially in holding back his amusement.




Vegeta swore under his breath.




This buffoon was the one who interrupted me?’ he asked himself incredulously.




Goku shivered, looking around fugitively. “I-I’ll just get back to work…they need some boxes to be moved outside of-”




Goku flinched, as Vegeta’s voice rolled out with a dangerous calm, disrupting the hum of machine and conveyor belts.




“Right, come with me,” Vegeta peered at his nametag, forgetting the words of the supervisor earlier, or more likely, wanting to look more important. “-Kakarot.” He turned around, walking with an imperial grace down the corridor, Goku shrugging and following him.




He opened the plain door and stepped in, closing it behind Goku. He motioned to a padded chair in front of the imposing desk, for Goku to sit in, whilst he walked around and hopped to sit in his own seat, spinning around to face him, leaning on the desk and peering at him with annoyance.




Goku sat down in the chair, trying not to laugh at the man in front of him, who was looking rather comical in his oversized chair.




Plenty of space to manoeuvre himself in, that’s for sure.’ Goku grinned mentally. ‘I bet that’s why he took up this job in the first place…free samples.” He snickered out loud at his internal joke.




“Kakarot! What, may I ask, is so funny about this situation?” Vegeta growled over the cluttered table. “Even if I do not own this company, I am perfectly capable of sacking you for this shameful display. You are here to convince me otherwise, Kakarot.”




Vegeta continued to glare over the desk him. Kakarot breathed deeply, trying to think of what to say.




How am I going to have to make him forget about that show? He must be livid!’ He floundered, trying to think of something to say.




Vegeta sighed, looking over the man before with apparent disinterest, for the first time taking in his features- realising from his build why he had been taken on in the first place.




Maybe things wouldn’t go down too well if I fired him…men like that don’t walk through the door everyday.’ He smirked, looking him other with disguised appreciation. ‘On both a practical level…and appearance-wise too…’




Goku poked his fingers to together nervously, looking at the floor. “Well…um… Mr. Uh…” He glanced up at the nameplate on the table, which, unfortunately was still obscured by papers. He fumbled, looking around nervously, having never learnt his sir name, despite making fun of the man earlier.




Vegeta smirked, leaning back in his chair, throwing his feet up on the desk confidently; the legs flush to each other, rather than being crossed. “Oh Kakarot, do call me Vegeta.” His eyes flashed almost predatorily.




Goku shivered, looking up. “Well…I can –and do- serve the company well, and I enjoy working here…” He smiled nervously, as Vegeta shifted his feet apart slowly, the man’s smirk growing by the second.




“Any “special” skills, you might have?” Vegeta’s voice had slowly gone from the original manner of icy, barely restrained anger, to a more almost playful tone.




Goku looked at him, licking over his lips thoughtfully. ‘He wants something…but what?’




Vegeta then shifted his legs slightly further apart, revealing a rather prominent bulge in the crotch of his suit, the material taut around him as he squirmed slightly, this time not even trying to hide his look of appreciation at Goku’s body.




Goku shivered, before smirking sexily. ‘Looks like someone got a little hot and bothered…this could work out…if I make him “happy” enough, maybe he’ll forget about the jokes…or maybe he’ll just take it as repayment. This could be fun…’




Goku looked him in the eyes, locking their gazes intensely, causing the smaller man to tremble in his chair, squirming more at the pressure in his pants.




“Need a little help there, Vegeta?” He asked, his voice husky, nerves long forgotten.




Vegeta nodded curtly, closing his eyes in an effort to compose himself as the hefty worker sauntered around the desk to his side, leaning down next to him, breathing past his ear with a rush of warm air, making him shiver. One of Goku’s burly hands was braced on the oaken table, the other on the high back off Vegeta’s chair, effectively trapping the other man in the confined space between the desk and the chair.




“What do you want me to help you with, Vegeta?” Goku chuckled, the confidence that had earlier led him to perform in front of the other workers helping him here too, his dark eyes flashing with mischief.




Vegeta opened his eyes, looking up at Goku lustily, taking his legs off the table, and slouching in his oversized- for him at least- chair, his legs parted widely, giving Goku a clear view of the problem.




“I believe the problem is evident, Kakarot.”




Goku smirked, licking his lips again, crouching closer to Vegeta.




“What do you want me to do about it, hmm?” He questioned playfully.




Vegeta growled softly in response, his eyes flashing. “If you are such an asset, then you will do something about it Kakarot. Now. Use some initiative, for crying out loud.” He voice was almost domineering, as he glared at Goku, his face flushed and needy.




Goku chuckled. “Now, now, be patient…sir.” As Vegeta shivered with desire, he trailed a finger down his shirt, over his chest and abdomen, a pleased smile etching itself over his face as he felt the firm muscles beneath twitching eagerly under the touch. He finally reaching down to his waistline, still proceeding, stroking over the bulge gently, wrenching a low moan out of Vegeta.




Goku grinned. “Want more Vegeta?” he asked innocently, again stroking him through the fabric, leaning closely, lapping at the lobe of his ear, hot breath running over the dampened skin.




Vegeta nodded, his breath quickened slightly in excitement, as the caressing hand delved into the crease, gripping the zip and pulling it down, the harsh noise sounding out over the pants emitted by Vegeta in the dim office. Goku smirked, deftly unbuttoning Vegeta’s trousers with one hand as he crouched down before him, watching his straining erection press against his underwear.




Goku smirked, pushing the waistband away to free Vegeta’s arousal, and leant down, his warm breath running over it, causing Vegeta to gasp softly, a hand venturing down to wrap in his hair, stroking the messy locks distractedly in encouragement, before groaning softly as the man kneeling before him lapped at the head teasingly.




Suddenly, a weak rapping on the door tore the pair out of their activities, looking at each other in astounded shock, Goku recoiling slightly in fear.




Vegeta took a deep breath, his mind working hastily in the situation. “Wait one moment; I just need to finish something.” He called, trying to keep his voice as calm- and more importantly, normal- as possible.




Vegeta waved Goku under the desk hurriedly, the only placing the room that could hide the taller man adequately, there only being enough room thanks to the bulkiness of the furniture, as the large man crouched uncomfortably underneath it. Vegeta wheeled his chair back into normal position, the chair up against the desk, painfully aware of how his legs were pushed up against Goku’s shoulders.




Vegeta leaned down, hissing at Goku. “Don’t make a sound, got it?”




The larger man nodded mutely, his wide dark eyes glittering up from the darkness nervously, not wanting to get caught anymore than the aroused one before him. After all, this wasn’t the kind of thing he wanted to show off to his workmates. He gritted his teeth, realising the proximity of the other man…especially his arousal.




Taking in another deep, calming breath as he composed himself, Vegeta folded his arms on the table and leant against it, setting a glare on his face as he did so, determined to give hell to whoever interrupted him this time.




“You may enter.” He called, his voice icy and cool as he waited.  The door opened slowly and somewhat uneasily, only to reveal the same man from earlier, his thin face peering around.




Vegeta glared at him furiously. If looks could kill, this guy would have been a pair of smoking shoes in the very instance. “What is it?” he snapped impatiently.




“Well, I just came to inform you that we’ve completed the shipment sir. I need some papers signed to be sent off with it.” He told him, flinching at the look on the CEO’s face as he walked into the office.








Goku shifted awkwardly under the desk, his size barely fitting in the leg space. To add to his difficulties, he had to try and tolerate the erection of the man sitting before him being inches away from his face. He slouched, leaning closer as he tried to prevent cramp, his breath running over the unattended erection as he sat there, causing Vegeta to become rigid in his chair, gritting his teeth to hold back a moan.








Vegeta sat bolt upright in his chair, as he felt the warm breath of the one concealed in front of him. Vegeta stiffened as the light teasing touch sent tingles off pleasure down his arousal. His hands tensed on the table, drew his arms in slightly.




Vegeta berated himself for putting the other man under the desk- in retrospect it was a pretty poor decision, as Vegeta shivered, feeling the hot breath again. Here, there was no way of stopping him from doing anything…anything that might get them caught. He could tell him to move or stop without being a seen or heard, that was for sure. All he could do was sit there and hope Kakarot wouldn’t do anything foolish.




Vegeta looked at the thin man before him. “Do you have the papers with you?” He asked with irritation. The manager produced them from a clipboard in his jacket, leaning over the desk and handing them to Vegeta, who quickly found a pen and started filling them in.








Goku fidgeted under the table, the lack of entertainment boring him…especially considering the delectable treat that was just before him. Maybe Vegeta wouldn’t mind if he took one lick.




One little lick…




After all, Goku told himself reasonably, Vegeta had definitely wanted him touching him there earlier, and one little lick wouldn’t distract him, would it?




Goku grinned, leaning forward, the only warning for the other man being a brief rush of warm breath over his arousal as Goku look a long lick from the base to tip of the neglected shaft.




Clearly the word little had quite a lenient meaning with this man however.








Vegeta tensed as he felt the tongue running up his rigid length, the pen in his hand snapping as all his muscles locked, trying to hold the moan in his chest. He gritted his teeth, swallowing as he calmed himself, hoping the clown had the common sense to stop there.




The manager blinked, looking at Vegeta oddly.




“Anything wrong sir?” he ventured, his thin voice somewhat nasal in his state of –well, relative- calm.




Vegeta shook his head. “All that’s wrong is I need another pen.”




He tossed the halves of the pen into the bin on the opposite side of the room, mildly surprising the rodent-like manager, causing him to twitch at it clanged against the metal.




Vegeta cast around the messy table for another pen, unable to get up, more piles of papers collapsing under his rummaging, before he finally found another, popping the cap off and scribbling on the forms, filling in details and signing them. He gritted his teeth as he felt Goku take another lick over the tip of his erection.




He doesn’t know when to stop! He’s going to blow our cover…’ Vegeta’s mind raced. ‘What if he does more…I might not be able to hide it.




Vegeta scrawled hurriedly on the forms, occasionally pausing, the distractions from the hidden party before him making him falter momentarily, as they got progressively more intense.  He could feel the deft tongue running over him, succinctly rubbing and toying playfully with his sensitive flesh, as though it were but a game to the hidden man.




Soon enough, Vegeta finished the forms, thrusting them at the verminous manager, trying to drive the cringing man away.


“I do not want be disturbed at all for this entire afternoon, got that? No more! I-I have very important matters to see to!” Vegeta snapped angrily, shooting a venomous glare at the quaking man by the desk.




The manager just nodded zealously, and walked quickly to the door, his thin face strained as he clutched the papers and rushed to the door like a rat up a drainpipe to escape the impending wrath behind him. He tore it open with an almost panicked fervour, darting through and closing it quickly behind him.




Vegeta slumped back into the squishy chair in relief as the door thudded shut, the cheap wood creaking on its hinges in protest.




Sadly, his fleeting period of quiet was horrendously interrupted, by the sudden appearance of the bouncing head of the man below the desk, as he popped up like a horny mole from a cheap arcade game.




“Is he gone now, Vegeta?” he queried, grinning down enthusiastically at the stunned man beneath him.




Vegeta gulped down the air that had shoot from his lungs in his moment of surprise as he replied. “Y…y…yes Kakarot…he…is gone.”




Goku grinned like a demented lunatic, he hair slightly mussed from his cramped stay under the desk. He pushed the chair out slightly so he had more room, before lowering his head again, licking his lips in excitement.




“No…wait Kakarot!” Vegeta gasped, trying to grab his shaggy hair to stop him. “Let me go! I need to lock the door….”




His pleas trailed off as they fell on seemingly deaf ears, as Goku lapped over the head of his erection, his tongue resuming his earlier actions, his lips occasionally fluttering over his sensitive flesh in his teasing. His tongue curled and flicked, moving to take long laps down hard length before him, smirking happily as he heard the moans and needy pants emanating from Vegeta.




Vegeta tensed, his hands clenching on the arms of the chair forcefully under light teasing of Goku’s tongue. His thighs quivered as Goku’s hands stroked up them through the coarse material of his suit, until they reached his hips, dancing nimbly over the waistband and slipping beneath it, pulling at the other man’s trousers. He relinquished his hold with one hand as it ventured beneath Vegeta, to caress the curve of his buttocks greedily.




Goku grinned as Vegeta bucked up towards him, engulfing the head of his erection and lapping around it with vehemence as his hand slipped down into Vegeta’s underwear, squeezing the tantalizing curve of flesh teasingly. Goku’s then spread his palm flat against the firm flesh, pushing up insistently to keep Vegeta’s haunches off the chair as he slid the trousers, underwear and all, down to his shaking knees.




His lower apparel now bunched around his knees, Vegeta moaned softly at the feeling of the thick leather against his bare skin, the texture almost cool, despite him having recently been sitting on it. His fingers scrabbled against the arms of the chair desperately, as Goku took his erection further into his mouth, sucking gently.




Goku’s hands strayed back down, trailing over Vegeta’s inner thighs with delight, stroking the soft skin, before pulling away, to drop down and pull his shoes off, one by one, before tossing them aside under the desk, producing dull clunks as they hit the sturdy wooden backboard.




The shoes removed, Goku released Vegeta’s erection, taking a ponderous lick down it as Vegeta whined at the comparatively cool air. He slid Vegeta’s trousers down his calves as he lapped around the base of him, causing the slighter man to buck and whine in protest.




Goku grinned, pulling away entirely and taking Vegeta’s trousers and underwear with him, flinging them aside. He blinked, leaning forward, yanking his socks off clumsily for good measure.




Vegeta panted softly, looking down at the cheerfully grinning man below. He pulled himself up in his chair shakily.




“Why did you stop, Kakarot?” he asked, looking at him with a mixture of annoyance and confusion.




“So you can lock the door.” He smirked, standing up and pulling the chair out of the desk with Vegeta on it. “Go on…”




The smaller man twisted his neck, looking up at him from the chair he was dwarfed by, gaping in abject shock at the unpredictable worker.




Goku chuckled, pushing the chair forward. “Go…before we get caught…” He smirked at the irony of his words, licking his lips perversely, his body language speaking – shouting – of things to come.




Vegeta blushed slightly, hopping out of the chair, squeaking in surprise as the larger man swatted his right buttock playfully, the warm tingle on his skin making its way up his spine as he shivered at the contact. He bent over, quickly pulling the key out of his trouser pocket, receiving another playful swat on the ass, and feeling a heated blush rising to his cheekbones as he walked away.




Goku chuckled, watching the half naked man trot over to the door, fiddling which the lock, his lower half completely bare before him, his loose shirt hanging around his nether regions.








Vegeta felt his bare skin goose prick and hairs rise on the back of his neck at the cool draught blowing up at him from under the door. And the eyes he felt raking their way over his ass, as through the man were groping him from a distance. His eye twitched in annoyance, spinning around to chastise him, only to gape in shock at the sight projected onto the retinas of his wide eyes.




There, in his chair, was Goku. One leg was lazily dangling over the armrest as he leaned in the crook of the other, smirking confidently at him as he held in one hand, swinging it around nonchalantly, a large, blue, rubber phallus, flopping not so gracefully from side to side in his grip.




On top of this all, the taller man was completely naked, his pale skin distinct against the black leather of the chair.




He looked at Vegeta heatedly, his smirk growing wider.




“It appears I am right sir. You do test the merchandise… what a wonderful job you must have.” Goku grinned widely as he watched the other man's face gape wider. “Tell me, how many stars would you give this particular model hmm?”




Vegeta looked on in disbelief, his eyes ogling the other man’s naked form without shame, his own erection throbbing as he did so, licking his lips unconsciously when he saw the other man’s own arousal. He tried to move his legs, his brain barely processing his standard bodily functions as he tried to get over the astonishment instilled in him by the other man’s quick change. He’d turned his back for a few seconds, and he was already naked and ready! And it appears he’d also had a chance to rake through his drawers… Vegeta blushed horribly at the thought of another person seeing the contents… nobody knew about that, and his preferences.




He suddenly jumped, startled unexpectedly, as Goku slapped the dildo onto the desk to create a loud bang that echoed throughout the room, bring Vegeta out of his trance. Goku waved the dildo at him with mock threat, before tossing it aside, grinning at him playfully.




“All locked up are we, Vegeta?” Goku chuckled sneakily.




Vegeta nodded dumbly, dropping the keys on the ground as he hands went limp, walking over slowly, as Goku leaned down, rummaging through his drawers, making the odd noise of surprise, or in a couple of cases, jealously, whining lowly. As Vegeta reached the desk, bracing his arms on it and glaring at him, he looked up, blinking in mock innocence as he held a large vibrator in one hand and a tube of lubrication in another.




Vegeta’s eyes widened. He glared at Goku, who miraculously didn’t melt as he looked between Vegeta and the vibrator.




“What on earth are you doing, raking around in my drawers like that, Kakarot!?” Vegeta clenched his teeth, glaring at him.




Goku blinked, then grinned. “I wasn’t raking around in your drawers Vegeta- you aren’t even wearing any, see?” He pointed at his bare nether regions, half concealed by the bottom of his shirt, which was bunched up as his erection poked out of underneath the hem.




Vegeta swore, glaring at him as he got up.




“Oh come now Vegeta, I thought we were here to have some fun…” He eyed the vibrator curiously. “And this sure does look like fun.”




Vegeta cast him a withering glare as he approached, before sighing. “Well, at least it doesn’t make much difference to the situation…in the grand scheme of things…” He stared at the desk for a few seconds, before being jerked out of his thoughts by Goku.




“What you mean by that Vegeta?” He asked, his head popping up in front of Vegeta face, much like it had from under the desk earlier.




Vegeta shook his head, looking away reluctantly. “Nothing…” He trailed off mumbling.




Goku smirked, and brandished the vibrator at him. “You were going to use this, weren’t you?!” He laughed in triumph. “I knew it!”




Vegeta glared daggers at him, causing Goku’s face to fall. The last thing he wanted for the rest of his time here to be made a living hell by this buffoon making fun of his every move and activity. He bit his lip as he tried to decide what he should do with him. The other man had dirt on him that was for sure…but he too had some rather sensitive information. The other man probably wouldn’t like it if his escapade were to be released to the workers…that could lead to some unpopularity, considering his current public stance towards Vegeta.  And of course, Vegeta could always fire him…if needs be.




He smirked. “Kakarot, I was, but that does not concern you. And I warn you, it will not, right?” He told the man coolly.




Goku nodded, sighing in relief. “Sorry Vegeta…now, are we going to use this or not?”  He grinned with assurance, as the smaller man nodded slightly, internally satisfied with the other’s reaction.




Goku chuckled, pushing Vegeta back gently, into the desk, sending papers cascading everywhere in his wake. Vegeta looked up at him, aghast at the suddenness, his normally narrowed eyes wide with surprise, struggling against the papers trapped beneath him, sending more toppling off the desk.




Vegeta looked around, edgy, as the larger man advanced over him, using one strong arm to lift him further onto the desk by holding his thigh, giving a lecherous squeeze and smirking smugly at him, his thumb brushing the soft skin of his inner thigh greedily. Vegeta trembled at the aggression, parting his legs compliantly, and leaning up as Goku descended, meeting his mouth with equal enthusiasm.




Goku moaned softly into the kiss, his mouth attacking Vegeta’s aggressively, the vibrator dropping out of his hand and landing on the desk with a clatter, like the tube of lubricant had prior, as he spread the other man’s legs, still groping his thighs in admiration of the feeling of his skin, and the muscles lying beneath it. Finally wrenching himself away, he picked up the lubrication, eyeing it haughtily, before looking over at Vegeta, who bit his lip and nodded, parting his legs and leaning back, his breath coming quickly as his heart hammered in anticipation.




Goku looked down into his eyes intensely, before tearing his gaze away to concentrate on the tube in his hands, his fingers clumsily unscrewing the cap and breaking the seal. He grinned down at Vegeta, who lay sprawled over the desk, looking up nervously as he squirted some of the cool substance onto his fingertips, before placing the tube back down onto the desk and grabbing one of Vegeta’s legs, lifting it high out of the way as his other hand ventured lower.




Vegeta tensed as he suddenly felt the cool substance being smeared over his entrance gingerly by the other man, letting out a shaky breath as he tried not to fidget under the weird sensation. He shifted slightly as he felt a slick finger press firmly against him, rubbing over him, before gently pressing into him, causing him to shift slightly at the feeling.




Goku smiled above him. “I thought you’d be used to this by now sir…considering the experience from all those ‘free samples’ you must have.” He winked devilishly.




Vegeta tensed again as a second finger was added. “I…am only used it…from my own hands…Kakarot…not yours.” He trembled, lying back and trying to relax as the two fingers inside of him parted, stretching the tight muscle.




Goku chuckled. “Now, now Vegeta…” He pulled his fingers out carefully, picking up the vibrator and brandishing it at him. “…does this really count as either of your own two hands?”




Vegeta blushed, shaking his head as a negative, as Goku waved the vibrator around.




“You better turn over Vegeta…it’d be easier that way…” He laughed lowly. “…more room to manoeuvre, after all.”




Vegeta blinked in surprise, numbing watching Goku sigh and place the vibrator on the desk once more, before gasping as he was picked up in strong hands and turned over, bent over the desk with his ass bared to Goku’s mercy. He shivered, his hands scrabbling for a purchase on the disorganized desk, paper flying everywhere as he fell forward onto his chest.




Goku chuckled, stroking down Vegeta’s muscular back in admiration, before reaching his ass and cupping a round buttock almost with glee, giving a slight squeeze as he wrenched a small gasp of shock from the owner.




Vegeta shivered as he felt the tip of the vibrator press against him, the plastic shaft cool like the lubricant Goku had used earlier. He relaxed slightly as Goku kneaded his back soothingly, before pressing the vibrator into him, the plastic shaft sliding easily into his prepared entrance, as his muscles clenched spasmodically about the intrusion.




Vegeta gasped as he was filled, gripping the table as Goku fully sheathed the vibrator within him, his knuckles going white under the strain. He moaned softly as he adjusted to the feeling, his back muscles flexing as Goku ran a soothing hand over him, large fingers moving gracefully. Vegeta sighed, his body relaxing under the other man’s ministrations, his hands loosening their grip as he squirmed impatiently, tilting his hips suggestively in attempt to rouse a response from the man who was currently still preoccupied in caressing his back.




Goku grinned as has admired the other, licking his lips as he took in Vegeta’s muscular back with his hands and his eyes. He smirked when he realised the other man was already wriggling beneath him, trying to goad him into moving the object.




He leaned down, chuckling darkly into Vegeta’s ear, his hot breath running over the shell.




“You are a little used to this, sir?” He licked around the shell of his ear with a hot tongue. “You are ready for more, aren’t you?” Goku smirked, smug, as his warm weight pressed down on Vegeta’s back, causing a tremor to run through him.




Vegeta nodded, his breath coming quick, condensing briefly on the polished desk. “Yes Kakarot…proceed.”




Goku chuckled, moving the shaft slightly, taking miniscule thrusts in and out of Vegeta, who grit his teeth, grinding them with frustration at the slowness.




“For fuck’s sake Kakarot! Turn the bloody thing on, or fuck me now! Stop teasing me, you clown!”




Goku sighed, as though his fun weren’t to come, as he twisted the knob on the base of the vibrator, a small clicking sound as it switched onto its lowest setting, causing Vegeta to groan against the wooden table as it vibrated within him.




Goku grinned in satisfaction as the normally stoic man writhed beneath him, trying to arch his back and take the vibrator deeper. Goku licked his lips in concentration, as he slowly pulled the vibrator out a few inches, driving it back into Vegeta smoothly, extracting a lowly needy moan of encouragement from him.




Goku eyed him, dark eyes glinting with mischief as his thumb pressed against the knob on the base of the vibrator, turning up the intensity as it drove into Vegeta, causing him to buck furiously in pleasure, before whining from loss as Goku simultaneously turned it down and withdrew it.




“Kakarot…do it…don’t tease me!” Vegeta protested from beneath him, his voice still as pompous as ever, despite his current position.




Goku snickered. “I suppose I’ll have to obey your authority then, won’t I?”




And with that, he drove the vibrator into Vegeta again, turning up the knob to its highest setting, causing Vegeta to cry out in pleasure, his arms bracing against the table as he drove his hips back onto the pulsing object, the tip of its shaft pressing against his prostate.




Goku pressed the vibrator more firmly into the thrashing man beneath him, his satisfaction increasing, as the motions he was caused grew more frantic. Vegeta trembled as the sensations ran through him, his body begging for more, regardless of his attitude. He could feel the vibrations inside him, running furiously and sending waves of desire through him, as his arousal throbbed with desperate need for release.




Goku reached down under him, pressing the vibrator in again as he gripped the other man’s arousal gingerly, rubbing a thumb over the tip, before bringing his hand back up to his mouth, lapping the few drops of Vegeta’s essence of it. He pulled the vibrator slowly from Vegeta with his other hand, clicking the knob shut to turn it off.




Vegeta whined in loss as Goku set the vibrator back down, chuckling and patting him on his upturned buttocks. The smaller one panted softly on the table, turning his head around slightly and scowling with venom.




“What do you think you’re doing Kakarot?! Why didn’t you finish?” Vegeta spat at him, his eyes shooting daggers. He turned over, lying back on the table, as his neglected erection throbbed with need for release.




Goku grinned wolfishly, leering at him with hunger. Vegeta shivered visibly at the look, suddenly nervous for what the other might do to take advantage of his position.




He couldn’t leave him like this, could he? But then again, by the looks of it, the other man didn’t seem much better off himself. Vegeta smirked confidently as he eyed Goku’s prominent arousal slyly, moving to get up.




Despite his intentions, it appeared Goku had other ideas, as Vegeta found himself being picked up by strong arms and carried by the other man, who promptly walked around the table and collapsed into the chair, setting Vegeta down on his solid thighs, facing out of over the desk.




Vegeta tried to turn around in Goku’s lap, to face, and most likely, berate him, but only to be held steady by the strong hands on his hips, as a hot tongue ran up his neck and teeth nibbled gently at his jawbone. The hands on his hips suddenly released him, but only to wrap around his middle and pull him closer, causing Vegeta to go rigid in the warm hold as he felt Goku’s arousal press against his lower back, completely rigid.




Goku deft hands ran up Vegeta’s sides, reaching around to stroke over his well-developed chest. Vegeta leaned back into his hold, smirking against as he rubbed himself against him, creating a friction on his previously unattended erection, triggering a lowly moan from Goku. Vegeta chuckled, only to have the soft drained from him as Goku stroked him roughly.




Vegeta panted, craning his neck to look as Goku as his erection was released.




Goku grinned at him. “You wanted to know why I stopped that earlier, Vegeta?” he grinned, almost sickeningly cheerfully.




Vegeta raised a suspicious eyebrow, but nodded curtly.




“Because I have so much more to offer you…” Vegeta looked at him sceptically, before Goku span the chair around sufficiently so he could reach over the desk, picking up the tube of lube, and waving it suggestively. “I’m sure your great CEO mind could work out what that is Vegeta.”




Vegeta rolled his eyes, and looked away so Goku wouldn’t see the anxious expression on his face. He scooted forward a few inches in Goku’s lap, giving the other man room to prepare himself.




Goku groaned as he spread the cool substance over his heated skin, shifting in the comfortable leather chair as he spread his legs for better access, causing the man straddling him to spread further as well. Vegeta looked back behind him cautiously as he reached down to stroke himself, trying to relieve some of the pressure from his arousal, moaning softly as he did so, sliding further back into Goku’s lap. He tensed when he felt Goku moving behind him, only to gasp in shock as he felt a hand come around to help him, Goku’s other holding his hips steady in his lap.




Goku leaned closer to him, his pink tongue darting out to lap and toy with an ear lobe, before nipping it harshly as he pulled Vegeta’s hand away from his own erection, causing him to whimper and squirm against him, the captured hand fighting against Goku’s restraint.




“Now Vegeta…if you want that so bad, I’ll just have to leave you to it, won’t I?” Goku clicked his tongue behind him in berate as he released Vegeta’s hand.




Vegeta shuddered in restraint, as his hand flopped down limply by his side.




“Fine Kakarot, show me what you’ve got.” He growled out stubbornly, his hands going back to gripping the spread legs he straddled.




Goku let out a small noise of delight as his hands reached for Vegeta’s hips, stroking over them in appreciation, before he gripped and lifted him up over his prominent arousal. Vegeta leaned back against Goku’s chest as he felt the head of his erection pressing firmly against him, sending a shiver of anticipation down his spine.




Goku groaned almost inaudibly as he felt the tip of himself press into Vegeta’s tight entrance, pulling his hips down faster as the clenching heat enclosed him, drawing a long moan from Vegeta as he filled him. Vegeta spread his legs wide around Goku’s burly thighs, pressing his back against his broad chest as he arched against him, their heat skin pressed together, drawing the hardness inside him deeper still.




Goku wrapped his muscular arms around Vegeta’s chest, panting softly next to his ear as he left the other man adjust to his length. He quivered in the chair as Vegeta soon started to squirm in his lap, grinding down on the erection, in desperate need of sensation as his erection stood up before him unattended.




Vegeta shuddered as he tried to get a grip on himself, whilst Goku’s hands gripped his hips more firmly, ready to move him. Vegeta blinked as he ceased grinding downwards.




“Kakarot!” he barked. “Get a move on, or we’ll be here until Christmas!!!” He bucked slightly to prove his point.




Goku rolled his eyes, lifting him from his erection until only the tip remained inside him. “Of course Vegeta, whatever you say.” He snickered mentally. ‘Of course, what is so wrong about doing this until Christmas?




Vegeta squirmed; his movements frantic as he tried to press back down onto Goku’s shaft again, or at least make the other man release him, but was only lowered sedately, bucking again as he tried to goad Goku into motion.




Goku let out a low groan as the heat around him shifted with Vegeta’s sporadic motions, the fingers that gripped Vegeta’s hips tensing enough to bruise with their grip. He lifted Vegeta up again, to pull him down progressively faster as he built up a pace between them.




Vegeta leant back against Goku; the muscles of his physique quivering as pleasure started to course through him, making him want and crave more from the other. Unconsciously, an arm of his left Goku’s solid knee to wrap up around the other man’s corded neck for leverage as he bucked back down onto the shaft with fervour, causing Goku to toss beneath him, his hips slamming upwards into Vegeta as they moved. The leather chair creaked beneath them, the sound of Goku’s bare sweat- slicked skin rubbing against the leather with a deep squeak.




His thighs strained against the black leather as he arched from the chair, putting force into his thrusts as he levered himself upward, one of Goku’s hands left Vegeta’s hips to bury into the tall hair, turning his head around, shaking slightly as he saw the other’s lust flushed face.




Bucking mindlessly, uncaring of the stretch of the muscles in his neck, Vegeta panted for air as he continued to drive himself down, rolling his hips with his movements as he took Goku deeper inside him. He gasped in surprise as his head was pulled closer to Goku’s, bringing their lips together roughly into a passionate kiss. Goku pulled away slightly, his hot breath running over Vegeta’s lips, before his tongue darted out to trail over them, capturing him again, thrusting his tongue into Vegeta’s mouth, playing aggressively against its counterpart, even as he released the spiky upsweep hair, letting Vegeta hold himself in place.




The chair creaked ominously below them as the pair moved in it and Goku’s hand left Vegeta’s hair, leaving him to soon break the kiss as his neck gave out on him. Vegeta tossed wildly in Goku’s lap as a large hand came down to wrap around his erection, where milky beads formed on the tip, before they broke and ran down his rigid length.




His muscles tensing in exertion, the hand pulling Vegeta into his thrusts tilting closer, causing Vegeta jerk in his grasp, the fingers gripping his knee tensing almost painfully; the arm around his neck pulling him down harshly as Vegeta twisted his neck around, launching up into a desperate kiss.




Vegeta gasped into the kiss as Goku pistoned upwards into him, pulling away and throwing his head back against Goku’s shoulder. Goku leaned in near his ear, lapping at the lobe, before whispering huskily as he thrusting up into Vegeta, aiming for that spot inside him, making him howl in pleasure.








Vegeta nodded weakly, thrashing in Goku’s lap as the hand around his weeping erection pumped faster, the rigid length within him hitting perfectly, driving him to completion. As Vegeta tossed in the throes of his orgasm, clenching around Goku almost painfully as he howled his name in ecstasy, triggering the other man’s release deep inside him, as he himself shot violently against his abdomen and over the hand fisting his erection.




Goku keeled over limply back into the creaking chair, Vegeta falling onto him panting, breathless from their activities, his arm sliding off Goku’s neck, limp and hanging by his side. Goku held back a low groan as he lifted Vegeta’s hips to move him to sit more comfortably on his thighs, the limp member slipping out of him.




Vegeta shifted on his lap, his breath gradually returning to normal as he tried to turn around in Goku’s lap, only to be pulled closer to him with strong arms.




How is he this strong?’ Vegeta realised. He hadn’t noticed earlier, even the times his was moved and carried about the by the other, but it slowly dawned on him, this man was far from a normal factory worker. ‘Why would someone like this be here, of all places? He could fight if he wanted to…




Vegeta opened is mouth to ask that precise question, before rudely being interrupted by a knock on the door, a dull, nasal voice seeping through the thin wood.




“Vegeta?” The pair on the chair jumped, looking at each other in naked shock. Vegeta raised his finger to his lip.




Trying to keep his voice as steady as possible, Vegeta snapped back at the door. “Yes? What is it man?”




Goku grinned down at him, nuzzling his hair.




“Well, I heard some yelling. Is everything alright in there?” the man behind the door asked, in total ignorance of the situation.




“Of course it is, you imbecile!” Vegeta yelled at the door, livid at the interruption. “Leave me be, I said I want to be left for the afternoon!”




Goku snickered into Vegeta’s hair, pulling him closer in an attempt to calm him.




Vegeta sighed as he heard the sound of footsteps receding from the door.




“Don’t worry, Vegeta. The door was locked anyway, what would he do?” Goku pointed out, as he head lifted out of Vegeta’s hair and he hugged him tightly from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder.




Vegeta rolled his eyes in resignation, leaning back into the warm embrace behind him, trying to remember what he was trying to think about earlier.




Damn that man, now I’ll never remember what it was…something about Kakarot…” Vegeta’s eye visibly twitched when his train of thought was broken again, this time by the one holding him, as Goku lifted his hand to his mouth, lapping Vegeta’s release earnestly.




Vegeta shook his head, trying to ignore the other man, who decided it was nice to suck on his fingers noisily by this point. He sighed, dismissing the thought, and tried to get out of the other’s hold, only to be held steady.




“So Vegeta, I have a question for you…” Goku’s other hand returned to its earlier position embracing him. “…will there be an increased demand on my product, sir?”




Vegeta twisted around in his lap, turning to face him, looking indignant and flushed.




Goku chuckled, pulling him in closer for a kiss, silencing any remarks from the aloof man who he caused to melt into his chest.




Vegeta pulled from the kiss, shivering at the intense gaze. “So, Vegeta? What will it be?”




Vegeta smirked. “Someone sounds eager…” There was a slight tremor in his voice at the flat look he received from Goku. “Fine, fine. I have a decision Kakarot. I… do accept your… proposal…” He smirked. “…or product, if you will.”




Goku gave him a wide grin, ruffling his hair playfully.




“You won’t regret it Vegeta.” He flashed him a feral smirk.




“We’ll have a lot of fun.”







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