The Cock and the Plucker: Curse of the Cock and Plucker

Published Nov 26, 2005, 10:56:13 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 26, 2005, 10:56:13 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Halloween Special! Goku/Vegeta, Brolli/Nappa- Nappa encounters some enchanted underwear, Goku encounters a weird mirror, Brolli encounters a werewolf and Vegeta steals a horse. Yaoi; Lemon; Oneshot

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Chapter NaN: Curse of the Cock and Plucker

Disclaimer: I don’t own DBZ, or the Panties of Torajima idea stolen from Dragon Pink for that matter.
Warnings: A one shot PWP that grew a bit- well, more than doubled its intended size. There will be lemons. A Brolli/Nappa one and a Goku/Vegeta one- so obviously there is yaoi. Nappa, for his various unfortunate reasons, is OOC for a large portion of this. And there is a werewolf in it. Mild warning of a little fluff at the end too. Also, if you haven’t realised yet, this is an AU.
Summary: My Halloween special in a series of holiday fics. Nappa encounters some enchanted underwear, Goku encounters a weird mirror, Brolli encounters a werewolf and Vegeta steals a horse. Yaoi; Lemon; Oneshot; Pairings Goku/Vegeta, Brolli/Nappa
Author’s Notes: This is technically part of my set of holiday fics I have released so far on and However, it does not fall in the same timeline or universe for that matter. This was largely unplanned to my original idea, but this swallowed it up and spat out the bones.
Finally, a massive thank you to The Chichi Slaughter House, for betaing this on such short notice.

The Curse of The Cock and Plucker

A bulky Saiyan eyed the dark treetops around him, the scraggly branches looming over him in the darkness as he proceeded, and their shadows forming eerie shapes formed from the full moon overhead. Occasionally, they even flickered, and unless his eyes wear paying tricks on him, he saw the flat form pull out from the tree bark, scuttling away from him. Whenever he looked, things changed to what they appeared to be in the corner of his vision, as though being in full view caused them to cease existence.
He dismissed the thought, pushing away a thick briar with thorns as long as his fingers were thick. Nothing was here except puny animals, trees and the narrow path he was blundering down. Licking his lips, he gave a dark chuckle, which was soon absorbing into the silent surroundings. If anything attacked him, he could just eat it, no matter how vicious it was.
A gust of wind blew up, making the branches above rustle and the Saiyan shiver, only clad in a pair of black underpants as he proceeded through the forest, impervious to the various night noises that surrounded him. So he did not notice the creaking behind him, or the crunching as a set of jet-black claws sank into rotting wood to his side, their owner making a sly sweep around him. Dark shaggy fur blended into the background as the creature crept behind him, growing closer before its range was assured.
The Saiyan did not even have a chance to turn as the beast launched itself at his back, long, sharp teeth bared and claws extended as it latched onto his thighs, jaws sinking into flesh. Unfortunately, probably for both parties, the Saiyan’s height prevented the monster for reaching high enough, and so, instead of reaching up to bite into the Saiyan’s back, its teeth sank into his buttock instead. Snarling, the beast tightened its grip and bit deeper into the round flesh, the Saiyan screaming in pain as the powerful jaws yanked at him.
Reaching around behind him, the Saiyan’s large hands grabbed the scruff of the beast, fingers digging into the furry neck and tearing it away, swinging the beast through the air and throwing him onto the floor in a wide sweep, taking his underwear away with it. The beast tossed about on the ground, red eyes glaring up at the towering Saiyan as it got to its feet, crouching as though ready to pounce and spitting out the material of the Saiyan’s pants. The now naked Saiyan glared at him, tensing ready to accept any attack with his own, his hands poised to toss it away again.
Growling at the powerful Saiyan, the beast backed away, intelligent enough to know when it was outmatched, before it leapt away into the trees, blending into the darkness in an instant and not leaving a sound nor trace of its existence. Aside from the large bleeding bite in the Saiyan’s buttock of course.
Grumbling, he stepped forwards, picking up the slobber drenched pants, only to find them in tatters, the beast’s teeth having done their work well. He sighed, tossing the pants away. Great. Naked, stuck in the middle of a forest, which co-incidentally contained many snagging briars, with a nice big bite on his ass. He rubbed it, wincing and bringing his palm up, sneering at the drool and blood, trying to shake it away.
He proceeded anyway, pulling the briars out on his way with more care than necessary, not wanting to snag- or puncture, considering the size of the thorns- anything. After what must have been at least an hour, although in the dark it was hard for him to tell, his ass had long stopped bleeding, the blood clotting and he was still progressing on the narrow briar-strewn path. The moon still hung overhead, clouds obscuring it in part.
He blinked in surprise as, for the first time in hours and hours of close forest, he came upon a clearing, still surrounded by tall trees, but with enough open space above to let the moonlight light it. The floor was beaten hard from use, and a broader path cut through the trees in plain view on both his right and left sides, run over the clearing. Right before him, in the centre, there was a wooden signpost, unreadable from this distance, the letters partially eroded by weather. On the end of one of the sign pointers hung something pink, flapping in the breeze.
Walking forward from the briars, he shivered as the cold night air swept around him, hissing through his teeth as it crept over his nether regions. As he approached the signpost, the wind blew up further, the flapping pink thing turning out to be fabric, of what, on closer inspection, appeared to be a pair of panties. Reaching up to the sign, the Saiyan picked them off, hesitating for a moment when he felt they were warm, but shrugging and looking at them anyway. He looked at them in confusion- who left their underwear on a signpost in the middle of nowhere? Examining them closer, he found a label on the back.
“To…ra…ji…ma.” The Saiyan read. “What the hell kind of name is Torajima?”
He held the knickers out, frowning at them. They were warm, as another cold gust reminded him, they where starting to look rather tempting as well. They were pink though. And they had lace. He couldn’t wear anything like that; they were a girl’s clothes. Anyway, the bloody thing wouldn’t fit him anyway.
But they did look comfortable. And they looked like they might fit in fact, for they were quite big when he looked again. He looked around, suspicious of watchers, before he examined them closer. They smelt fine, sort of like strawberries if truth were told, and they seemed to be safe. No fleas or anything. They still radiated heat, warming his hands up enough to be pleasant, without burning. They tempted him, for despite their colour, they looked, well, perfect. Glancing around again, he let out a soft growl of defeat as he leant down and pulled them on in hurry, still unsure of why he was doing this as he yanked them up over his freezing genitals. Pulling his tail through a hole at the back, that had somehow appeared during the process, but Nappa didn’t question it.
He squirmed a little, vision going somewhat fuzzy as he wobbled, leaning forward to grab the signpost to steady himself. His swayed a little, feeling a heat run through him, starting from his cock, which was already half erect against the fabric of the pink knickers.
“What the hell?” He looked down in a mixture of shock and disgust. What were they doing to him?
Reaching down, he tried to hook his thumbs into the waistband, snarling as it tightened around him so his thumbs wouldn’t slide under it, the elastic digging into his skin. Undeterred, he grabbed the fabric itself, tugging it as hard as he could in an attempt to remove it, only to have it shrink around him, squeezing his half formed erection agonisingly, making the bald Saiyan howl out in pain. Scrabbling at the pink material in desperation, the knickers shrunk around him, clenching around the base of his tail until he caved in, collapsing to the ground cupping his genitals, even after it had released its grip.
Panting heavily from the struggle, the Saiyan hefted himself up so he sat up against the signpost, resting from his struggle with the possessed underwear and catching his breath, the pain in his groin fading.
Through the forest, a spiky haired Saiyan rode his steed along the main path- more worn and broader than the path travelled by the other Saiyan. He wore a bright orange fighting gi, with a navy blue undershirt, and matching boots, the strange clothes not only unusual for a man on horseback, but also lurid and bright in the dark forest. His horse progressed at a slow pace, the strange noises of the forest disquieting to it, but the Saiyan riding didn’t seem to mind, just content to sit and take in the dark scenery around him, not bothered by the encroaching darkness. Looking ahead, he smiled a little when the path widened- that had to be a good sign, didn’t it?
He had been riding for hours, told that he’d sooner or later come across an inn to stay at, yet since his first encounter, he had seen no other signs of civilisation. Just miles and miles of rows of trees, blurring into each other as time passed. He was starting to think he wouldn’t reach the inn that had been spoken of, considering the pace he was travelling at, but there was no use pushing anything. He’d just end up going slower if the horse freaked out and ran away.
It was a strange situation, how he found out about it. He frowned as he recalled the incident. He was travelling through this forest at the time, as he would- he’d spend most of his adult life travelling without much intention, his own wanderlust taking him wherever he may go. Anyway, he’d reached a fork in the paths, and found the signpost’s words to have been worn away in their entirety, leaving it illegible. However, from one of the forks, if he hadn’t known better, out of nowhere, walked a Saiyan with tall pointed hair, wearing a body length cape around him form and a deep scowl on his face. His eyes were of the darkest black, whilst his face was sharp, his nose held high.
As he approached, the wandering Saiyan ran up to him, pausing for a brief moment when he saw his face, mesmerised before he continued undeterred, looking at him with hopeful eyes. He had asked what was up the path, hoping the pedestrian could help him in his choice. He was pleased to discover, before the other Saiyan walked away, fading into the forest once more, that there was an inn further up the path, perfect to get a night or two of much needed rest. And his common sense told him that the inn couldn’t be too far either, considering he was riding on horseback, whereas this man had walked all the way from there.
Despite that, it didn’t seem the case as he plodded on through the forest, having stayed on the same path for hours on end. It had to lead somewhere, didn’t it? He sighed, slumping in his saddle, hopes of finding a soft bed dwindling. His horse was probably tired by now as well, so maybe it’d just be better to stop and sleep out until the morning, despite the cold.
Yawning, both bored and weary, he blinked when he saw the path open up into a board clearing. And there was a signpost. A spark of hope shot through him- maybe he was almost there now. The prospect of a proper bed driving him, he trotted the horse into the clearing to get a better look at the sign, only to grind to a halt when he saw a large bald Saiyan stand up in front of him, scaring his horse somewhat. Calming the horse, he rode forward, looking at the other Saiyan, inquisitiveness showing over his face. Even he had never seen anything like this. The other was much taller, a large hulking beast of a Saiyan laden with muscles, but totally bald, with a thin handlebar moustache.
He was also wearing pink frilly knickers –the wanderer was astounded they came in a size to fit him, although he kept the thought to himself- and giving him kissy faces, batting his eyelids flirtatiously. Undaunted by the unusual spectacle, he reached him, leaning down with a reassuring smile. Maybe he got hit on the head or something and was lost.
“Hey there! Are you alright sir?”
The bald Saiyan flashed him a cheeky grin, gushing. “Of course I am, now that you are here. What is your name, may I ask? I’m Nappa by the way.”
Still ignoring the Saiyan’s flirting, he grinned, sitting back in his normal position. “I’m Kakarot. Hey, have you heard about an inn ahead?” He pointed to the path that led from the clearing.
Looking in the direction for a brief moment, Nappa looked back, shaking his head. “Nope. But I haven’t been up there. You see…” He looked down at the ground, feigning sadness. “…I’m lost Kakarot.” He looked up again, giving a dramatic sniff.
Kakarot frowned, looking at the signpost, only to find most of the writing had eroded too, the only thing visible being the mile numbers on the pointers, reading at three in the forwards direction. That was a good sign. He’d have to find something in three miles of travelling- maybe it would be the inn, or even a town or something. He jerked out of his thought by a pawing at his leg, Nappa looking up at him.
Kakarot bit his lip, sighing. “You want a lift then? This sign says there is something three miles ahead, so I can drop you off there if you want.” He smiled at him, helpful despite the strangeness of the other Saiyan, and extended his hand to help him on.
A broad grin etched over his face, Nappa took his hand, climbing on with ease thanks to his height, although the horse protested at the extra weight as he wrapped his arms around Kakarot’s waist with earnest. Inching forward, he pressed close to Kakarot, and gave an affectionate nuzzle of his shoulder. Kakarot shuddered, trying to ignore Nappa’s “attentions” as he snapped the reigns, urging the horse forward.
Nappa continued pawing at Goku as they moved through the woods, although he was not sure why. He just had to, like a reflex reaction, even though he had no interest in him. The knickers! It must be them, making him act like this, giving him no real control over his actions; he couldn’t even take them off and now he was acting like a damn sex kitten. His hands were clasping around Goku’s chest of their own accord, his palms pressing against the other man’s muscular chest through his shirt, groping him in a not-so-subtle manner. Nappa swallowed, gritting his teeth and trying to pull his hands away, but without success, just pawing him more in his struggles. This was getting embarrassing- he didn’t want this man. With any luck they’d reach their destination soon, and just maybe he could find a way to get this cursed underwear off! Burn it, shred it, have dogs tear it off, anything to free him.
Trying to ignore the touches of the towering Saiyan, Kakarot continued down the path, the treetops closing back over them and wrapping them in darkness once more, occasional glimpses of the full moon breaking through the canopy. A blush grew on his face as Nappa inched closer to him, pressing flush to his back, so that, through the thin lacy knickers, he could feel the other’s erection pressing against the small of his back. Trying to reassure himself the other Saiyan only needed some warmth- he was probably cold wearing only the knickers- Kakarot ignored it as best he could. Cracking the reigns again, he urged the horse into a mild trot, starting to get a little unnerved by the other Saiyan.
Not soon enough, the trees started to thin, moonlight shining through them onto the pair as they rode down the path. Kakarot sighed in relief as he saw a wooden building amongst the sparse trees, tall enough for the roof to poke above them, with probably three floors. Some of the windows were lit, the majority on the lower floors, the glow standing out against the dark wood the build was made from. Riding up, his suspicions were confirmed- this was an inn; there was even a rail to tie horses to, with a water and food troughs. Above the outside porch hung a sign with a bird on, reading: ‘The Cock and Plucker’.
Hoping off the horse with grace, Kakarot helped Nappa down; despite the fact the taller Saiyan most likely didn’t need the help, and tied the reins to the rail so they were secure, patting the horse and letting it rest. Turning to the inn, he walked to the building, Nappa following closely behind him as he did so, stepping under the porch. Pushing the doors open, warmth and light from inside bathed him, taking away the chill of the cold night air as he stepped inside, Nappa sidling in behind him.
They had entered a lobby room, there being a counter and staircase at one side, whilst there were two doors on the other side- labelled as a bar and a kitchen- and some coat hooks.  At the counter stood a giant Saiyan, even taller than Nappa, with medium length dark hair, bare-chested aside from some ornamental jewellery hung over his neck and a pair of matching metal waistbands. As he saw them enter, a wide, evil looking grin spread on his face as he saw Nappa. Composing himself, he beckoned them over, face now impassive and his voice calm.
“Hello sirs. My name is Brolli. How may I help you this evening?”       
Kakarot scratched the bed of his head. “Well, I would like a bed for the night.” He looked at Nappa, doubtful. “He isn’t really with me. I just gave him a lift because he was lost out there. He says his name is Nappa.”
Brolli nodded. “I’ll get you a room ready, sir.” He then looked to Nappa, who was leaning over the counter, dismissing Kakarot in favour of the larger Saiyan. Brolli just chuckled, seeming to understand the behaviour more than Kakarot, who watched the spectacle with bemusement.
Kakarot looked over to Brolli, curious. “Do you know what’s wrong with him?” He asked.
Brolli gave Nappa a sly look, before shaking his head in denial. “No, I haven’t seen such a thing. I’ll take care of him though. I am sure you are tired from your travels.” He offered Kakarot a key, trying to suppress another grin as he glanced back at Nappa. “That’ll be eight for the night, please.”
Unsuspecting, Kakarot took the key and handed over the money without complaint, the price being very fair. He examined the key’s number, and pointed up the stairs. “Where is it, Brolli?”
Brolli tore his gaze from Nappa, browsing the key in Kakarot’s hand, his tail flicking behind him in irritation. “Top floor, it is the room on the far end of the hall. The number is on the door.”
Kakarot grinned at him. “Thanks.” He gave Nappa a wave, which was pretty much ignored. “See you later Nappa.” He trotted up the stairs, leaving the two taller Saiyans alone, Brolli sighing in relief, before looking back to Nappa and grinning wolfishly.
Licking his lips, he leaned closer to him, their face inches apart. “So, how can I help you this evening, my fine sir?”
Nappa looked at him, blinking at the drastic change on his face, a shiver of trepidation running through him, despite the control of the knickers. Although, this one he couldn’t deny a liking to- broad chest, that hair, and in a way, even the evil grin was attractive. Much better for him than the cheerful buffoon, that was for sure. Inhibitions lowered by the curse, he raised his hand, reaching over and tracing it down the other’s chest, admiring the broad hard muscles, before hopping up onto the counter so he was sitting on it, side on to Brolli. Rather than being offended, Brolli was amused by the actions, eyeing the pink knickers with a smug glance.
“I see the panties of Torajima have struck again then.” He folded his arms, sitting down in his chair with a leg crossed over the other. “I wonder how many of those were made…” He licked his lips, eyeing Nappa, who blinked in confusion.
“Made? Have you heard of these before, then?” Nappa poked the underwear, which tensed around him in warning at the touch, drawing a low groan as his erection was squeezed.
Brolli nodded, ignoring his actions as he answered. “Some old crone decided it would be funny to spread these cursed panties around. Saiyans put them on and can’t take them off, the object almost having a mind of its own in that sense. They control the wearer’s actions.” He looked at Nappa with a snicker. “I take it you weren’t always such a… sex kitten.”
Nappa, against all will of his own, blushed at the words, shaking his head, dumb. He knew the knickers were doing this, what he wanted was to get them off! Opening his mouth to ask, he couldn’t even form the words, spluttering until he closed it again, frowning the little he could. Bastard things, they wouldn’t let him! He couldn’t even scowl properly anymore, and his face hurt from smiling. He shifted, uncomfortable as his erection pressed against the magic fabric, the bite on his ass tingling as well.
Brolli glanced at him, feigning disinterest as he leaned back in the chair. “I know how to get them off you know. I can’t imagine you want to continue wearing them of your free will.”
His neck straining as he fought the curse, Nappa nodded, wincing as the underwear tightened again in warning, forcing him to grin and lean over. “I’m sure you want to get them off, don’t you?”
Brolli chuckled, nodding in agreement as he stood up, leaning closer to Nappa as he spoke, his voice getting progressively huskier. “Well, yes. I would need to if we were to have fun.”
At the sound of Brolli’s voice, Nappa had trouble restraining himself from jumping off his perch on the counter and into the muscular arms of the other Saiyan, and somehow, he felt the knickers had little to do with it. He watched as Brolli walked around the counter, holding his hand out to help him off- yet again a useless gesture, despite the fact Nappa took it, looking up at Brolli as he did so, inching close to him.
“Follow me upstairs, and I’ll help you with your problem, Nappa.” Brolli’s eyes narrowed, giving him a small smile, showing his teeth.
Nappa nodded, not releasing the proffered hand as Brolli led him up the narrow wooden staircase, their footfalls loud against the old wood as they ascended, passing the first and second floors and walking out on to the third. All was dark; there being no lit candles in the passage, the only illumination from the window, which helped little since the moon was not visible. Clutching Brolli’s hand, Nappa was led into a room at the beginning on the corridor, the other Saiyan having produced a key from his trousers to open the door with first. Inside it was dark as well, a little light radiating from the window showing the shapes of a large bed- obviously for Brolli’s size- and a few items of furniture, as well as a few candleholders on the walls.
Chuckling darkly, Brolli released Nappa’s hand, shutting the door and locking it, turning to Nappa, his face drenched in shadow, preventing his expression from being seen.
“Now Nappa, let see what we can do for you, shall we?”
Kakarot sighed as he hit the plush bed, the candles flickering in their brackets, reflecting off a mirror and casting moving shadows on the walls that he watched as he stared up at the ceiling, feeling the tiredness seeping in. Having pulled off his clothes earlier, lying on the covers in his underwear, he shivered and shifted over, pulling them up and sliding under until his was buried beneath them, the bed sheets cool against his skin. Outside the breeze whistled past the building, making an eerie low howling, although it was no bother to him. His body was tired, and his mind wasn’t far behind it- he must have been travelling for hours and hours since he met that strange Saiyan.
‘I wonder how he walked that far…he must’ve been travelling for days, at the pace he was going at.’ Kakarot’s brow furrowed. There was something particularly strange about that man. Shrugging it off, he turned on his side, eyes slipping shut from fatigue as he snuggled into the sheets peacefully, wrapping his tail around himself unaware as the surface of the mirror rippled behind him.
Nappa stepped away as Brolli flexed his arms, looking up at him so his face could be seen, yet the bald Saiyan was regretting that, as Brolli bared his teeth, mouth stretching a just wide enough to be unnatural. Growling deeply, light emanated around him as his muscles bulged, his power becoming evident to Nappa, the light growing brighter and illuminating the room with a golden glow. The floor shook as he howled, his power surging up and bursting out in a blinding light as he ascended, his hair turning golden and chest swelling.
Nappa looked at him with wide eyes, fearful of the huge power the other Saiyan radiated, yet strangely aroused by the display of strength, creeping forward with a few tentative steps. Brolli looked at him directly, his eyes having turned a cool green-blue colour, grinning widely as he advanced. Licking his lips, he wrapped his arm around Nappa’s waist, pulling him close, leaning down to lick the shell of his ear.
“Now, lets get those off, shall we?” He let out a deep chuckle as Nappa’s breath hitched, the material clenching around his erection as Brolli’s spare hand crept down his torso.
Nappa trembled, the fear still running through him as he was pressed against the powerful chest, the other Saiyan stroking his skin with light, teasing touches that fuelled his lust. Pawing at the broad chest, Nappa leaned in, still a little afraid despite the affect of the knickers, and his own arousal. Looking at him in encouragement, Brolli’s hand moved lower, stroking over the hard bulge in the material, drawing a low moan from the bald Saiyan, his hips bucking towards Brolli’s hand. Nappa grasped at the broader shoulders for leverage as his hips moved against the large hand, trying to ease the pressure in his pants.
Letting out soft growl, Brolli leaned forward, licking around the shell of Nappa’s ear, before nipping the lobe roughly, drawing droplets of blood, letting out a low purr as he tasted. Reaching down, he cupped Nappa’s thighs, squeezing the flesh as he licked a trail down his neck, teeth grazing the skin as he lifted the other Saiyan up by the thighs, making him gasp in surprise, before his legs wrapped around Brolli’s waist. His hips rolling forward by their own accord, Nappa ground his clothed erection against the bare abdomen of the other, not noticing as he was carried around the room to the bed until his was dropped onto it, with Brolli pouncing onto him.
Swallowing as the other Saiyan pinned him down, Nappa writhed under him as he ground their erections together, his hips bucking up into the contact with fervour and his chest rose, desperate for more touch as Brolli continued tasting his neck. Pale eyes glinting, Brolli pulled back, admiring Nappa with a hungry gaze, running the tip of his tongue over his canines before he lunged down again, capturing Nappa in a fierce kiss. Overpowered by the other Saiyan, Nappa wrapped his legs back around his waist, trying to pull him down, although without success, his eagerness only driving Brolli onwards, nipping and licking over his chest.
Moving lower, Brolli pulled Nappa’s arms with him, keeping him pinned onto the bed despite his struggles, wanting to touch his partner in return. Stopping at the knickers, which were clearly too tight on the other Saiyan now, his erection straining at the magic material, Brolli looked up, his face contorted in a chilling grin as he leant down, gripping the elastic with his teeth. A deep chuckle rumbling in his chest, he reared back, bringing the elastic with him. For a brief moment, the underwear just stretched, and Nappa feared it would just snap right back, stinging him. Waves of golden energy flaring around him, Brolli growled as he felt the underwear tug against his hold and compete against him, fighting to stay put. Shaking his head from side to side, he leaned further back, releasing Nappa as his hands joined the effort, yanking as hard as he could at the material, grinning and pulling hard when he heard a ripping sound.
And went flying backwards onto the bed, tatters of underwear still in his grip as they finally gave. Nappa sat up, snickering at his position as he spat the scraps of underwear away.
“Shut it. I helped you, didn’t I?” Brolli growled at him, stifling the worst of Nappa’s snickers.
“I still have a problem though.” He frowned at Brolli as he sat up, before motioning downwards. “See?”
Brolli smirked, advancing on him and forcing him back again as he leaned in with a renewed grin. “Well, I’ll have to take care of it, won’t I?”
Shivering at the look on his face, still unused to it, Nappa nodded silently, grasping his shoulders and pulling him down into a kiss, in which has was soon overwhelmed, Brolli’s tongue invading his mouth and tasting him greedily. Strong hands swept over his chest, thumb and finger giving his nipple a harsh pinch before soothing it and continuing on their way. His hands wrapping into the golden spikes of the one above, Nappa shuddered as Brolli bit his lip, just hard enough to draw the blood he lapped from it.
As a hand wrapped around his erection, Nappa bucked into it, yanking Brolli down into another fierce kiss, tongue battling against its counterpart, despite the knowledge success was impossible. He could taste the other Saiyan’s power and that was enough. He faltered as Brolli stroked up his shaft, his teasing thumb rubbing over the head, before pumping him again, making him wilt at the feelings as Brolli dominated the kiss again, swallowing his moans.
Nappa whined in loss as Brolli broke the kiss and released his arousal, growling at the other Saiyan, trying to pull him back down, only to be turned over onto all fours. Trying to look behind him, Nappa wriggled his hips, trying to turn back over, but when Brolli growled in warning, he reconsidered, staying put despite himself, even as he felt hands stroke over his buttocks. Wincing, he unconsciously pulled away as a finger ran over the bite mark from earlier, which had long stopped bleeding, but was still tender, and felt strange at the touch. Yelping in surprise as Brolli pulled him back into position, he felt wet digits trail over his entrance, pressing against the muscle before only started to push more firmly, slipping into him.
Trembling at the unusual sensation, Nappa gasped as a second finger was added, stretching him further and probing deeper, rubbing inside him. His back arched as the pair brushed over his prostate, gasping in combined surprise and pleasure at the sensation, trying to the press his hips back against Brolli, only to have his other hand press on his back, forcing him onto the mattress as the fingers withdrew.
Wriggling under Brolli’s hold, Nappa growled, angry at being deprived pleasure in such a way. Suddenly, light filled the room, on source being Brolli, as he used his power to keep Nappa pinned, whilst the other was the window, the moon rising up out of a pit of clouds, the pair bath the room in pale gold light.
Brolli blinked in surprise as he looked up at the other Saiyan perched over his abdomen, briefly mesmerised as black-brown fur sprouted over his torso and his tail became bushier. Fur grew over Nappa’s body, covering his back and torso, as well as the upper sides of his arms and legs, although there was no change to his head. Catching himself, Brolli snarled, trying to toss the other Saiyan off, only to be held down by clawed hands on his chest, threatening to pierce his skin. A guttural growl emanating from the Saiyan above, Brolli watched, smirking when he realised even though he was a werewolf- that explained the bite- he was still aroused. At the sound of a loud ripping as his trousers were torn from him, Brolli tried to sit up, trying to flip them back over before Nappa forced him back down again, straddling his waist and raising himself over the other’s erection.
Kakarot’s eyes snapped open as he heard a howl. Sitting up, he looked out of the window, frowning a little. Did he really hear it outside? It sounded more like it was door the hall to him. Listening carefully, he shrugged, not hearing any other noises, but considering the age of the building, the walls were quite thick, so any following sounds could be muffled. Looking around the room, he found that most of the candles had burnt down, spluttering in their brackets.
Doing a double take, he looked at the mirror, blinking in disbelief as a face stared out at him, shadowed in the darkness. Watching, mesmerised, Kakarot swung his legs over the side of bed, standing up and walking over, unable to take his eyes away from the mirror. Getting closer, he almost recoiled in surprise.
The Saiyan from earlier!
The same hair, the same face, and most startling of all, the same deep black eyes. Looking in mystification, Kakarot leant closer, his face inches away from the glass and raised his hand up to touch it. He was in mid-movement however, when the Saiyan blinked, smirking at him. He was handsome; he hadn’t the time or proximity to notice earlier, but now he did. His face was sharp and his eyes dark, whilst the upsweep of hair had a red tinge to it, almost unnoticeable.
He froze, eyes widening in shock. Wasn’t this a mirror? Looking at the Saiyan, it certainly wasn’t a painting, and what kind of painting moved? Mind you, what kind of reflection moved on its own? Kakarot gazed at the mirror. Maybe he was hallucinating. He was tired after all, and the travelling was probably getting to him. Or maybe he was dreaming…who was to say he wasn’t? Maybe that was it- he often dreamed of things that happened to him. He didn’t put it past his mind to jumble things up like this in a dream. The Saiyan in the mirror didn’t move again whilst under Goku’s close scrutiny. Maybe he really was just dreaming it.
He raised his hand again, fingers extending and blushing against the glass, which, rather than being a smooth hard surface, gave under the pads of his fingers like water, rippling outwards to the wooden frame. The Saiyan in mirror looked him directly in the eye, his silent laugh evident at the look of utter shock on Kakarot’s face.
Pulling his fingers back in horror, Kakarot stared at the mirror, the Saiyan looking back at him.
“What is this? Who are you?” he demanded, swallowing his fear. He had seen things before, but nothing like this.
The Saiyan remained silent, rolling his eyes. Maybe he couldn’t talk, or most likely, not be heard. Relaxing slightly, Kakarot realised the other Saiyan wasn’t doing anything to him; he wasn’t trying to attack him or insult him. He was just…there. Raising his hand, he ran his finger through the glass, watching the ripples move over the Saiyan’s face.
“I wonder who you are…” His fingers pressed a little deeper, moving over the Saiyan’s face as he smirked back at him, leaning forward and lapping over his fingertips. Freezing, Kakarot watched as a pink tongue darted over the pads, nimble and deft lips giving a gentle caress, whilst the Saiyan’s eyes looked up imploringly. Pulling his fingers away, although not without reluctance, Kakarot swallowed, his hand reaching through the mirror to touch the Saiyan, cupping his cheek as the ripples emanated from his wrist. A shiver ran through Kakarot as he felt the warmth radiating from the bare skin. He was real. Still smirking a little, the Saiyan leant into the touch, almost nuzzling his hand as Kakarot’s thumb stroked his skin.
Reaching up, his hand reached out from his cape, his palm pressing against the mirror, as he looked up at Kakarot, tilting his head a kissing his palm. From the Saiyan’s side, the mirror was acting like a normal glass surface- he couldn’t press through it like Kakarot could, it seemed, since he produced no ripples and his palm just pressed there. Kakarot looked a between his eyes and his hand, any earlier fears swept away.
“Do you want to come out?” He asked, poking the mirror with his other hand, hoping the other understood.
The Saiyan frowned, his scowl deepening as he pressed his hand against the glass more firmly, unable to push out. Kakarot looked at him, sheepish, before he sank his other hand through the mirror, gasping and holding Vegeta’s gloved hand in his own. The other Saiyan looked up at him, squeezing in encouragement as Kakarot pulled his hand through, the mirror rippling as his arm came through.
Kakarot watched in fascination as the tan skin of the skin slid through the mirror, his own arms falling back into it to grasp the Saiyan’s shoulders, pulling him further out before wrapping his arms around the Saiyan, pulling his caped form out of the mirror. Leaning back further as the Saiyan’s torso left the surface, his legs shook as for a brief moment he looked directly into the face that nearly touched his own, for a split second realising he’d leant back too far, before losing his balance and collapsing in a heap, the other Saiyan landing on top of him.
Blinking down at Kakarot in surprise, although thankful for the soft landing, he did not say, the Saiyan leant down, brushing their lips together in a gentle kiss.
“Idiot.” He mumbled, sitting up and holding his cape, keeping it shut around his body still.
Kakarot leant up a little, a blush tracing his cheeks, realising his state of undress as he rubbed the back of his head. He looked up at the caped Saiyan as he got off him, allowing him to stand up.
“Can I ask who are you?” Kakarot stood before the Saiyan.
Looking at him with suspicion, the Saiyan faltered, before shaking his head. “Since you helped me out…I am Vegeta. And you, might I ask?”
“K-Kakarot.” He answered automatically as he stared at him, unable to believe the words. He was familiar. Was this the Prince? Dismissing the thought, at least for now, his mouth opened, another question spilling out.
“Why are you wearing a cape? We’re indoors, so you can take it off, you know.” He motioned to the hooks on the back on the door.
Vegeta looked at him, initially shocked before stepping closer, looking at him suggestively. “Do you want me to remove it?”
Kakarot blinked; swallowing at the close proximity- he could smell the other Saiyan even, as the deep eyes stared up at him. “Well, I just thought, since we’re inside and all, you must be hot.”
Vegeta just chuckled, a gloved hand emerging from the cape to run over Kakarot’s bare chest, a shiver running through him at the faint touch on his bare skin. He leaned up, planting another kiss on the taller Saiyan’s lips, smirking slightly at his surprise. Pulling back, he continued stroking over his chest, eyeing the muscles in approval, radiating a confidence that could not be argued with as he guided Kakarot backwards, towards the bed.
“Maybe I am hot.” He shrugged under the cape, glancing up at him as he leaned into his chest, inhaling before kissing the pale skin.
Kakarot trembled at the touch, unable to deny it; even craving it himself. He tensed in surprise as he felt the edge of the bed against the backs of his thighs, where Vegeta had led him with subtle movements, pushing him back bit by bit. Smirking, Vegeta offered a hand to him, letting him pull off the glove, before reaching up to stroke his cheek, having Kakarot pull off the other whilst he did so.
Gazing up with his dark eyes, a glint of amusement flickered through them. “You sure you want me to remove my cape?” He asked.
Kakarot nodded, his eyes locked with Vegeta’s as his hand reached up, hooking under the collar as he leant down for another kiss, lifting the item off as Vegeta’s tongue flicked at his lower lip in a silent request. The cape fell to the ground as Kakarot’s eyes slid shut, the other’s mouth opening in invitation for him.
Pulling back, his breath quickening and his underwear feeling tight around him. Kakarot opened his eyes to see Vegeta’s bare body, the cape in a heap on the floor around his feet. Looking back with confidence, not bothered by his nakedness, Vegeta stepped forward, pressing their bodies together, letting Kakarot feel his hardness, whilst the bulge in the other’s underwear pressed against his hip with insistence. He stroked over Kakarot’s chest again, only to let his hands trail down his abdomen, fingers tracing the curves of the muscles down to the hem of the other’s underwear, the tips of his fingers curling under the material.
Kakarot reached up at the other Saiyan, stroking over his back and wrapping his arms around his hips, leaning forward to lap at the curve of his clavicle, whilst arching his hips away to let Vegeta pull down his underwear. Stepping out of the clothing on the floor, Kakarot pulled Vegeta into his arms, sitting down on the bed behind him whilst setting Vegeta in his lap, so he was straddling him. Fingers stroking over his hips, they crept around to the curve of his rear, before palms cupped the rounded flesh, stroking and squeezing, gently urging Vegeta forward.
Moaning softly at the attention, Vegeta arched his back, pressing himself into the coaxing touch. His hands gripped Kakarot’s shoulders for security, whilst his chest, pushed forwards by the arching of his back, was attacked by the hot mouth of the other Saiyan, tongue gliding over smooth muscles and teeth grazing over his hardened nipples. Gasping at the sensations on his sensitive flesh, Vegeta’s hands released the Saiyan’s shoulders, finger brushing over the skin briefly before tangling in his hair, pulling him closer, urging for move of the sensations.
Trembling, his hands released Vegeta’s ass and stroked up his tail, smoothing the fluffed out fur as the sinuous appendage writhed in his hands, wriggling against his fingers. Kakarot’s thumb rubbing over the flicking tip, Vegeta gave a low moan in pleasure, his hips pressing forward so his erection rubbed against the other’s hard abs, desperately seeking some kind of friction and relief.
Raising Vegeta’s tail to his mouth, Kakarot lapped through the fur of the tip, causing Vegeta’s hips to buck forwards in an almost violent motion, pre-cum beading on the head of his erection. Releasing the tail in surprise, it snapped back behind Vegeta waving with little control as the Saiyan looked up with demanding dark eyes, sending a tremor through him. Vegeta held his hand, tugging it down to his erection, moaning as Kakarot started stroking him, his hand wrapping around the shaft. Spreading his legs wider over Goku’s thighs, trying to get a purchase on the edge of the bed, Vegeta thrust against the hand, clinging to Kakarot to prevent falling backwards.
Growing further aroused by Vegeta’s display, his muscles flexing rhythmically with his movements in front of him, Kakarot moved his hand faster, trying to keep up with the needy whines and demands he made, whilst Vegeta’s hips surged forward. Looking up at Kakarot, Vegeta pulling himself to him, leaning up to kiss him as he bucked against the hand, shuddering as Kakarot’s other hand groped his rear, pulling him tightly closer, leaving him no room to move, his hips trapped between Kakarot’s hand and his abdomen. He could feel the other’s arousal pressing against his own, their skin hot and sensitive.
Raising his fingers to Vegeta’s lips, he rubbed against their softness briefly, before the pink tongue darted out, once more lapping over the tips before sliding between them and curling around the digits, coating them with saliva and suckling on the tips. Watching the display, Kakarot licked his lips, pulling his fingers away from Vegeta’s mouth as his other arm looped around his back, holding steady he rolled them over, lying Vegeta on the bed, his legs spread as he pulled back, kissing over his chest.
His tail swatting the covers, giving away his nervousness as Kakarot knelt between his spread legs, Vegeta shivered as he felt the other’s damp fingers press against his entrance as he loomed down on him, lapping over his abs, his tongue circling his navel before dipping in teasingly. Vegeta wriggled under the touch, panting as the fingers rubbed with more insistence and freezing as Kakarot’s warm breath ran over his erection, before lips enclosed the head, the other’s tongue sliding over him. Hands grasping the sheets, Vegeta’s moaned, his hips shaking uncontrollably as a finger slipped into him, Kakarot’s mouth enclosing further down shaft, taking him in.
Sucking gently, Kakarot ran his tongue against the underside of Vegeta’s erection, his finger pressing deeper as he did so, curling and stroking inside him, soon joined by its counterpart. Vegeta trembled as Goku’s fingers parted a little, stretching him with care as they pressed deeper, and he started bobbing his head, letting Vegeta’s hips arch up as he compensated for the movements. His fingers caressed Vegeta’s inner walls with care not hurt the flesh, curling up a little to brush over his prostate, making Vegeta toss beneath him in ecstasy at the touch.
Grinding his hips against the intruding fingers, Vegeta whined Kakarot’s name; raising his legs in invitation, as he wanted, needed more. His tail coiled around Kakarot’s thigh, the fur bristling in agitation as he felt the rough tongue press against his sensitive flesh, sending tremors of pleasure through him.
He sighed in both disappointment and relief as he felt the hot mouth leave him, the fingers slipping away with it as he opened his eyes, not realising he’d squeezed them shut earlier. Letting out a shaky breath, he sat up, only to meet Kakarot’s lips in a breathtaking kiss, a hand reaching down to cup his back as he was lowered to the bed with care, the hand reaching around to run over his chest.
Breaking the kiss, Kakarot looked at Vegeta, locking gazes with dark eyes and stroking his thighs, waiting for a signal to continue.
Vegeta shivered under the touch, tugging Kakarot forward with a tentative grasp, and wrapping his legs around the other Saiyan’s waist, his tail squeezing the other’s thigh in encouragement. He leant up, kissing up Kakarot’s neck and onto his chin, as his arms wrapped around his neck, hand going to his hair.
The tip of his arousal brushing against Vegeta’s entrance, Kakarot kissed his cheek as he guided his erection in, sheathing himself with consideration, teeth gritting, but not before he released a soft groan as the tightness enclosed around him. Surrounded by heat, Kakarot trembled as muscles clenched around him, almost overwhelmingly tight. Beneath him, Vegeta shuddered, adjusting to his size gradually, before shifting his hips with impatience, trying to goad him into moving.
“Kakarot…move…” His voice shook, even as he strained to keep it steady.
However, his request worked; as Kakarot pulled his hips back a fraction, pushing back into him, both parties voicing their pleasure at the friction. His hands clutching at Kakarot’s back, Vegeta arched up against him, taking him deeper as he started moving with more confidence, taking long thrusts. Breathy moans of pleasure flew past Vegeta’s lips as his hips started rolling against Kakarot’s thrusts, meeting him with enthusiasm, trying- and succeeding- to goad him into a more powerful pace.
A hand reaching under Vegeta, lifting his hips up into his thrusts as he moved harder and deeper, Kakarot groaned, the sensation building around his shaft as Vegeta tightened around him, welcoming the intensified feelings. Vegeta’s legs gripped onto Kakarot’s waist and his fingers dug into his back, although the other Saiyan dismissed the pain, continuing to move to their goal, not even faltering when Vegeta’s short nails scratched at his skin.
Vegeta gasped as the hand at the small of his back lifted a little high, sending Kakarot’s thrusts to press directly over his prostate, sending jolts of bliss through his being, his hips grinding against Kakarot’s movements desperately as he drove to release. Pre-cum beaded on his erection as it pressed firm against Kakarot’s abdomen, the hard muscles rubbing against it as they moved.
Kakarot shuddered as he felt Vegeta’s inner wall convulse around him, bringing him dangerously close to his orgasm as the unyielding heat held him, the friction in his movements almost unbearable, yet somehow perfect. His tail snuck around, brushing over Vegeta’s erection, the fur trickling the head, before it coiled down, flicking and brushing against his balls, the final sensation driving Vegeta over the edge.
As his release shot up to coat their abdomens, Vegeta yelled in ecstasy, his head tossing wildly as he gripped Kakarot’s erection, the grip of the heat around him too much as he succumbed to it, flooding Vegeta with his seed, a howl of completion tearing from his throat.
Slipping out of Vegeta, Kakarot detached himself from his legs, leaning down and giving the panting Saiyan a brief kiss on the lips, before settling beside him, an arm around Vegeta’s waist whilst the other Saiyan’s tail maintained its hold. Kissing over Vegeta’s neck, his blinked in surprise as Vegeta’s gripped his chin, chuckling before planting a kiss on his lips.
Pulling back, a smirk played across his face. “Idiot.”
Kakarot watched, mystified, as Vegeta’s hand reached up, stroking his hair even as he snickered at him. This double behaviour could grow confusing. Shrugging to himself, he leaned into the touch, a low purr rumbling from his chest as he inched closer to the other Saiyan.
Snarling as sharp claws raked across his chest, drawing blood, Brolli bucked his hips up as he thrust into the one above him, a deep moan bursting from his lips as the welcoming heat clenched around him. He arched up as Nappa licked over his chest, cleaning the trails of blood he bled and giving a soft growl of approval, teeth continuing to nip at Brolli’s skin.  His hands gripping the other’s thighs hard enough to bruise, the rough fur sticking up between his fingers, Brolli tangled his tail with Nappa’s, the sinuous appendage darting through the shaggy fur of its counterpart.
His hips driving down hard as he rode the taller Saiyan, Nappa shuddered as the other’s hips met his own, feeling Brolli move harder and deeper, giving him more taste for the pleasure he desired. His tail flailed behind him, teased by Brolli’s as it swept through the thick fur and brushed against him. The hand on his thighs squeezed in a rough massage, running through coarse fur whilst his thumbs reached in, stroking the bare skin on his inner thigh. Letting out a guttural snarl of relish, Nappa wrapped a hand around his own arousal, bucking into it and pumping fast as he drove his hips down with more strength.
His ki flaring, Brolli’s eye narrowed to slits as he watched the transformed Saiyan above touch himself, whilst his erection was clasped forcefully, bringing him closer. His ki flaring around him, the golden waves singeing the bed sheets, Brolli reared up against Nappa, ignoring the claws that pushed back on his chest as he flipped them over, slamming into the other Saiyan as he grabbed his arms, forcing them over his head and pinning him down. Overwhelming the other’s struggles to get back on top, Brolli wrapped his tail around his erection, squeezing the shaft almost enough to hurt, his fur pressed against the sensitive flesh.
Shuddering as he neared completion, Brolli drove into Nappa with deliberate, long thrusts, finally driving him over the edge as he spilt over Brolli’s tail, releasing a deafening howl of ecstasy as he came, bringing Brolli with him. Issuing a deep groan, Brolli’s hips pushed forwards, burying himself deeply within the other’s heat as he released.
Ki flickering, Brolli panted in exhaustion, his hair fading back to black as he shook to stay up, his flaccid member slipping out of the breathless Saiyan beneath him before he fell to the side. His energy depleted, Nappa lost his werewolf form, and fur shrank back as he surrendered to sleep, sprawled over the bed gracelessly, tail flopping over the edge. Brolli laid on his front beside him, ignoring his sore chest, or the arm carelessly draped over his back as his eyes slipped shut, unable to resist as he followed Nappa in sleep.
Sunlight flooded through the window, its obnoxious brightness glaring at Kakarot’s closed eyes, combining with the chirping of birds outside to wake the Saiyan, his eyes blinking blearily before he turned over to shield his eyes. Reaching up and rubbing the sleep from them, he slowed and froze as he remembered the previous night. Looking down, still some dried semen stuck to his abdomen, yet there was no sign of the dark eyed Saiyan.
Sitting up fast enough to give himself whiplash, Kakarot looked around the room, gaze growing sorrowful as he looked at the mirror, which merely reflected, no different to any other. There was no sign of Vegeta; his cloak and gloves were not on the floor and the Saiyan himself was nowhere to be seen. Slumping forward, Kakarot sighed, turning his legs over the edge of the bed and resting his elbows on his knees, chin supported by his palms.
Maybe it had been a dream. After all, he did come out of a mirror. That was impossible, something like that couldn’t be real, could it? No matter how vivid the experience was…
He stood up, looking down and curling his nose. The semen must be his then, and he must have removed his underwear himself, if Vegeta was never here. To think a Saiyan like that would want him.
Snorting as he tried to cover his disappointment, Kakarot walked over the en suite bathroom, pouring water into the large basin as he took the soap, washing the sweat and grime away from himself. Towelling himself off, he refilled the basin, moving on to clean his hair, taking advantage of the facilities- if he was going back on the road, he may not find anything like this for sometime. Walking out, his hair wrapped up securely in a towel, Kakarot picked up his underwear from floor, pulling the item on and walking to the door to retrieve his pants.
He sighed as he towelled his hair dry- the wayward spikes still dropping a little from the dampness- and pulled on the rest of his clothes, leaning down to pull on his boots. He sat on the bed, staring at the mirror in deep thought. The previous night was still fresh in his mind, and images still ran through it, clear and sharp. He shook his head, dismissing them. It was just a dream. Saiyans do not just come out of mirrors. Frowning, he stepped over to the mirror, pressing his hand against it, as though to confirm it to himself.
Cold, smooth and hard, it reflected his face back at him. Like it should do. Nothing happened here. There was nothing inside the mirror; it was only the pane of glass and reflective backing, just like every other.
Turning away, Kakarot gave it one last glace, not only to assure himself, but out of hope. He wanted it to be true.
Breaking his gaze for the last time, Kakarot opened the door, swallowing his disappointment as he closed it on the room and proceeded down the hallway.
Brolli groaned as he opened his eyes, his body aching and sore. Rolling over, the sheets stuck to his chest, thanks to the blood that had seeped into them during the night. Peeling them away, he reached over his bed, in search of his partner, only to find himself alone. Sitting up, he looked around, the room still bearing the marks of the previous night’s tryst; the sheets were bloody and scorched, the burn marks showing on some of the walls as well and various items had been knocked from their places on the shelves by the waves of ki. On the floor across the room lay the shredded remnants of his trousers, still where they had been thrown. Rubbing his head, Brolli groaned lowly, still tired from the previous night, and the cuts over his chest itched under the clotted blood.
Sitting for a many long minutes, Brolli wondered where the Nappa had gone. Maybe he’d come to his senses and ran, fleeing the inn to try and bury this entire episode. Or maybe he woke up in the night and transformed again, going out into the forest. It was hard to admit, but he sort of missed him, despite their brief time. He missed the feelings and tastes; the sights the other Saiyan had given him. Trying to shrug it off, Brolli shook his head. He was probably totally different without the underwear or transformation anyway. Probably another who would just cower in terror, or submit without challenge. That wouldn’t be any fun, but at least he had that night to enjoy.
He traced over the marks, smirking as he remembered the other Saiyan. Most certainly.
A tinge of regret struck him. He’d most likely never see him again, let alone repeat that experience. He looked over at the sheets, shaking his head and pulling them off the bed, tossing them into a laundry basket over the over side of the room- that too had been knocked askew by his ascension. Flicking some of the dried blood from his chest, Brolli stood up and traipsed to his bathroom, lighting a heater for some water.
The memory of the previous night ran through his mind as he waited, a smirk tugging at his lips as he closed his eyes to watch, although he could not bring back the feelings, no matter how hard he tried. Running the bath, he got in as the water finished filling it, breathing out in relief as the warm water soothed his tired muscles, the heat seeping through them and reaching his bones. Relaxing in luxurious water, Brolli had to work from falling asleep again, not giving in to the enveloping warmth. Reaching for a coarse sponge and soap, his scrubbed the caked-on blood from his chest, taking mind to avoid the cuts, although he hissed when soap hit one, stinging until he washed it out with the bath water.
Finishing cleaning the rest of himself, he stood up, naked, in red tinged water, wrapping a towel around his waist and stepping out, releasing the plug and letting the water drain away as walked back to his own room. Picking up his necklace, which had apparently been somehow thrown aside by Nappa at some point, Brolli put it on, frowning at the tattered trousers- they were unsalvageable.
After digging around in his chest of drawers, he found another similar pair.  He laid them on the top on the drawers as he dried himself off, throwing the towel- somewhat bloody from the cuts on his chest- to join the filthy bed sheets. Not caring about covering the cuts from nosy eyes, he walked out of the room, craving some breakfast, and possibly a drink.
Kakarot threw his knife and fork back onto the plate, sitting back in the chair as his piles of plates were carried away. Having enjoyed his breakfast, he got up and paid for his meal, before walking out, waving to the stunned waiters. As he walked through the lobby, he went to the register, which a different Saiyan, older than Brolli, with a beard and only one eye, manned this time, to sign out.
Thanking the Saiyan, Kakarot turned to the door, seeing Brolli stump down the stairs as he did so.
“See you later Brolli.” Kakarot grinned, waving at him as he stepped to the door.
Not responding to him as he rubbed the scratches on his chest, Brolli gave a soft growl of annoyance and walked into the bar, slamming the door behind him.
Unfazed by the reaction, Kakarot just shrugged it off, walking out of the lobby to the fresh morning air. Fog was still rising of the ground, the sun breaking through it however; it would not be there for long. Walking over to where his horse was tied, Kakarot swore as he realised his steed was gone, most likely untied, since there was no sign of the rope either, or a struggle to signify the horse broke free, for the ground was still unscathed. Some passer-by had most likely stolen it. Grumbling, Kakarot kicked the post it had been tied to, the loud thump startling some birds out their trees.
Sighing, his resigned himself to walking. He had before after all, and it was probably better for him. Just painstakingly slow. Setting off on a fresh path, Kakarot started into the forest once, somewhat amazed at the change of going from night to day could look like. The trees seemed less dense, as shards of sunlight split through them, breaking up the clouds of fog and shining on the green bracken. Birds were singing, making the atmosphere uplifting, compared to the suffocating closeness of the previous night. Kakarot’s tail waved behind him as he strode along the path, his annoyance at losing the horse ebbing away as he immersed himself in the nature around him. The trees were almost completely bare by this time of the year, letting the sunlight bathe his path as he proceeded.
The fog lifting around him, Kakarot reached a split in the road, the paths diverging from him. He stopped, looking between them, trying to decide. He hated it when this happened. The possibilities of an alternate path would always haunt him- what if things turned out differently?  Stepping right to the centre of the fork, Kakarot looked down each one as he tried to make his decision. Closing his eyes and running a hand through his hair, Kakarot inhaled the smell of the forest as a horse trotted up behind him.
“Need a lift, Kakarot?” A familiar voice ran out of from above him as the horse reached his side.
Barely able to believe his ears, Kakarot span around to see Vegeta riding his horse, a smug smirk plastered onto his face. He was still wearing the same cape from the previous night, but it was open, to reveal a tight navy bodysuit. Chuckling at the look on Kakarot’s face, Vegeta shook his head in mock despair.
Reaching up to help Vegeta off his horse- had he not been so busy, he would wonder how he even got on such a big animal, it even gave him a bit of trouble- Kakarot pulled the other Saiyan into his arms, ignoring the half hearted protests and arms pushing at him, before they gave up and returned the embrace. His tail wrapped around Vegeta’s waist, holding him closely as he buried his face in his shoulder.
“I thought you’d left me, you were a dream, you weren’t there…” Kakarot’s words became muffled in the crook of Vegeta’s neck as he pulled him up, the slighter Saiyan wriggling against the tight hold.
“Let me go Ka…karot…” He coughed, swallowing air as Kakarot loosened his grip, nuzzling his neck apologetically.
“Sorry Vegeta.” Kakarot chuckled, standing up straight and let Vegeta catch his breath. “What’s going on? Why do you have my horse?”
Vegeta shrugged. “I just thought it might be better to leave without the owners of that place knowing. If they found an unaccounted member, they’d charge me at least, or more likely, kick me out. So I decided to get away early and sneak off before they found me.”
Kakarot nodded in understanding, but his brow furrowed. “That doesn’t explain why you stole my horse.” ‘Or why you fell out of a mirror, for that matter…’  Was that real too? Or was that part a dream? Yet, if Vegeta was unaccounted, where else did he come from?
“Well, how would I catch up with you if you were on horseback?” Vegeta snapped. “You’d probably just ride off into the sunset, leaving me in the forest.”
“You mean you want to come with me?”
A blush rose on Vegeta’s cheeks, before he nodded, silent. His tail flicked behind him, giving nervous twitches as he awaited Kakarot’s response.
“Of course you can Vegeta!” A huge grin spreading over his face, Kakarot yanked Vegeta into another bear hug, squeezing him for all he was worth. “I’m not going to let you go this time.”
After much wriggling and gasping for air, Kakarot released his grip on him again, still grinning sheepishly, before leaning down to kiss him, brushing their lips together lightly. He gasped in surprise as Vegeta’s arms swung around his neck, pulling him down to deepen the kiss, seeking to taste him, needing it. Groaning softly into the kiss with relief, Kakarot’s arms wrapped around the other Saiyan’s narrow waist, pulling him close with more care this time. Vegeta’s tail brushed past his own to coil around his thigh, breaking their kiss and looking up into his eyes with mesmerising darkness. Even in the full light of day, they hadn’t changed in slightest.
Pressing their foreheads together, Kakarot closed his eyes, pondering whether to ask him about the mirror. But maybe that was an illusion of his own…he didn’t want Vegeta think he was insane. Vegeta looked up, the other Saiyan’s face showing turmoil.
“Is there something Kakarot?” His face remained impassive a Kakarot opened his eyes, swallowing.
“Did you come out of a mirror, really? Sorry if sounds weird, but well, I thought…” Kakarot spewed out the last sentence, only to be cut off by the finger on his lips as Vegeta nodded.
“Yes Kakarot, I did. One day, every year, I can escape the mirror.”
Kakarot’s eyes widened, although he felt a huge relief; had he not asked, it would have nagged at him until he did. But how did he get in there? Why did he come out?
Vegeta chuckled, pulling away from him, his tail releasing Kakarot’s thigh. “Lets leave this place.” He started turning around when he beckoned Kakarot. “Come on, idiot. I’ll tell you as we move.” He sighed, turning to the horse, waiting for Kakarot to giving him a leg up. “It’ll take awhile anyway and I have no wish to remain here.”
“Alright Vegeta.” Kakarot conceded as he helped Vegeta back onto the horse, getting on behind him and wrapping his arms around the other Saiyan as he grasped the reins, pulling them just hard enough to urge the horse into a slow pace.
Vegeta leant back into the other’s safe hold, head resting on his broad chest as his tail coiled under the cape and wrapped around Vegeta’s waist. Feeling Kakarot’s warmth pressing against his back, Vegeta watched with a lazy gaze as their surroundings slowly rolled by.
“Now…” He nuzzled his neck. “I want to hear that story, Vegeta.”
Nappa tapped at the glass as he looked out into the room, Saiyans busying themselves, yet not one of them noticing him, despite his screams. One looked straight at him through the glass as they cleaned off fingerprint smears from the pane, ignoring him completely, as though he weren’t there. He’d punched the glass, yet it didn’t even crack under the blows, and now his hands were bruised and sore. His throat was sore from screaming, and cursing the one who trapped him in here.
He watched the Saiyans move around, their lives progressing. He even saw the maid clean out the room he’d slept and fucked in a few hours ago, pulling bloodied sheets from the laundry basket and taking them to be cleaned, whilst another spread a new set on the bed.
He’d watched helplessly as Brolli walked right past him, inches from his fingertips, glancing in the mirror yet looking directly through him, not even a glimmer of recognition in his dark eyes. Yelling the Saiyan’s name, his voice bounced off the glass and straight back at him, his fingers clawing at the smooth pane, only slipping down as Brolli passed him. There was nothing. He could see out, but they didn’t see in, leaving him trapped in this place.
All he could do was watch.

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