One sided love: Anaya's story

Published Aug 20, 2007, 6:59:11 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 20, 2007, 6:59:11 PM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

A girl is madly in love with her adoptive cousin, she believes that he also feels the same as her. As the day goes on she starts to realise what a complete fool she has been and knows that the love may only be one sided.

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Chapter NaN: Anaya's story


It's been 10 years since Anaya Gleboki has felt true love. She has had boyfriends in that time, but none she truly loved. In fact her last boyfriend used to beat her until she begged for forgiveness. He would attack her, until she pleaded, begged, gave in. She only escaped his sadistic clutches when he older cousin Jamie helped her. They were so close to one another since the death of Anaya's mother and father. Jamie always claimed they were like brother and sister. But she wanted more, wanted to be with him. She didn't believe he felt the same way though. Her friends claim that her love for him is disgusting, yet she doesn't. She knows the truth about Jamie being adopted by her aunt. This means that they are in no way related to one another. She decided that this was the night she would tell Jamie the truth. She wanted him to know how she truly felt about him.

There was a knock at the door, quickly and excitedly Anaya jumped up from the chair and ran to open the door and greet her very special guest. Jamie stood at the door, a full 6 inches taller then Anaya. In his hand was a bunch of flowers, chrysanthemums, Anaya's favourite. She smiled shyly as Jamie gave her the bunch of flowers. They both walked into the kitchen of the house and stood together whilst Anaya put her flowers in a vase of water. Anaya walked back into the living room and placed down her flowers, she then sat down. Jamie followed, sitting down as close to Anaya as possible.

“So erm…how are you Anaya?” Jamie asked, not being able to handle the awkward silence anymore. Anaya looked at him with her beautiful ice blue eyes.

“I'm very well thank you. How are you?” Anaya replied. She looked back to the floor, attempting not to give away her love for him. He was such a lovely person. So kind, sweet and generous. Not like her other boyfriends. They all did they could to make her seem stupid, selfish. She didn't have good taste in men, and Jamie knew this fact.

“I am good thanks. The dinner smells lovely.” Jamie said to Anaya. She smiled shyly. She was never much of a cook, it was only on special occasions like today she really felt the need to make an effort. When she did cook it was only to impress, and Anaya prayed that Jamie would be impressed with her cooking tonight.

He pulled her chin up so she was looking at him. Jamie smiled, Anaya smiled back. She wanted to kiss those soft lips, show him how much he meant to her. But Anaya was too shy to make the first move. She was regretting asking him to her house tonight, but in a way she knows that it is the right thing to do. He must know her feelings for him.

“I had better go and check on the dinner.” Anaya said to Jamie as she got up from the sofa. He nodded his head, letting her go. Leaving her to check the dinner alone. Anaya stood by the cooker, staring out the window at the cold black night. She loved the night, it was beautiful. Finally after a minute or so of staring she checked on the dinner. It was nowhere near done. She knew that she should have put it in earlier then she had planned originally. To compensate for the loss of time Anaya put the oven up to it's full power. She slowly but surely walked back into the living room to see Jamie sat with his head in his hands.

“Jamie, what's wrong?” Anaya asked as she walked over to him. He looked up, tears in his eyes. Anaya sat down beside him and brought him in for an embrace. Jamie was crying so much, all Anaya could do was sit with him, in the hope that he would eventually be able to tell her the problem. After a while Jamie broke away from Anaya and looked at his younger cousin.

“It's Malika. She's very ill, I just don't know what to do.” Jamie said. Malika is his adoptive mother and Anaya's real aunt. She didn't know that her last surviving blood relative was ill. She and Malika had never seen eye to eye, this being because Malika believed Anaya to be a slut. It still didn't make the news of her being ill any easier though. She could see Jamie's pain, yet she didn't feel it. She knew what he was going through though, she too had lost her mother and father to illnesses unknown. Anaya pulled Jamie into her embrace once again, she knew she couldn't tell him her feelings today. He wouldn't have been able to take them along with the fact his mother is ill.

“I'm sorry Anaya. You've done all this for me and I've ruined it.” Jamie said as he still clung to Anaya not wanting to let go. He felt comfort in the fact that she was there for him. Anaya tried to force back the tears. She had to be strong for Jamie, like he was strong for her after the death of her parents.

“It's ok Jamie. I understand.” Jamie once again broke away from Anaya. He wasn't looking at her. She ever so gently pulled his chin so that he was facing her. Seeing his eyes made her melt inside, his touch caused her to have butterflies in her stomach. They looked at one another, not moving not speaking. This time Jamie pulled Anaya into him, and this time it wasn't for a hug.

Jamie kissed Anaya gently on the lips, not wanting to scare her or shock her. Anaya kissed back, secretly smiling inside that she knew Jamie felt the same way about her and she did about him. They pulled away from one another, looking at each other. Jamie's eyes filled with sorrow, he looked away from Anaya, trying not to cry.

“I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry.” He said as he went to get up from the sofa. Anaya tugged on the back of his shirt, causing him to turn around and look at his younger cousin. She walked up to Jamie, put her arms around him and brought him down for a long lingering kiss. At first Jamie was shocked at this sudden rush of confidence from Anaya, then he put his arms around her and kissed back, hungrily and happily.

“I didn't…realise you felt this way about me.” Jamie said to Anaya, breathless as they pulled away from one another. All Anaya could do was smile and bring him back in for another kiss. They continued for another couple of minutes. Anaya then guided Jamie into the kitchen and turned the cooking off. She knew they weren't in the mood for food. Jamie picked up Anaya in his strong arms and carried her to her bedroom where they spent the night with one another.

Anaya woke up the next morning next to Jamie. She looked down to him and smiled. The night was magical, and she never wanted it to end. But she knew that one day it must do. Anaya wandered downstairs leaving her love to rest. She knew that she should not have taken advantage of him in such a situation. But all of her inhibitions had gone, her spontaneity took over. She wanted to make Jamie feel special to her. She wanted to give him her soul. And this was how she would do it.

For the first time 10 years she really felt like this was the real thing, this was love. At first she wasn't sure if Jamie felt the same was as her, but last night together confirmed that he did. But then, they spent that night together 10 years ago, and Jamie didn't do anything about it. It confused Anaya, she didn't know if he really did feel the same about her as she did about him.

Anaya heard footsteps upstairs, she knew that Jamie had awakened. She put the kettle on and proceeded to open the oven and throw out last nights dinner that hadn't been touched. It was no good now, having only been half cooked and then left to cool. She didn't want to give anybody food poisoning because of her cooking. Jamie walked into the room looking bleary eyed, she smiled at him and gave him a cup of hot coffee. He gulped it down, understandably he was very tired having only gotten 3 hours of sleep the night before. He sat on the chair and placed his cup on the table. Anaya joined him.

“You okay baby?” Jamie asked Anaya. Trying to be nice. She looked at him and smiled. Of course she was ok, she had gotten the guy of her dreams. Anaya smiled sweetly and looked away from Jamie. “Good,” Looking at his watch Jamie realised he was late for work. It started at 10 am and it was now 12 pm. “Anaya, I'm so sorry. I'm late for work. I have to go…I'll be back late tonight.” Anaya's ears pricked up. He was going to come back tonight, something she didn't expect. She nodded her head, Jamie went to walk upstairs to get dressed, as he walked passed Anaya he kissed her on the lips. In her mind this confirmed that he loved her.

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