Lost: run in

Published Jan 28, 2008, 10:45:39 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 13, 2008, 7:27:44 AM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

An rp between me and my Kyo! :D This is the story of a pair of whores, Clover and Adrian, that come together by chance. There is lust, sorrow, hate, perhaps love even... Warning: rape, brutality, and a large amount of cussing. C: Clover © me Adrian © kyo

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Chapter NaN: run in

The click-click of her shoes echoed on the cobble stones. This life style was well known to her, even if she'd only been working these streets for almost a year. Her skirts fluttered about her, boots clicking, always clicking as she hurried along. It was late, she'd already seen to her work for that evening and now she headed back to the whore house that she was pimped from. Would her pimp be pleased? Oh yes she would, for the young woman was popular and many a john liked to visit her.

 He was walking in the other direction, back towards his own lot of life, back towards his own pimp who would not be nearly as pleased as the femmes. His clothing was tight, showing off the fine muscles he worked hard to keep on his body, and his hair was cut in a fashionably shaggy style that had more to do with his pimp taking a pair of scissors to him in a fit of rage. The reason he hadn’t been nearly so popular tonight was the black eye, a real shiner down one side of his face. It totally marred his charming warm looks.

If the girl had seen him, she would have cut closer to the stores and the bright lights of the section. However, she was too busy hurrying along, skirts whipping about her slim legs and long, gold hair tumbling about her pretty, smooth rounded face.

He was striding forth like he owned the pavement, already in a bad mood and so as the female bumped into him he responded with a snarled insult, grey eyes darkened to a mean color.

Squeaking in alarm, the girl stumbled and cussed him out loudly, her pale green eyes flashing angrily in turn. "Watch where the hell you're going, you faggot!" She snapped, flushing in embarrassment as her small shirt slipped down to reveal a nipple before she was able to tug it back up quickly. She could tell he was a whore, from his dress, likely one that brought in the perverts.

"Why don’t you cunt?!" he growled low in his throat, stopping dead. His stomach rippled under the tight clothing, his muscles flexed nicely even if he didn’t mean to and his eyes were caught for a moment by the flash of nipple. "Used cunt that is" he added with a smirk, realizing that she too was a street walker.

Her eyes flashed and she slapped him angrily. "Shut your mouth!" She hissed. It was common place for two whores to fight, especially one that was more popular than the other. Perhaps he knew not of her current popularity, and hopefully he would remain unknowing.

He didn’t believe in the old adage not to strike females and so his larger hand had struck her back with full force across her face before he had time to get over the sting, the man looming over her. He'd been popular once but lately the number of johns he pulled in declined, it didn’t help that his pimp had stopped avoiding hitting his face.

The girl gasped and stumbled back, small hands whipping up to cup her wounded cheek with wide eyes. She'd not been struck like that in a long, long time and the look of shock on her face was highly amusing.

He smirked at her and then turned and strode off, certain the whore wouldnt be forgetting him for a while, not when the bruise showed up on her face and remarkably decreased her value. It almost made his day that much better though his stomach still dropped and twisting horribly as he approached the run down apartment he shared with his pimp and his pimp's other 'workers'

Stumbling along back home, the girl nursed her hurt cheek with tears in her eyes. The bastard had hurt her so badly, but she could not show her hurt to anyone. Her boots clicked loudly across the floor as she hurried up to the whore house and was greeted by concerned girls. "Oh no, baby, who did that to you?" One of the seniors asked with wide eyes.  Sniffling, the girl shrugged. "D-Don't know... Some man-whore."

Hitting that whore turned out to be the highlight of Adrian's day as his pimp set upon him the moment he was in the door without even checking how much his worker had pulled in. Adrian cursed and tried to block the best he could but his pimp was a heavy P user and his violent rages really were that. One day he was going to end up in the hospital... or dead... sooner or later probably both.

 Luckily for the girl, her pimp was pleased with her. Well, except for the slap. The older woman glowered, tipping up the youngling's chin. "Clover, who the hell did that to you?" She demanded him with an annoyed growl. Clover flinched and described to her the man. Blinking, the woman laughed loudly. "Him? He's washed up, don't worry about that man, little one."

Adrian awoke the next day and immediately felt his face, it seemed there was no more new bruising to it, and that was what counted the most. He sighed and licked his lips, pushing himself up from the dingy mattress on the floor of hte room he shared with three others, stumbling his way towards the bathroom to get first dibs on the hot water

Clover had an easier morning. Due to being the favorite currently, she got the shower first and she quickly washed and dressed.  She had to work again tonight and though she had made so much last night, the pimp wanted more.

Adrian had seen to his face and tonight he seemed to be running on good luck, he'd already had four johns, two only for blow jobs mind you but it certainly boded well for the evening. He flicked away a used condom into the trash nearby and started sauntering down the street with a small hum.

Like always, Clover's childish face and slim body drew in the johns like honey draws ants. The girl was feeling a little dizzy though, leaning against a wall just in the mouth of the alley as she counted her money and rested. Over six hundred already!

It was bad luck that Adrian walked into that same alley to take a break, clutching a cheap cup of coffee and a small bagel he'd pilfered while the teenage coffee attendant wasn’t looking. He didn’t see Clover at first, to busy dipping the bagel in the coffee till it went soggy and then wolfing it down, the food the first he'd had all day.

The girl glanced up and shifted at the wrong moment, her money still in her slim hands. Why of all nights did he have to happen upon her? It was unlikely the pussy would do anything, but it still unnerved her.

Adrian glanced at her, paused then dismissed the little woman as he continued on with his bagel, soothing his hurting stomach with scolding sips of coffee and stale bagel bread alternatively.

Oh thank god. Clover was much smaller than him (one reason she attracted so much attention was how small and sweet she looked, nearly flat chested and slim. Sure to attract the pedophiles) and he could easily take her on if he decided to. The girl sighed with relief and carefully stashed her money in her boot.

Adrian eyed her for a while once he was done with his bagel and was sipping down the last of his hot coffee, now slowly congealing in a sludge down the bottom of his cup as all cheap coffee does

The smell of coffee made her grimace. Never liked the stuff, it made her feel ill as she scented it. Clover shivered, rubbing her arms. Why was he just standing there?

Adrian finally tossed the cup in a bin and licked his generous red lips for a moment before sauntering out having made Clover more than just a little uncomfortable.

The girl rubbed her arm, the pale, freckled skin quivering. The man did have such piercing eyes. They weren't like the eyes of the johns’; those did not look beneath the surface like those eyes stabbed. Perhaps she should get one more john and head back, she didn't like being out anymore.

Adrian put a bit of a wiggle in his walk as he strolled down the dark street and got called over pretty fast. He grinned, certain his luck was still holding out but his grin faded again as he leaned over the window and eyed his latest customer. Sometimes you just had feelings about people... gay bashers and the like, but the man waved 200 at him and he slid into the passenger’s seat with growing unease.

Clover would know nothing of his troubles. She had been called over and was currently being fucked bowlegged in a back seat, heels flapping in the air. The man was a bit harsh and drooled on her, leaving her throbbing inside when he was done with her and paid. The condom was tossed aside and Clover was tottering to find a place to sit.

Sometimes your bad feelings were bang on. Adrian stumbled from the car as quickly as possibly, clutching a slashing knife wound to his ribs. The fucker had gone for his heart within minutes of them getting down to business. However he wasn’t fleeing empty handed, he had the john's 200 in his boot. That should teach the fucker to pay upfront. He gasped, his breathing gurgling just a bit as he listened to the engine behind him rev and the john drive off as quickly as possible before the whore called the cops

Clover was feeling icky. She should have eaten more today. The girl blinked in surprise as she saw the young man stumble past her hidey hole. He was bleeding.

Adrian didn’t spare her a glance as he tottered back towards his pimp’s apartment. At this time he wouldn’t be in and this was good, Adrian could patch himself up, deposit his cash and then perhaps get out and get a few more johns before the night was through

Clover watched him and than eased herself up with a soft grunt. Goddamn, that bastard had fucked her bowlegged. Shakily, the girl hobbled along to give her share of the money over. Maybe she'd be allowed to go shopping today!

Adrian crashed, he didn’t mean to but the moment he slapped a large plaster over his wound he felt his entire body just shut down. He stumbled back to his dirty mattress and curled up on it, falling asleep right away with a small grunt, knowing he'd pay in the morning

Luck was with Clover. Pleased, her she-pimp smirked, jowls wiggling a little in her old, saggy face as she coughed and puffed on her cigarette. "Did good, girl. Tomorrow yer birthday?" She croaked and Clover nodded with a shy little smile. "Then ya can have tomorrow off..."

The next day Adrian too seemed to be holding onto that thin thread of luck, he awoke before his pimp and thus escaped a beating, nearly sprinting from the house in his haste to get the hell away from the man, never mind it was still daylight and he had no chance of plying his trade. With nothing to do he idly fingered the 20 he'd found still stuffed in his boots and eyed the local shopping mall.

There was so much delight in Clover's eyes as she looked over the sweets in the window of one of the shops. The small mall had many things, but this was what she was most looking forward to. So cheap too! She could get a whole bag of different candies and pastries!

Unfortunately the cheap pastry shop was well known and a certain male 'has-been' was striding towards it with dreams of a hot sugary something and tea in his mind.

Nearly trembling in delight that she would be able to eat sweets without the risk of being without condoms, the little whore slipped into the shop with her little purse and began looking things over to pick something out.

Adrian strutted in and paused right behind her, eyes drifting down as he recognized the little bit from the night before

Clover did not realize he was there, gazing at the goodies with wide eyes, little backside wiggling back and forth a little as she peered at them with such interest.

Adrian could see why the little whore was so popular right now. It had the potential to be a great backside though right now the girl was far to skinny for his tastes. Still.... his hand lashed out and gave the wiggling rump a good smack as Clover continued to look at the candies. "Hurry up" he snarled

The girl squeaked in alarm and glanced over her shoulder with wide green eyes. She blushed bright red and stood straight, shying away from him. Why was she always running into him!? "S-sorry, god damn..." She uttered and called for the lady to grab the stuff she wanted.

Adrian frowned and crossed his arms impatiently while she ordered then as she turned away gave the counter lady a wink and told her "the usual" the woman blushing fiercely and hurrying off. Old customers, whatever the gender, could be quite useful the whore had found.

Clover hurried and found herself a seat in the corner and hunkered down to eat her food with a happy little sigh of pleasure. Oh yes, cream puffs were so delicious!

Adrian grabbed the large bag of goodies the woman offered him and the cup of tea and sauntered to sit right next to Clover, staring down at the little femme for a moment before he set into the delicate croissant he plucked out first.

Clover flinched as he sat next to her, eyes wide. The more he kept running into her -or stalking her, she had yet to decide- the more it made her squirm uncomfortable and feel self conscious.  So, she ignored him and nibbled on her pastry.

There was no nibbling for Adrian, he munched and shredded his own pastry ravenously, showing nearly no table manners at all.

Clover glowered at him. Having come from good breeding, table manners were important to the girl and it agitated him to be so damn disrespectful!

Adrian felt her glare and smiled mentally, there to annoy and harass the little female, feeling she still deserved some after the last nights episode.

"Don't hog your food like that, it's gross." Clover hissed, daintily finishing off her first cream puff. Each little mouthful was heaven and she nearly shook with delight.

 Adrian let out a belch and felt much better than he had in ages. "I'll eat how I like bitch" he replied genially, licking the pastry from his fingers and in a far slower manner picking up his own cream puff

Clover flushed and continued to glower at him, huddling in her chair. The young man was tall, much taller than her and with him nearly cornering her, she was frightened. "Not in company, didn't your parents teach you anything?"

Adrian licked his lips. "Didn’t have parents" he replied promptly "I was a foster kid"

"Doesn't matter, you had adults to teach you things." Clover snapped, glaring at him even more. She began eating her second cream puff with a grumble.

Adrian munched his cream puff for a moment then shrugged "like crack addicts could have taught me much" he replied and then fished out another croissant. The shop keeper had been mighty generous to him, was it affection or black mail?

Clover said nothing, eating her cream puff with a little frown. Her butler had taught her how to be a good young lady, since her father and mother were too busy fucking themselves over and spending all their money.

Adrian polished off his food faster than she did and then stood with a small groan and a stretch, casting another thoughtful glance down at Clover before he left.

Clover blushed and looked away, unsure of why he kept looking at her. It annoyed her to no end, but she was not going to press for answers. After her second cream puff, she left with her little bag full of goodies and went to get some real food and some more condoms.

Adrian only passed her by once or twice as he wandered the shopping mall, taking in the sights with a small longing feeling in his stomach.

It annoyed her all the more and she doggedly tried to ignore him. She had a good 300 dollars on her currently, her share of the money for the whole week. She planned on buying some cheap clothes and some other stuff she needed.

It was nearing dusk when Adrian finally tired of his wandering ways and so he started towards the exit of the mall, yawning slightly. He'd pick up a few johns on the way home, hopefully his pimp would only care about the money when he finally showed up and Adrian would get off easy.

The young girl on the other hand, was happily enjoying her shopping still. There was a look of delight on her face as she padded out. She'd bought a new shirt, new pants and a bunch of new undies. She was so very happy.

Adrian saw her as she left and what was left of his good mood dissipated quite quickly and suddenly he was feeling quite mean and angry again and with a small growl and stalked after the pleased femme

The girl walked along happily, peering into her little bag of stuff with wide, glittering green eyes. Such a smug, pleased look on her little face!

Adrian snarled angrily and moved faster, his hand clutching at the back of her shirt as he yanked her into a side alley, seething. Why was she so damn happy? She was a whore like him!

Clover squeaked in alarm, stumbling back as he yanked her. Wide, frightened eyes flicked up to his, her whole body going rigid in fear.

Adrian slammed her thin body against the wall with a growl of disgust, lifting her face with his hand and glaring into her wide frightened eyes.

The girl whimpered, staring back up at him in confusion. "W-w-what are you d-doing!?" She demanded, voice small and fearful as the bigger man looked down upon her.

Adrian sneered at her, hands at her clothing, stripping her bare, completely bare. "What do you think?" he asked cruelly, eyeing her body with a connoisseur’s eye. She definitely was far to skinny

Clover gave a little, trembling cry of fear, easily hidden by him pressing into her. Her clothes weren't hard to remove, and the bright blush of her embarrassment must have pleased him intensely. "N-no! Get away!" Clover hissed and pushed at him, completely terrified.

Adrian sneered again and pressed her further against the wall, his hands warm but cruel against her body as he explored her ever inch of skin, hands taking her breasts for a moment, measuring them coldly.

The look of shock was humorous. Her small face contorted, eyes going wide and skin going pale as he fondled her nakedness so callously. "Get o-off!!!" She squealed.

Adrian slipped a hand between her legs with a calm smile and pressed a finger to her cute little cunt, working it inside slowly and painfully for the girl, testing her tightness. "How cute" he crooned as she gripped him "you're almost still like a virgin, I expected you to be sloppy and loose.

Clover blushed vividly, squirming as he forced his way in so callously. The look of pain on her little face was pleasing. Green eyes glowered up at him with tears glittering in the corners.

Adrian's thumb went to her clit, lightly finding the tiny nubbin which he pressed down upon to see her react to the new stimulus with his finger still jammed up her pussy

Wide eyes seemed to grow wider and the girl gasped raggedly, looking at him in shock. It was a strange feeling. None of the men she slept with ever touched her for more than a moment before they had her under them and were balls deep in her little pussy. "S-stop it! R-rapist!" She hissed.

Adrian rubbed the little nubbin some more, enjoying her half pain half slowly dawning discovery. His hand gripped her throat suddenly, keeping her aloft against the wall, choking off her air as he reached down to his pants and untied them, letting his sizable erection spring up into the air.

Clover made a strangled sound of dismay, eyeing his cock in shock and terror. He was large, not the biggest she'd had, but she had bled so bad after taking that large cock. He was certainly big though and it scared her more than she ever wanted to admit.

Adrian spread her legs with his free hand and then without mercy slammed himself in.

The girl choked on a scream, nothing coming out but tiny, ragged little mewls of shock. Her body spasmed in pain from the sudden entry and Clover really started to get scared. "N-no! C-condom!' She sobbed hoarsely, shaking against him.

Adrian gripped her hips, bending her double against the wall, able to see where his cock was parting her dry folds, the little smear of blood upon him. "Oh I'll pull out before I cum." he promised in a soft crooning voice, angling his hips oddly before stroking rather than thrusting down against her cunt.

The girl shook, squealing in surprise at the odd feeling that caused tingling all along her soft sex. She bit her lip, gazing at him with wide eyes.

Adrian rocked his hips again, a knowing look in his cool grey eyes as he stared straight into hers

Clover choked again, gripping his arms as his filthy member hit... something. Sometimes the men would hit that, but not for long and not well. But the man whore.... oh yes, he hit it just right and embarrassment colored her face.
Adrian could almost hear her thoughts as he slammed into her quivering, dampening folds again and again, working himself faster and faster inside her hot velvet heat.

Clover started to cry, panting and making pretty little sounds of pleasure. Her thighs trembled in his hands, hips twitching with each hard thrust.

Adrian purred. "That’s right, rock back... take every inch of it you little slut, you like how it feels don’t you? How I manage to hit your spot every time?" he smirked and nipped at her ear, chuckling devilishly "poor baby... you've never had an orgasm in your life before have you?"

Orgasm, what the fuck was that? Clover shook her head in confusion, gasping raggedly, arching into him as he purred into her ear and teased her so cruelly.

Adrian slammed in faster, harder, working her body to its limits, loving how she shuddered and tried to hold back her cries as the first orgasm of her life crashed upon her tiny body.

Multiple, in fact, which caused her to weep openly and go limp against him. Clover was completely humiliated, biting her lip to stall anymore shameful cries of pleasure.

Adrian pressed himself in the deepest he could as she came, filling up her clenching cunt with his hot seed, laughing at his broken promise as he pumped her full then let her slide slowly to the ground, his semen dripping from her used folds slowly. "That was sweet..." he sighed in delight, tucking himself back in again.”Even if you are too skinny"

The girl was still shaking, in shock and did not register what he had done until a little of her sanity came back. Quivering, Clover cried in dismay, flushed face streaked with tears. Her birthday had not gone according to plan.
Adrian purred to himself as he walked off, sated and quite unaware of the girl's birthday though it was questionable that he would have cared

Shakily, Clover stood and began to clean herself up with the napkins she stored in her purse, sobbing softly to herself. Clothing was gathered next and then she hobbled back to the whore house in hopes of buying a morning after pill from one of the other girls.

Adrian set out onto the streets and started looking for some johns, feeling very, very pleased with himself indeed as he strutted along, humming a baldy tune.

Clover's little mattress with its pillows and couple of blankets had never felt so good. She fell into them, shakily eating the pills that one of the other whore's had given her.

Adrian returned to the apartment with a hope but it was dashed, his pimp set about him, not glancing at the 400 that Adrian had brought home until the beating was over and the male whore had dragged himself to his mattress, bleeding severely

The girl he had raped would have been so smug to know of his beating, but she was fast asleep, curled up in a tiny ball in the middle of her mattress.

Adrian didn’t wake up the next day, to the horror of his fellow whores as their pimp beat the man’s unconscious body some but didn’t stir him once.

Work the next day was agony for Clover, but she doggedly did her job. However, she was very weak and achy and was not able to bring in as much money as she wanted to.

Finally Adrian awoke, too late to go out and work not that he was in much of a state too, limping around the apartment, both eyes blackened now and his lower lip split badly. He snarled at his reflection, running his hands roughly through his hair as he stared at the mess he'd become.

The relief that came over Clover when she did not see the male whore was so great, she felt like weeping with joy. When she limbed, home, there was hope in her eyes, for perhaps that rape had made him leave her be.

Adrian didn’t go out for a few more days, not till the bruises on his face faded. His pimp was down from hi P rage enough that he didn’t beat his best worker anymore about the face though the rest of his body was fair game

With him gone for so long, Clover was sure he had completely forgotten her. She sighed with relief, wandering down the red light district looking for a john to make a bit more money before she called it a night. Maybe his pimp had killed him?

Adrian was out again, and having scored three johns who liked the beaten up look he was feeling a bit better than he had in the past few days though his expression was still mean as hell

Clover found a john that would pay her fifty merely to suck his cock, so she happily did so. She shivered, nibbling her lips after she had serviced the man.

Adrian walked past her, not noticing her all at once, far too busy instead at keeping himself warm in the frigid night air.

Hoping for just one more john, Clover stood quietly in her little jacket, looking out and watching for anyone interested in her wares. His passing was unnoticed.

For now it seemed she was safe, he hadn’t seen her or maybe today he didn’t think she was worth his notice as he strode down the footpath, his tight pants not doing much at keeping him warm.

She was so lucky. Sighing, Clover got one last john and then walked home. She sighed slightly, glancing about. No, he must have been killed. Good riddance! He should pay for what he'd done to her.

Ah but who in that moment should she walk into on her lonely walk home. The man himself, wiping his lips after giving a john a blow job, his piercing gaze striking her and pinning her to the frozen ground she stood upon.

Green eyes went terribly round and she froze, like a rabbit before a fox. Full lips moved in disbelief, small body shaking. "N-no... y-you're s-supposed...." She squeaked and then bolted down the nearest alley.

Adrian watched her run with a perplexed expression then with a shrug ran after her, it gave him something to do after all!

When she heard him running after her, Clover felt like crying. No! Why wouldn't he just leave her alone! "G-go away!" She cried over her shoulder, turning and skidding as her passage was blocked by a chain link fence and some trash bins.

Adrian slowed down, she was trapped, and he didn’t need to sprint anymore. He clutched his side for a moment where his ribs were hurting, probably cracked if not broken.

Clover turned, glowering at him as he watched her. "G-go away! You already had your fun, now l-leave me alone!" She gasped, cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

Adrian loomed over her, the shadows cast upon his face rather dark and foreboding as he walked casually up to the girl and pinned her against the fence, making it creak and squeak

Clover's eyes went wide and a soft sound of distress left her throat. "S-s-s-stop i-it." She hissed, shaking against the fence as he gazed down at her, looming like a big scary monster.

Adrian chuckled, delighted in her fear, bending down with great slowness, watching her eyes widen as he put his lips to her ear and very quietly whispered "Boo"

Clover quivered, biting her lip. "D-don't!" She whined, trying to squirm away from him, which proved FAR too hard with the fence between her and freedom.

Adrian reached out and gave her ribs a sharp poke next, making her squeal and nearly wet herself from fright. "How’s it going boney?" he asked in a soft mocking voice

"I-it'd be better if you'd s-stop poking me...." She whimpered, watching him with wide, frightened eyes. Why did he have to keep pointing out how skinny she was!?

Adrian poked her belly next and then for fun gave her a charlie horse bite on both thighs before he turned and walked away. "But you are skinny! Hell what do you spend your cut of the money on?" he asked.

"C-condoms..." She uttered weakly, rubbing her inner thigh with tears in her eyes. "M-my pimp takes most of the money and we have to buy t-the condoms and food and other things ourselves..."

Adrian snorted. "Like condoms are expensive, you can get 100 of them for $10 at the family planning center"

Clover blinked at him in confusion and it was then that he must have realized how new she was to this. She flushed in shame and bit her lip. "R-really!? N-no one told me..."

Adrian shrugged "yeah and if you dumpster dive at the supermarkets there’s plenty of just past its use by date food" had NOBODY told her about this, surely someone might have passed the news on to the girl

No one had. They had all just thought she'd known. But the girl had not and the wide eyed look she was giving him was oddly adorable. "R-really? Free food!?"

Adrian gave her the look he gave most morons. "Yes free food... bakeries throw out their days bread at the end as do most cafe's, if you go to the dumpsters late at night there’s heaps" ... you just had to know which food to pick to keep from being food poisoned

"O-oh...." Clover murmured, biting her knuckles. Well, she could certainly save money on the condoms, but did she really want to eat stuff from the garbage?

"Loose the pride sweetie or you'll starve... or loose your looks" Adrian advised in a nasty voice as she contemplated, able to see her mixed emotions

Clover flushed angrily, giving him a glower. "Oh shut up!" She snapped, covering her tiny breasts with her crossed arms. "You're such an ass."

"And you're a skeleton with breasts and a pussy" Adrian snapped back, almost walking forwards again and doing something painful to the little brat.

Clover's eyes teared up and she threw a can at him in a little pissy fit. "I-I hate you! Why do you keep bothering me!?" She demanded. "If I'm a damn skeleton, than why'd you even fuck me in the first place!?"

"You have a pretty face and a tight pussy?" Adrian pointed out as if this was a very obvious thing, pushing his hair out of his face as he watched her fume

Those big green eyes popped again and she turned bright red in embarrassment, hiding her face with her hands. What was he trying to do, woe her!?

"Anyway, have a good nice pretty" Adrian said mockingly before he turned around and left the alley, trying not to limp, not in any condition to rape Clover again though he surely wanted too

She was so happy when he left, flustered and very confused. Well, now she could go and buy more of those condoms and maybe... get some bread.

Adrian returned home, confused as to why he had given her such help till he remembered how her skinny ribs had pressed against his hands while she struggled. God it was like fucking a xylophone, the girl needed more meat on her!

Clover went to do as he said and that night, she ate much better than she had done in many days. In fact, her little tummy bulged from the amount of bread she had eaten,

If Adrian had known he would have been pleased and miffed at the same time that she'd actually followed his advice. Oh well at least it meant the girl would put on some much needed weight, it was getting steadily colder in the streets, being as skinny as she was couldn’t be comfortable.

She also now had a large amount of condoms and the best of all; she had gotten on birth control. She bit her lip, sitting quietly on a bench a day later, her coat fluffed about her rounding little body.

Adrian came upon her as she sat fluffed up like a little smug sparrow on her bench and thumped his large body down beside hers, making the bench shake and quiver for a moment.

The girl stiffened a little and glanced at him shyly out of the corner of her pale green eyes. She was off for the rest of that day and seeing as it was evening, she had not expected him at all.

Adrian ignored her, chowing down on a carrot, an apple and a pear he'd gotten out of the grocery trash bin. He wanted something a bit more solid but the fruit would have to do.

The girl looked down at her lap, her hands fisted in her coat. What was she to do with him sitting here? Was he looking for something?

No Adrian just wanted somewhere to plant his ass while he ate his fruit and since Clover was such a willing victim he got to make her all nervous at the same time, a sort of a bonus

When he did nothing, Clover decided to just ignore him and sit as she had been doing. If he made any sort of grab for her, she would run away from him.

Like she stood a chance against his bigger faster frame but he'd let her keep her little fantasy of a easy escape...for now

After a while, she stood up, wanting to leave now before it got far too dark in the park for her to be able to see well in the dark. Hands in her pockets, the girl started to wander away.

Adrian reached up languidly and curled his fingers through the fur of her coat and in a swift movement yanked her right back down... into his lap. He grinned around his apple, hands stroking up and down her thighs. "Don’t go running away now lovely, we haven’t even talked yet"

Clover squeaked and went rigid against his chest, eyes wide. The girl glanced over her shoulder at him, the man that had taken her, forced her to endure pleasure and yet she'd not even known his name.

Adrian licked his apple core clean then ate it in two hungry bites before his heavy arm came down upon her thighs, and a arm curled tighter about her waist, pressing her up against his broad chest. "Not working tonight?"

Clover nodded jerkily, biting her lip. "W-worked this morning..." She replied softly, shifting slightly in his lap so that her bony little bottom did not hurt his legs.

Sadly her shifting made her bones dig in more than before and Adrian winced for a moment before he lifted her up and rearranged her so she was straddling his thighs, facing her. "Lucky you" his hand was making its way up her coat towards her skirt.

Clover flushed, glancing at him with wide eyes. "D-d-don't you have work...?" She uttered shakily, biting her lip more and more the more nervous she got..

Adrian shrugged. "I’ve made enough for tonight" he replied rumbling at her for being nosey, his hand beneath her skirt now, fingertips tracing the little bulge of her tight panties where the material pulled tight over her mound.

Clover shivered, closing her eyes and trying not to focus on the feeling of him toying with her so deviously. Her pale hair toppled off her shoulders, tickling at him. "O-ohh...."

 Adrian purred, rubbing his fingers along the little mound some more. He could feel her heat just below the thin cotton, feel where she parted and knew if he dipped his finger just a little lower he'd be pressing into her cute little pink folds.

"Y-you never said your name..." Clover exploded out breathlessly in a tiny whisper, shivering at the touch to the tender little folds.

Adrian let his fingers caress the cloth covered mound but didn’t press them any further, waiting for her to flinch or do something to embarrass herself in his lap before he touched her anymore intimately.

Clover pouted at him, trying to shift away without causing herself any undo sensations. "W-what's your name?" She demanded pissily.

"What’s the magic word pet?" the tall whore asked her, ignoring both requests for his name as his fingers brushed along the end of her panties, then up onto her soft belly.

Clover flushed and lowered her gaze shyly. "P-please?" She offered up softly, shifting a little in his lap. There was no use even trying to run away right now.

"Its Adrian..." her companion replied with a smirk as he dipped a finger into the tight fitting panties and let his bare finger tip brush ever so lightly along the edge of her mounds, not quite touching her folds of her clit yet, lightly stroking the soft skin and the cute little curls the young girl had down there.

Clover shuddered, twitching lightly as he gently, oh so gently caressed the soft flesh with the tip of his finger. A soft, breathy sigh escaped her. Well, now she knew her rapist and tormenter's name.

"And what’s yours?" Adrian asked, leaning forwards, his lips brushing along her earlobe, taking it to his lips and nibbling at it so sweetly, so seductively while his fingers traced the entire edge of her mounds before his finger ever so lightly flicked her clit.

A soft burst of breath fluttered against his hair, her body giving a little spasm. "C-clover...." She uttered weakly, gripping his shoulders as he tempted her so deviously.

"Clover.....mmm sweet clover honey..." Adrian laughed softly at the small joke to himself. He hadn’t been able to resist clover honey as a child, he'd often been punished for diving into whatever food storage his current parent had and eating it from the jar with his hands.

Clover flushed and hid her face against his throat, shuddering against him slightly. He had a pleasant laugh, it made her shiver pleasantly.

Adrian let his fingers come into play a little more, some rubbing across her folds while one hand reached up to undo her warm winter jacket, revealing the skimpy top she had on.

Clover whimpered softly, her thin tummy fluttering in arousal from his touches, muscles quivering. The evening air was cold, but her skin had warmed up considerably.

Adrian paused suddenly and looked around. They were both sitting on a bench on the edge of a municipal park, the road only a couple of meters away. It was far to open here, he couldn’t do half the things to the girl he wanted to. "Come on..." he said roughly, spilling her from his lap, taking her by the wrist and tugging her up and with him deeper into the park.

Clover squeaked and stumbled after him, unable to wrench her wrist from his hand. She was flushed, quivering some as she was tugged along.

He dragged her deeper into the park, deep enough that the dark trees surrounded them like a living barrier and the flickering lamps set up here by the council and meant to look "historic" barely made a difference. It was the harsher light of the moon that was providing the most illumination as Adrian pushed Clover down against another park bench, forcing her legs apart and kneeling between them. Such was his height and such was hers that kneeling on the ground he could still press his lips harshly against the pretty whore's which he did, crushing her mouth to his as he made a through claiming of her.

The soft cry of surprise was drowned by his mouth as he kissed her, whole body going rigid before melting under him, shaking from the claiming commanding kiss, unable to run away now if she tried.

Adrian purred and sharply nipped at her chin as he pulled away from the kiss, hands once more to her coat as he pulled it open and pushed up her skimpy top, hands lightly brushing her small breasts before he bent down, mouthing each plump nipple, looking so sad without suitable breast meat behind them. Please god...  Adrian thought distantly ...when she starts filling out let these fill out first...

Clover did make pretty noises though and arched into him, shivering under the suckling of tender little nips. She flushed, watching him with an almost agonized look upon her face.

His hands where busy getting rid of her panties, pulling them down over her thighs and tossing them to the side though not out of reach should a policeman decide he's going to prowl by. Then he pulls back, giving one tightened nipple a last lick, leaving the cherry flesh wet and chilled by the night air... it adds to the delightful sight he has as he stares at her spread out and practically naked body, only her, pushed up top still hovering over her small bust and her fur coat beneath her buttocks and falling down her arms keeping her from total nakedness.

It was a very appealing sight. The girl panted, quivering under him as she looked up at the larger male with wide, green eyes. She licked her lips nervously, blushing and squirming. It was cold out and it made her nubbins all the harder.

Adrian purred and sank to his knees again. He had to get her a bit wetter before he took the little slut, he was a cruel lover but he didn’t like blood. His warm lips trailed across Clover's flinching belly and he laughed softly at how she whined and squirmed before he sealed his mouth over the blushing rose of her sex and thrust his tongue into her, hands capturing her hips to stop her from squirming too much.

The girl cried out, muffling the cry into her coat sleeve as he returned to pleasuring her with his skilled, warm mouth. Sobbing cries left her over and over again, body shaking.

It must have been a quite a shock, her body chilling in the night air while a hot tongue thrust into her core and warmed her right back up from the inside out, his hands keeping her wide open as he licked and thrust his tongue into her clenching pussy, eager to have her soaking wet and wanting more.

The girl cried, eagerly, spreading her legs wider, hips twitching into his eager tongue as the man slurped and sucked at her little sex, making her cry out al the more eagerly for him. His skill was delightful.

Adrian slurped and suckled at the girl's eager cunt till she was dripping and then pulled back, mouth glistening with her juices as he undid his tight pants and let his ready and eager cock spring free. "You really are sweet like clover honey..." he teased in a nasty voice, pressing a harsh kiss to her lips and forcing her to taste herself while he pushed up one of her legs and slammed himself into her.

Clover gasped into his mouth explosively, clutching at him weakly. her pussy spasmed, tightening achingly about his piece as he rammed it home with a slick, wet sound. " A-Addrrii....."

Adrian pounded into her fast and hard, trying to split her in two it felt sometimes as he ground as deeply into Clover's spasming body as he could, chuckling low in his throat as she squirmed.

Clover's cries were thankfully muffled into the sleeve of her coat, body quivering. She was so loud, arching and squirming against him as he fucked her so damn ruthlessly.

There seemed to be no mercy in him as he fucked her into the hard wood of the bench with only her coat stopping her body from being bruised on the unforgiving material. Adrian seemed to bare not though that he was driving into the girl at a pace near horrific, his teeth closing about her shoulder in a hard bite.

Clover whimpered, nails digging into his back as the big male slammed into her body with such viciousness. The bite hurt her, but in some way, it fueled her arousal.

Adrian was only working for his pleasure now, hodling her down, not caring if she was enjoying herself as he pounded into her tightening channel with soft moans and hisses of need, his body tightening and his cock swelling inside her as he felt his orgasm approach swiftly.

The girl was enjoying it. Soft cries of arousal as the big male pounded into her and reduced her to a trembling puddle of pleasure.

Adrian tensed above her suddenly, his hands clasping about her neck and squeezing suddenly, choking off her breath as he slammed as deeply into her clenching pussy as he could and came, his hot seed tainting the precious girl.

Clover gagged and gasped, eyes rolling back in her skull as the sudden lack of oxygen forced her into an orgasm, whole body shaking and trembling from the sensations running through her poor body.

It made it all the more intense didn’t it....? Adrian shuddered and pumped himself into her a few more times with the drying flames of his ecstasy spurring him on before he let go of her neck and allowed her to breath, his eyes staring ferally down into her flushed gasping face.

Clover gasped, whimpering as he looked down upon her trembling aching body with a most frightening gaze. She whimpered softly, blinking sluggishly.

Adrian pulled back and as usual started to straighten himself up, glancing at her trembling flinching body from time to time, pausing only briefly as he watched his cum start to trickle out of her cunt, moaning softly at the view for she still had her legs spread wide. The little trickle of white leaked out of her, down her pink folds and onto her little rosebud... perhaps he'd take her there next time, just ot scare her.

Clover was exhausted. Walking back was going to be so hard tonight. Shuddering, the girl slowly got herself up, nervously pulling her shirt down and looked about for her skirt and her undies.

Adrian handed them to her with a almost gentlemanly bow as he shrugged on the swollen coat he wore and then ran his fingers through his mussed up hair, returning it to a more controlled state of mess.

Flustered, the young woman tugged on her skirt and crouched so that most of the leakage would fall on the ground, her cheeks flaming in embarrassment.

Adrian snickered at her. "Its impolite to pee in front of people" he mocked her, straightening his coat and strolling off after that rather candid little comment, leaving her to totter home by herself.

Clover ignored his comment, for she was not peeing so it did not affect her. She'd rather not be sloppy on the way home. Straightening, the girl tugged on her undies and began to totter home.

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