Down the Snake Hole: Down the Hole

Published Mar 11, 2008, 2:17:29 AM UTC | Last updated Mar 11, 2008, 2:17:29 AM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

A young Kikera boy tumbles down a hole when fleeing from a naga - only to end up in the clutches of a naga shaman.

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Chapter NaN: Down the Hole

“Mother, are the stories true?”
Jinee paused in her braiding to look at her youngest son, gazing at him over his shoulder.
“What do you mean, love?”

Asher squirmed shyly, trying to get up the nerve to clarify what it was he wanted to know. The little Kikera was just barely old enough to be considered full-grown, about sixteen now. He was a beautiful creature, red-bronze skin, multihued hair cut so that one side was long enough to touch the small of his back and the other short enough to brush his neck at one point. He’d two tattoos on his left side, one on his cheek, the other on his shoulder, dark brown as though they had rubbed dirt into scars. They made him appear slightly feral, though it was hard to make that face look frightening.

“The one about the Nagas’
you know
where they
” He couldn’t finish, his beautiful face flushing brightly as he sat under his mother’s gaze.

He’d been blessed with her beauty as well as some of her colorings. He had the same golden ankles and the same dusky bronze hooves with the dark strips. Asher, unlike his older brothers, was small and fine boned, not fit for the role of a warrior. This hadn’t displeased his father as much as his mother had feared, for she had previously birthed him two fine warriors. Little Asher, however, was not treated with the same respect as his older siblings.

But his mother loved him and had high hopes for him becoming a shaman or a healer.
Those were the only jobs he could possible get, as meek and small as he was.

“Yes?” His mother urged, curious. Her fingers danced as she braided plaits into her offspring’s hair, not even looking down she was so good at it.

“The one where they
 rape their prey
 is it true?” Asher finally blurted, his pale green eyes flashing towards his mother.

Jinee laughed, “Who said that? Was it your brothers?”
Asher nodded slightly, still blushing furiously.

His brothers’ often teased him about looking like a woman and that he was going to be some pervert’s plaything.
It wasn’t as if the clans didn’t approve of such things, but his father did and so his brothers’ said they did as well.
He remembered quite clearly what they told him earlier

“Nagas’ like to find pretty little creatures for their meals
just like you.” Tanei said with a grim smile, weaving his clawed hands as Daneio took over, running his fingers through Asher’s soft hair.
Both of his brothers’ were brilliant storytellers.
“You want to know why?” He hissed into Asher’s perked ear.
“Yes.” Asher replied tightly, his big eyes even bigger then usual.
“So they can satisfy their other urges as well.”
“What other urges?” Asher asked, perturbed.
“Sexual urges!” Tanei cried, grabbing Asher from behind and tickling his lower stomach, making him jump and squeak.

Asher felt a fool now to have listened to them.
“So it’s not true?” He asked, relief making his shoulders relax.
Nagas were a threat to the Kikera; they tended to eat them sometimes.
Asher would be glad if there wasn’t more chance of him being taken and eaten
or worse, raped and then eaten.

“Well, truth is, only those who disappear really know what happens.” Jinee replied, smoothing Asher’s hair with one hand as she pulled her hood more securely over her head with the other.

Asher’s heart fell, it may not be true, but it could be true as well.

“Don’t worry, love, the scouts have seen no signs of naga anywhere near here, we have nothing to fear.” His mother’s soothing voice crooned.

Asher nodded mutely, catching his mother’s hand and kissing her old knuckles. His mother was getting on in years, but she was still beautiful and as wonderful as ever. He loved her so much.

Jinee smiled, kissing her son’s red-brown ear before getting to her hooves.
She looked down at her son, body covered in a light sand brown tunic with a hood, jewelry sparkling about her person. A dagger rested at her hip, both for cooking and defense.
She looked capable of taking down a naga with her bare hands.

“Would you like to go herb hunting with me, Asher? Maybe we’ll find some of those mushrooms you like so dear?”

Asker’s ears perk, “Oh, yes! I would love to go with you, mother.”
Asher loved to go out with his mother on her little expeditions, they always taught him something new and he loved to learn.

Jinee was an herbalist, taught by her own mother the bounty of the earth and its usages. She knew all the herbs that could be used for cooking, healing, and for the shaman’s magic’s.
Asher’s mother was appointed a grand title; it was one of the highest in the tribe. Many looked to her for assistance.

Asher had been taught a great deal, and in time, would know all that his mother did. He would take over for her when she grew too old.
There were others in the clan that knew the usages of herbs, but not as well and fully as Jinee.

Jinee leapt down from the small outcrop they’d been resting on, wandering toward the tents and campfires of the Wind-Dance tribe.
They were a large tribe, moving often, as was the want of their kind.

The sentinels bowed when Jinee passed them, but ignored Asher.
He did not mind he was used to it by now. He was the odd ball of the bunch, a peacock in the midst of a flock of geese.
That was how mother put it, the other’s found him odd because he was different, but she found him to be perfect.

“Shadnie, I am taking Asher out to help gather herbs.” Jinee called to her husband, who sat by the fire sharpening his spear.
He looked up, dark eyes focusing on his wife. His stony expression faded.
Shadnie loved his wife more then anything for she was his one love and he was hers.
“Find much.” He replied with a smile, waving her off with an affectionate laugh.

Asher didn’t understand how his father could act so wonderful to his siblings and mother, and yet he basically ignored him. Mother said father loved him, but Asher was not sure.

He waved to his father and received a half-hearted grunt in return.

Asher sighed; following close to his mother as they skirted the outside of the camp and went out into the brush of the desert they lived in.
There was a lush forest not far from here, and a river ran through it and nearby. That was where the young ones went swimming when the elders, like Tanei and Daneio, came with them. No one ever went alone.

As they walked, the sounds of the camp grew more and quieter till they faded completely.
Jinee pointed plants out to him, stopping to pluck some and put them in her hip pouch.

“See this one?” She murmured, plucking a star shaped flower off by the stem and sucking at the bottom, “This is for sever pains and sickness and is effective against poisons, very effective. It is called Goddess-star.”

Asher plucked one, gazing in fascination at the little star shaped flowers. They were silvery white with pale blue markings, not very glamorous or eyes popping.

Jinee smiled at him, noticing his lack of awe.

“Watch this.”

The woman stroked a spit-dampened finger along the petal of one of the unpicked flowers. It arched, little feathery tendrils dancing out and adding more fluffy texture to the flower. It changed an odd color as well, deep red at the tips, as though sucking out the lifeblood from his mother’s finger.

Asher gasped, delighted.
“Why does it do that?” he asked, trying the trick on another flower.
“Because it is hunger, and for it to reach its full potency, it must have plenty of water.” His mother smiled, picking a few and handing several to Asher.

“Keep them, you never now when you will need a petal. They are very potent even now in the dry season, but if you soak them in water, they will turn red as blood and be fully ripe.”

Asher nodded, his eyes full of light and excitement.

They continued on, Asher stashing his herbs in a little pouch he kept about his neck.

“Well look!” Jinee exclaimed in delight, “I found some of those lovely mushrooms under this old log!”

Asher looked over at his mother, realizing that they had wandered close to the edge of the wood as they had searched. They best mushrooms always grew near trees.

“Really?” He asked, his eyes brightening as he started over to his mother.

Jinee nodded, crouching down and using her knife to scarp a few of them off the bottom of the log. She stashed them in her slowly filling hip pouch.
She popped one in her mouth, her face lightening up.

“Asher, come try one! They are ripe.”

Asher did as was asked, taking one that his mother offered and trying it.
Indeed, it was ripe and full-bodied, with the nutty flavor and firm flesh that Asher loved.
They would make a good side dish for dinner, stuffed or sautéed.

Asher put a few in his own hip pouch, storing them along with some other herbs that he liked for his own private stash.

He looked up at the sky, smiling as the sun and the hot breeze kissed his face.
Today was hot and arid, more so then usual, but it didn’t bother Asher. He had been born on the hottest day of the summer, much to the discontent of his mother. She said it had been worth it though, all the pain and heat.

A strange sound made Asher turn toward his mother, whom had frozen in her collections.
It was an odd hissing noise, like the sound of rain falling on sand in the spring.

There was however, an air to it that Asher didn’t find comforting.

Suddenly there was a burst of sand and a shriek, startling Asher and nearly making him trip over his own hooves.

When he looked up, his heart nearly stopped.

A naga had its coils about mother, its shimmering, sand gold scales glinting softly in the sun as it reared up, avoiding his mother’s desperate feints and slashes with her dagger.

Hadn’t they said there were no naga nearby?

Asher had never seen such an oddly beautiful creature in his life.
But terror made the beauty seem fake and tarnished.

“Asher run!” His mother’s voice broke through his boggled mind and forced him to come back to reality.

” He argued, taking a step forward even as the naga’s coils wrapped tighter about his mother’s slender waist.

“I said run!” She commanded, using her mother’s voice to spurn him into action. There would be no arguing.

Body shaking in fear, Asher turned tail and fled just as another naga slithered over the log and towards him.

The Kikera cried out in alarm, leaping over its head as it grabbed for him and running break-neck towards the only route offered; the looming jungle.

Asher’s breath came out in sharp pants, his lungs heaving as fear gripped him tightly about his breast, the sound of the naga’s pursuit loud in his ears.

He had abandoned mother to a fate that Asher was unsure of and the guilt made his heart ache and his eyes burn.
But she had commanded him to leave
wasn’t it just obeying her orders like a good son?

Nonetheless, the thought made him feel terrible, a coward.
How could someone stand up to such a creature of power without feeling scared?

Nobody could.

Asher swept aside branches, leaping over obstacles in his haste to delude the naga chasing him.

It was either escape or be consumed
 or worse.

Asher felt keenly the scratch of brambles and sticks grazing his flesh.
They were sharp little burns that made him want to cry out in pain.
But to do that would be to further help his hunter. He could not risk it.

So he clenched his teeth and fought back the pain as little scratches formed about his ankles and along his arms where he fought away the branches and such.

Asher was running out of energy though, he wouldn’t be able to keep the speed he was going at for long and the moment he slowed, the naga would get him.

Asher shuddered, fear giving him a short boost of energy.
Even so, Asher could feel the naga closing, playing with his prey and leading him to believe he could escape.

A root suddenly caught his hoof and Asher cried out in shock and terror as he tripped. He fell and rolled down an incline of smooth stone, landing with a thud and a sharp gasp of pain.

He tried to get up; his body protesting the harsh treatment of it and refusing to do what Asher wanted it to.

Lying there, Asher allowed himself to rest, breath coming in pants and wheezes.

“Who is there?” A smoldering voice demanded softly from the dark.

Asher froze, his voice becoming stuck in his throat, but just as he was about to make a reply, the naga that had been hunting him slithered into the dark recesses of the cave.

“There you are my pretty one.” The naga hissed softly with purely cruel intent written on his darkened face.

He drew closer and Asher shrunk away with a whimper.

Oh Goddess, he was going to die now, all alone
and in the worst possible way.

“Please, please don’t eat me.” Asher begged in a whisper as he slowly backed away on his rump.

“I’m not going to eat you
” The naga purred, drawing closer so that Asher could see the dark gold glint of his scales.

Asher gaped, a shiver running up his spine.
So the rumors were true and Asher was just the type they liked.

Asher backed up more, chest heaving in fear till he suddenly bumped into a solid form.

“What are you doing here?” A voice hissed and Asher looked up sharply.

Behind him loomed yet another naga, this one much bigger and fiercer.

He had the look of a mystical creature, something that was full of power. He was an odd color, purple and blue on the top with dark blue strips. He had a white under belly that shined palely in the dark.
His hair was braided and decorated with beads and other jewels and the color was purple that faded into lavender and then into white. Upon his head were a pair of black ram horns. There was a large amount of jewelry about him.

He had a beautiful face and the brightest silver eyes Asher had ever seen.

The other, hornless naga looked up at the bigger one and paused, a snarl rumbling out of his throat.

The new one gave the smaller one a smoldering look, “Come near me and I shall curse you, fool. This creature is mine.”

The gold naga stiffened and backed off, a strange look of fear written on his features.

Even as this went on, Asher sat shivering, unmoved by fear.
He was caught between two naga with no escape in sight. This was a situation he had never imagined in his life and the fear was so intense he was numb.

The gold naga continued to back off, slithering slowly out of the cave entrance, deathly afraid of the other naga.

Asher did not know why it would act that way, maybe it knew it couldn’t stand up to the bigger one.

“Take him, Shaman, he’s yours
” The other naga breathed with a face pinched with fear.

The larger and most assuredly the elder one, hissed softly in warning even as the smaller one disappeared around the small bend of the sloping passage that lead to the surface.

Asher was in trouble.

Maybe more trouble then before.

Before the naga could direct its full attention on him, Asher tried to scramble away. It did not work, however, for the naga seemed to sense his movement and slither about him in a motion so fast that Asher nearly screamed in surprise and astonishment.

The frightening male loomed before him, his coils looped loosely about where Asher sat on the cold stone trembling.

“No, please don’t
don’t eat me.” Asher pleaded, tears coming to his eyes from his own helplessness.

His hands fisted nervously in the soft clothe of his loincloth, his small, bare chest heaving in mindless terror.

The naga chuckled darkly, eyes closed in mirth and he tightened his coils so that he was gripping Asher lightly by the legs.

He slithered a short way and onto a large, overstuffed pillow that looked to serve him as a chair.

He pulled Asher up so that he was sitting on the top of his muscular snake coils, one leg trapped so there would be no escape.

Asher sat trembling, oddly aware of the cool scales under his rump and against his balls. They felt smooth, like many polished pebbles inlayed in a glowing ivory statue.

“You are the oddest little creature I have ever seen.” That same deep, smoldering voice washed over Asher like velvet. “I have only seen your kind from a distance
what exactly are you, little intruder?”

Asher opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He couldn’t stop staring at this creature. Unlike the other two, this one had an air to him that left Asher breathless and disoriented.

The naga cocked his head, not even bothered by Asher’s silence as he caught the little Kikera’s tail and smoothed the wiry, though sleek, hair of his whip-like tail.

That snapped Asher out of it.

“I-I’m a K-kiera.” He replied with a faint tremor in his voice, pale green eyes unblinking.

The naga smiled, the expression lighting up his already sinfully beautiful face. Sinful because Asher found him almost irresistibly beautiful and he shouldn’t.

Maybe his brother’s were right
maybe Asher wasn’t straight.

“Well, Kikera
” the naga drawled, “What is your name and why are you here?”

The naga’s eyes were alight and prying. They seemed to Asher to be taking him apart inch by inch and examining every little piece minutely.

It caused a bizarre shiver to run along his spine.

 I was out looking for h-herbs with my mother a-and we were attacked by two n-naga
she didn’t
” Asher started softly, his voice cracking.

It hurt to think that his mother was gone, the one that had borne him and loved him so dearly for his whole life so far, dead
but he didn’t think he had long to wait till he joined her.

“I didn’t mean to barge into your home, but I tripped. I’m sorry.” Asher apologized, tears brimming in his pretty eyes.

He would meet a far worse fate, he was sure they had not used her, but him, he was small and defenseless
and pretty. Why waste such a fun little creature when you could get two uses from it?

The naga sat back a bit, his eyes half hooded and glazed. They watched Asher with keen interest.
“You owe me, my little pet.” He husked softly, his fangs flashing briefly in the dim light of a candle.

Asher had been too terrified to notice his surroundings, but now he saw that they were in a lovely little alcove within the cave, purple shrouded walls and a lush, teal carpet on the smooth floor.

There were several pillows about the room that served as chairs; the biggest was for the naga.

Asher found the room to be a safer place to look then the naga’s consuming gaze.

A clawed hand suddenly cupped his chin, forcing Asher to turn his gaze and come face to face with the frightening naga.

“I am Skath, a respected shaman and you owe me for saving you
what do you have as payment?” Skath the naga purred, stroking Asher’s chin.

“N-nothing.” Asher whispered, tears brimming in his eyes again.
Asher had forgotten about the herbs he had gathered, fear erasing rational thought.

“Hmmm?” the naga hummed indecisively as his finger tickled the underside of Asher’s chin, “We’ll have to find something

Even as he breathed this, his tail snuck up, curling under Asher’s loincloth and brushing him gently as it curled up and touched his hip.
Skath leaned closer as well, the heat of his breath tickling Asher lips and cheeks.

“W-what do you mean?” Asher stammered, his small frame quaking.

He was confused by Skath’s sudden intimacy, by how close and physical he had become. Was this how it started? Soft touches? Breathy words?

Skath abruptly crushed Asher to his chest, the Kikera gasping in shock giving him the chance to lustfully plunder the little creature’s sweet mouth.
Asher squeaked, eyes widening in shock and fear. What was going on?

He could not admit that he didn’t like it. Skath tasted like fresh peppermint and rosemary, as though he had been chewing some earlier and his tongue idly tasting every contour of Asher’s mouth was a weird, if not an unpleasant experience.

He struggled weakly, hands clawing Skath’s back and fisting in his lovely hair. There would be no escaping that iron grip though, not unless Skath wanted him out of it.

Asher whimpered, mind a maze of hazy thoughts and emotions as Skath pulled back, his fork tongue flicking slowly along his lips.

Big jade eyes watched the naga as his hands slid lightly and sensuously along Asher’s frame. They soothed flinching skin and made the Kikera’s body all tingly.

Asher could not speak, his throat blocked with outlandish emotions.

He didn’t know whether he liked Skath’s questing hands and smoldering expression, or was frightened out of his wits.
Asher thought it was a little of both.

“What are you going to do with me?” Asher whispered, blushing softly when Skath’s hand ran slowly along the curve of his ass.

“What do you think?” Skath husked back, “What would I do with a pretty little thing like you?”

Asher blushed brighter, tears coming to his eyes. “R-rape me
and eat me.”

The naga chuckled at him again, still watching him from beneath dark lashes, his eyes heavy.

“Why would I rape you? Wouldn’t it be better if I seduced you and made the process good for the both of us?”
The naga sounded so sure of himself.
Asher did not replied, uncertain as of how it could be good for the one receiving.

Skath seemed to know what he was thinking and the naga ran his hands up the boy’s thighs and to his hips to untie his loincloth.
Once the ties came loose, he casually threw the sage green cloth clear across the room and left Asher brutally revealed.

The Kikera sat trembling, his cheeks flaming as the naga idly ran his eyes along Asher’s sleek body, taking in every curve even as his hands followed.

The touches were soft and the naga’s hands were pleasantly cool.

Asher hardly noticed when Skath’s tail uncoiled slightly, the tip retrieving a small, crystal vial of some aromatic oil.
His eyes were too far sunk into the endless pools of Skath’s to be pulled away now.

An elegant, clawed hand took the vial and the naga uncorked it, wafting the bottled under his nose and closing his eyes.
He smiled; the scent must have been to his liking.

Skath held it out to Asher, waving it slowly under his nose.
Asher smelt it, closing his eyes as well for fear of upsetting the large naga. The boy’s sight wavered and blurred and he was forced to brace himself on the naga’s coils or collapse.

The oil was for massage, to help relax muscles, but something had been added to the mixture that made heat stir in Asher’s loins.
Asher had never encountered such a strong mix in his life.

Skath smiled, most assuredly noticing Asher’s reaction.

Asher blushed even brighter, well aware of his body’s reactions and his nakedness.
He felt so vulnerable and for some odd reason, he found himself even more turned on by that fact.

Skath grasped Asher’s chin again, slowly drawing his face to his, Asher having to brace himself on his knees, his rump in the air.
The naga pillaged the boy’s mouth again, distracting Asher to the fact that his other hand was sliding closer to the firm mounds of the Kikera’s rump.

Asher bucked forward suddenly, gasping loudly as he felt a oil slicked finger teasing its way inside of him.

Bewildered and embarrassed, Asher whimpered, eyes large and frightened. His cheeks turned redder, his hands clasping at the cloth of the naga’s hip scarf.

it feels funny.” He cried softly, blushing cutely when all it earned him was a seductive smile and the questing finger going deeper inside him.

Another one was added and then another and Skath began to wriggle them a little, teasing out moans and startled mewls.

Asher started panting hard, his hands clawing at the naga’s hips and belly as he squirmed against the now exposed erection of the naga.
The heat and steel hardness of the organ made Asher quake in fear and excitement and he whimpered louder.

Skath removed his fingers suddenly, grabbing Asher by the hips and forcing him up onto his lap and down onto his awaiting, eager cock.

Asher screamed.

The abrupt invasion filled him to the brim with heat and at the same time struck his prostate. The mix left him breathless and his lips trembled as well as the rest of him.

Skath emitted a breathy laugh, rearing up so that his coils braced Asher’s back and made it so that Skath could bend down over his pretty little prize.

He took each of Asher’s hands and laced their fingers, lips teasing the skin of his collarbone and chest before he made an exploratory thrust.
Small screams and cries echoed out of Asher’s throat, his body thrashing as though overwhelmed by the sensations.
He was, both of them knew it and it gave Skath the advantage over the situation for he seemed to have all the experience.

But it wasn’t as if Asher had any say in the circumstances at the moment if at all.

” Asher mewled, pawing at the naga’s shoulders; his eyes glazed a dark green from lust.

It was apparent that he had no idea what to do, so Skath showed him, taking his hips and ramming into the Kikera with determined force, wrenching the enchanting cries from his ‘intruder’.

With every thrust two parts of Asher were brushed, sending Asher’s body to heights he had never though possible. When he’d heard talk of this sort of coupling he had though it painful for the bottom, but now
he knew it wasn’t true if the top knew what he was doing.

But with all the sensory input, Asher was quickly reaching the edge and was soon going to spill over.

His hands danced over Skath’s back and neck and into his hair as cries tore violently from his throat, eyes half hooded and so far glazed they were nearly black.
By now all rational thought had left him and he screamed pleas for more, his earlier fears all but gone and replaced by blind lust.

And then it happened; he reached the edge and plunged off with a shriek of pure bliss, his seed sullying both their bellies as he climaxed.
It was a feeling that left him giddy and made his vision go black.

For a moment he thought he’d gone blind, but then it cleared and Skath’s flushed, beautiful face filled his vision.

The naga was close, his silver eyes clouded.

He made a soft growl and hid his face in the crook of Asher’s neck as he made one last thrust and finally filled Asher with heat.
They lay panting, the rise and fall of their body in perfect rhythm.
Asher didn’t dare try to move, fear slowly coming back now that they were finished. The Kikera blinked, feeling wetness against his cheeks and realized he’d been crying.

Asher felt like crying some more, the prospect of death looming close. Now that Skath had used him, it was likely he’d eat him.

Skath rose up slowly on one hand, his long hair falling about both of them in a shroud as he focused his eyes upon Asher’s blushing face.
He smiled.

“I-if you eat me
” Asher whispered softly as a tear coursed its path down his cheek and into his hair, “Please make it swift.”

Skath blinked and suddenly burst into rambunctious laughter much to Asher’s chagrin. When he stopped he gave Asher a look of amusement.

”You silly thing, I do not eat people that I like! You are too useful to me alive!”

Asher blinked in confusion, “Y-you don’t?” He stammered.

“No! I am not like those other naga.” Skath remarked, disgust showing when he mentioned that other naga that had hunted Asher.
His eyes suddenly turned intimate and he smiled slyly, forked tongue flicking out and collecting Asher’s tears.

“Besides, you owe me your life, you have to repay that dept. From now on, you are mine.”

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