Nothing But Trouble: The Tiny Fairy prince

Published Oct 19, 2008, 9:15:04 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 19, 2008, 9:15:04 AM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

POV: 1st Summery: I don't believe in fairy tales, and defiantly not Faeries. So why is a Fairy Prince insisting I become his wife? And why is other faeries coming after me? I know cause of that stupid fairy prince! Sure he is the most beautiful man I have ever seen, but he's nothing but trouble!

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Chapter NaN: The Tiny Fairy prince

Nothing But Trouble!!

 Ok, when I was little I lived off of those fairy tales parents told their child to get them asleep. I was once enchanted by them. Princess, Princes, Faeries, gnomes, whatever was fairytales, I wanted my mother to tell me one every night until the age of puberty. I got over them and got into my schooling. I didn’t have time to date, or have many boyfriends like other girls in school who had many. I had one guy I liked, but he didn’t even know that I was breathing. Until at graduation, I confessed to him, I build up for 4 years of courage to confess. Of course I was rejected. He laughed at me, and I saw how he really was. A jerk. He wasn’t prince charming, or even a prince at all. Cause, Princes from fairy tales doesn’t exist. Frogs don’t turned into princes, princes don’t ride up on white horse and sweep you off your feet. No Handsome princes exists. Fairy tales aren’t reality. In the real world, there’s no fantasies. And certainly no Princes.

Chapter 1: The Tiny Fairy prince

The day started off as normal. I got up, showered, primed, and went off to work. Nothing off. Everything as usual. I stepped up to the curve to call a taxi. One actually stopped. “Ok, something isn’t normal.” I mumbled, about to open the door until another hand grabbed the handle, and opened it. “Hey!” I yelled as a businessman rudely took my taxi. “You JERK!” I yelled as the taxi took off. Normal day. I had to walk to my job. I was huffing and puffing opening the doors to the building. I barely made it on time.

After work, I made my way to the park. It was just a block from my job and wasn’t that far. I sighed as I sat on a bench. It was getting a little dusty, but still light. Something got my eye on a nearby bush. I got closer and saw wings that was fluttering, it was wings fluttering. The wings were sparkling, and was size of a butterfly or moth, but it wasn’t either. The body part was hung in the bush were I couldn’t see it. “Poor little thing.” I said, and those wings stop their fluttering. I kneeled down and pulled a branch. I was quickly hit back by a force I couldn’t see and I found myself sitting up on the ground. “What just happen?” I looked around to see, and see if anyone saw me fumble back but no one was around. Or so I thought. I heard a giggle. “Who’s there?” I stood and looked harder. I couldn’t see anything or anyone. Something like a bee sound went by one of my ears and I jumped . “What the? Who’s here?”. Another giggle. It sounded like a child’s, but it was getting dark and children weren’t out this late. “Who-” Another bee like sound buzzed behind me. My hair flowed up from the wind of the wings. I gasped, turned, but saw nothing again.

 â€œOK. I’ve had a rough day today. I’m not thrilled with a prank this evening. A jerk in a business suit stole my cab, then I had to walk a mile and a half to work, and that almost made me late for my job. I don’t appreciate being harassed by a bee, either!”
“Who are you calling a bee, lady?” a tiny voice came behind me, and I head the wings fluttering. My eyes got big, and I turned and saw a fairy. He was small, dressed in a, like a Peter Pan costume. His blond hair was up in a ponytail, and his eyes were golden. He was a very cute fairy.
“A. Fairy?”
His eyes widening the size of mine, if he was big. “You can see me?”
“I can… Not see you.” I turned and walked home. To lie down, cause I‘m going insane! I rubbed my head.
“Hey!” The fairy said behind. His wings buzzing behind me. I walked faster. Just a mile. It couldn’t be that far.
“Wait!” The fairy said again right behind me. He was closer than before. And where the heck did I live!? I looked around for my apartment building. Where was it? It should be here! I can’t lose my way to my home, can I?
“If you’re looking for your home it’s right over there, lady.” The fairy said. I stopped. He hit the back of my head hard. “Give a warning, would ya!”

I looked at the fairy. He was flying and rubbing his face. He looks at me, and I made a beeline toward my building.
“Hey! You can see me!” He yelled, and was behind me. “That means, you are the one! You’re my bride!”
Ok not only I am insane, but desperate too. I found my door and hunted for my key which I wasn’t finding it. The fairy buzzed above my head. “Not happening. I can’t see you!”
“Yes, you can!”
“Nope, sorry. I can’t see you. You aren’t real.” I found my key and opened the door and shut it quickly. I leaned against the door, and heave a sigh. That was stopped by a buzz right in front of me. I looked up and saw the little fairy, with his tiny arms crossed, and he was glaring at me.
“You know. It isn’t polite to shut the door, on your future husband.” He said.
I’m insane. I laughed. I couldn’t help it. I was going insane. I had the right to.
“You’re not insane. You’re my bride.”
“I can’t be. Faeries aren’t real.”
“Bride, you’re seeing one right in front of you. I’m real!”
He was so tiny, there was no way we could marry!
“Yes. We can!”
“No. We can‘t!”

Suddenly, poof, white smoke and arms came out of them, trapping me. I gasped as the smoke cleared, to a full grown man of six feet tall. His blonde hair was long, below his shoulders. His face was narrowed, and long. His eyes shined golden, and slender. He had a band around his head, that has an emerald in the middle. His ears were pointy. He was inhumanly beautiful.
“We can.” His lips kisses mine. “Bride.” He smiles. And I swear I swoon. But no, I dropped like a sack of potatoes to the floor. The tiny fairy was a big fairy. Could anything else happen to me?

Of course!

I opened my eyes to find myself in my bed. Naked, and being held by the hunk fairy. What’s a girl to do? Scream, and hit him over the head with my pillow!
“Hey!” He startled awake, and gawked at me. I forgot I was naked, and covered myself with a pillow. Did we do it? I don’t remember!
He sighs, and leaned back, “No. We didn’t do it.” He rubbed his forehead.
“Then why are you naked!?” His chest and stomach was exposed, from the waist up. The sheet barely covered his lower region. And I could tell he was defiantly a man.
“Everybody sleeps naked.”
“No. I don’t. I sleep with a tee shirt, and panties. I don’t sleep naked.” Sometimes.
He gave a sly smile, “We will sleep together in the nude when we are wed, so why not now?”
“We aren’t wed!”
“Yet.” He adds.
I growled and aimed my hair trigger at his beautiful forehand. “We can’t!”
“Oh, yes we can, Regina.”
“How did you know my name?” I asked.
He leans forward and lifts my chin, “I know everything, about you, my bride.” then kisses my lips.

A mistake.

I stared at the ceiling. I did it. With a.. I looked sideways and saw him sleeping peacefully with a smile on his lips. One of his arms draped over me. I turned my head back to the ceiling robot like. A woman of 25 who was saving her virginity for the man she loves, gave it to a fairy. Given he was beautiful man for a fairy. And he did know everything about me, even stuff I didn’t know about myself. I blinked my widen eyes. My face was heated, from blushing. I couldn’t sleep that night. But he of course slept like a baby.


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