Body Paint and New Friends: Italy

Published May 11, 2010, 11:03:42 PM UTC | Last updated May 11, 2010, 11:03:42 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Mike has always had a crush on Bella, though his feelings are not returned. When he and the gang travel to Italy to help Bella rescue Edward, will body paint and a misunderstanding lead to romance for Mike?

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Chapter NaN: Italy

Okay, you have probably guessed, but I'll say it. I don't own Twilight. I just write stuff to make fun of it.


AN: Remember the guy at school (in the movie) who had the crush on Bella? I think his name was Mike. If it wasn't, it is now, `cause that's who this story is about.


Body Paint and New Friends


 Mike covertly surveyed the young woman feeding the pigeons. She looked about his age, maybe she wouldn't yell and throw things at him like that old lady had. He was getting desperate for help. He was supposed to meet Bella and the gang, but he had gotten lost as soon as he left the hotel.


Bella had brought the whole gang to with her to Volterra. She was here to “save” Edward--whatever that meant—and get back together with him. The rest of them had come because Bella asked them to. Mike had come because he was Bella's friend, and because he'd hoped for one more chance to make Bella see that they could be more. That hope had pretty much died on the plane trip here. How could she be so obsessed over some guy that had dumped her?


But, he was still her friend, and he had agreed to help her. But first he had to find her. So, he gathered his courage and approached his target.


“Um, excuse me miss. Do you speak English?”


The young lady turned to answer, but as soon as she saw him she let out a small yelp and jumped back, looking frightened.


“What? What's the matter?” Mike asked, looking around for some potential source of danger.


“You!” she cried out in slightly accented English. She pointed accusingly at him. “You do that thing! The sparkle!” She glanced around furtively and lowered her voice to a mere whisper. “You are a vampire.”


 â€śVampire? I'm a vampire because I'm sparkling? I don't understand. This is just some body glitter Bella put on me. See?” he said, rubbing at his arm, “It comes off.” Actually, she'd insisted that all of them wear it, and refused to explain why.


She stepped cautiously closer to examine the bare spot, and then relaxed. “Oh. Yes. I see.” She looked him over appraisingly. “You are American, yes? Are you lost?”


Mike nodded, blushing. “Yes, to both.”


“This Bella, who puts the glitter on you… she is your girlfriend?”


Well, he'd kind of wanted her to be, but… Bella was in love with Edward, and this girl was very pretty and seemed like she might be interested in him… “No, she's just a friend from school.”


The girl gave Mike a dazzling smile and stepped close, linking her arm with his. “Well then, I will be your friend from Volterra. My name is Sofia. Tell me where it is that you need to go, and I will take you there.”


Mike took one of her hands and gallantly raised it to his lips. “My name is Mike, and it would be an honor to be escorted by someone as lovely as you. I am supposed to meet my friends at the Cafe Gar..nachy?”


She giggled at his attempt at pronunciation “Cafe Guarnacci. Si, it is in the museum, not very far from here. This way.” She sent him a flirtatious look from under her long lashes. “Perhaps later I will show you some places that we in Volterra go for fun, yes?”


Mike smiled. This was turning out to be a great trip. “That would be wonderful, Sofia.”


They walked along, talking and laughing. Who cared about Bella and Edward? He was looking forward to spending time with his new friend. Suddenly, Mike remembered something Sofia had said earlier.


“Hey, Sofia, what was that thing you said about sparkly vampires?”








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