FOL ep6: Weekend Calm: Part 1 : Soft longings, hearts desire

Published Mar 21, 2012, 8:43:30 AM UTC | Last updated May 3, 2012, 1:41:52 PM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

S the Ismadee-Cosma clan settles enjoy a peace full weekend,Love among it's member's grow wildly. Unknown to them enemies whispers in the back allies. And there calm weekend maybe, merely the calm before the storm.

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Chapter NaN: Part 1 : Soft longings, hearts desire

I don't own Fairly Odd Parents Or any characters from the show. Or the song in this chapter.I write this story for pure fun. I am in no way receiving ANY Money for it.NOT NOW,NOT EVER.

Chapter 1 : Soft longings, hearts desires.

*Buxaplenty Estate*

*Remy’s Pov*

I packed my suitcase. I had gotten Home early.  Juandissimo wasn’t here when I got back. I was glad,It gave me time to alert the staff of my weekend plans. I was also a little nervous about it. I tried to tell my self if father new,I would have been dragged out the turner residence last night. Then again father was a shrewd man. He could simply be waiting for me to drop my guard. Little did he know,I never drop my guard in this house. A poof form behind my signals my god father’s arrival. “Where are you going remy?” He asks. “Where have you been?” I ask in return. “My date ran late.” He says. “ Sorry to be gone all night.” “It’s fine.” I reply “ I fact you can have the weekend off.” Out the corner the corner of my eye’s I notice him looking me over. A chill crawls up my spin. I feel him draw closer. I  somehow keep my composure and continue to pack.

“Why the sudden generosity?” He asks. “I’ll be spending the weekend with a friend.” I tell him “You won’t be needed.” “Why? Because this friend has a fairy of his own?” He asks. I could here the anger in his voice.I draw a sharp breath and remain calm. “If your referring to Timothy,then yes.” I reply. “I’m spending the weekend with him AND his god family.”  A blast of magic sends my suitcase flying across the room. “I told you to stay away from him.” He shouts. “Do you think I won’t out you to your father?” I turn and glare at him. A uneasy mix of rage and terror swirled within me. “I know you won’t.” I tell him firmly as I glare at him. “What makes you so sure brat?” He asks glaring back. “Because of you do,I’ll tell Jorgan You hit me.” I inform him. “According to my friends Cosmo and Wanda,It’s forbidden.”

In a flash I’m pinned against the wall.  Juandissimo’s eye’s were glaring dangerously into mine. “You dare threaten me,you little fag.” He growls into my ear. “ One good turn deserves another.” I reply. “And I suggest you let me go. You only giving me more ammo to use against him.” He drops me. I fall to my knees ,gasping for breath“What’s stopping me from quitting?” He asks. “Then all the magic will be taken out your pathetic life.” He adds sneering at me. “Then you’ll be stuck in this house alone.” “Do it and I tell jorgan anyway.” I reply still gasping for air. “Tell me Juandissimo, How many HOT dates do you think child abusers gets in fairy world.” I can see him shake with rage. There was hate in his eyes.I almost enjoy it. “ I wish my suitcase was packed for the week end.” I command. With a grudging wave of his wand he carries out my wish.

“You will not get away with this remy.” He says darkly as I pick up my suit case. “ You may have won the battle,but the war is far from over.”  “I wish you’d stay In my room for the whole weekend.” I tell him. “What about my dates?” He shouts. “There canceled.” I tell him and walk out the room. “ Oh and don’t worry about sending me off.”I call back to him “ I’ll take the limo.”

*End Remy’s POV*

Juandissimo stared in his god child's wake. The latin fairy shook with rage. “First my lovely Wanda,Now my godchild.” He growled to him self. “What do that idiot fairy have that I don’t.” He paced the room angrily.  “He has a silver tong and a manipulative nature most people can’t detect.” A voice from behind him says. Juandissimo turns around and gasps. “HP,what in the world are you doing here?” asks Juandissimo. “And why are you red?”  “I’m not HP,I’m HAP.” HAP Replied. “The Head Anti Pixie.” “A pleasure.To what do I owe this visit?” Juandissimo asks. “How would you like to get back at that bratty godchild and punish Cosmo and Wanda.” Hap asks. “How?” Juandissimo asks. “I’m stuck in this room.” “My dear boy.” Chuckled HAP “With this plan You won’t need to go anywhere.”

*In front Turner house.*

*Timmy’s POV*

I sipped my lemon aid. It was odd,but I was actually glad Vicky was here instead of my human parents. For the first time I felt safer with her. I never thought I’d feel that way. I also never thought I’d be sitting on my front step sipping lemon aid with her,yet here I am. Leaning on her no less. I look up at her. She was lazily reading some book. Her slander finger's find their way to my hair. I never realized it before,but Vicky was really cute.“So Twerp.” Vicky says suddenly “Are you like bi or full blown gay?” I sip my drink lazily. “I’m bi.” I reply. “That’s cool." She says.”What are you going to tell tootie? Are you even going to tell her at all?” I blow out a sigh.” I’m planning to tell her I’m gay.” I reply. “Letting her know I’m bi will only make her hang on to false hope.” Vicky nods. “Makes sense.” She says taking another sip. "Sure your really not into her huh?" "Not like that."I sigh

“Can I ask you something Twerp?” She asks. “Go ahead.” I tell her. “Do you hate Tootie?” She asks.  I really wish she didn’t ask me that. “ Don’t worry about pissing me off.” She tell me. “I don’t really care ether way.” I sit my lemon aid down and lean back. “I don’t hate her, I just don’t really like her.” I reply. “Part of me even kinda resents her.” I feel a twinge of sadness when I say this,but t's true none the less.“How come?” She asks putting a arm around me. She pulls me back against herself. “She seems like a nice person. She always seem believes in me,even when no one else seems too.” I begin. “But?” Vicky asks,urging me to go on. “Her love isn’t real love,It’s a sick obsession.” I explain. “ I mean she says she loves me, but the way she act it’s clear she don't care about my feelings, or about what I want.”I don't need that kind of love.

“Timmy,I had no idea you felt this way.” Vicky says shocked. “Oddly enough,no ones ever asked me before.” I tell her. “ Is that why you resent her?”She asks. “No,I resent her because she stole my first kiss.” I tell her. “She made be kiss her and it made me sick.” I don’t know why,But I suddenly feel furious at her for it. “I wanted my fist time to mean something.That and she’ll join up with my enemies if it meant getting what she wants from me.” “Twerp...I’m sure she wouldn’t do that.” Vicky stammers. “She already done it Vicky.” I tell her."That's how she got the kiss." Vicky stared at me shocked. “I’m so sorry Twerp.” She says.  I shrug. “It’s cool” I tell her. “She leans over and kiss my forehead.” She may have taken your very first kiss.” She says softly. “ But I’m positive Eddie will always be your first true love kiss.” I smile at her .I blush at the thought. I think she's right.“Thanks sis.” I say hugging her. “ “Any time Twerp.” She says. “TIMMY!” A voice shouts out the blue. “I’m home.” I cringe in Vicky arms. Vicky notices. “ Go ahead inside Twerp.” She whispers “ I’ll send her home.” I give her a grateful smile and go inside.  It was nice to have a big sister looking out for me.

*End of Timmy’s POV*

*Vicky’s POV*

I watch Timmy go inside. I Felt for the kid. It’s  hard enough being a kid. It’s even harder to be different, I know from experience. Well, at least he has people looking out for him. hell,he had me looking out for him. I let out a sigh as a grab my over eager little sister. “Let me go Vicky.” She whines. I hate it when she does that. “My beloved Timmy is waiting for me.”  “If he wanted to talk to you,he would have stuck around.” I point ou,rolling my eyes. “He probably wanted to,but you wouldn't let him.” She huffs in return. “ I roll my eyes a second time. “I have you know we were having a nice conversation before you came screeching along. “ I tell her,feeling annoyed. "I remember how Timmy cringed at the sound of it.I knew he they weren't besties,but I had no idea he had come to dislike her that much. It's a shame,I'm sure part of him want's to like her. If she didn't keep harassing him,it might actually grow.

“Really,did he say anything about me?” She asks,pulling me from my thoughts.  She was looking up at me with a hopeful look in her eyes. I put her down. “Yeah,he did.” I reply. I felt bad about the bomb I was about to drop on her,but it was the only way she’ll learn.” well? What did he say?" She asks eagerly “He resents you tootie.” I tell her. I can see the hurt in her eye’s “Your lying. How could you lie like that?” She asks near tears. “ It’s what he said.” I tell her firmly. “He likes you as a person. But hates the way you try to force yourself on him.” “It’s not true.” She shout’s “You..You just want to hurt me.” Man was this kid thick.“Damn it tootie. Are you really surprised?” I snap. Anger building in me. “you teamed up with his damn enemies,just to get what you want from him. Do you really think he’ll trust you after that?”

She looks down. “No,but I was desperate.” She mumbles. “That’s still no excuse,” I reply."You stole his first kiss with no regard about what it might mean to him!" Tootie looks down ashamed. Shame soon turns to suspicion. “Wait a minute.” she says looking up at me. “Since when does Timmy trusts you?” She asks, I shrug. “Your guess is as good as mine twerpette.” I tell her. “I guess we cleared the air between us.” She eyes my seriously suspicion still written all over her face. It doesn’t bother me. Most people look at me that way. “What?” I ask  “What else did you and Timmy talk about?” She asks ignoring my question. “ He told me he was gay.” I tell her. I watch her face turn from shock to anger. “I knew you were lying.” She shouts. “ There’s no way Timmy,or anyone else for that matter, would trust a heartless bitch like you with that kind of secret.

Her words cut deep. I,however,don’t let it show. I learned long ago to never let my pain show. It was a weakness others could attack. “Who the hell are you calling a heartless bitch, you little twerp?!?” I shout angrily. “You ask and I told you,if you can’t handle it then tuff!” She trembles at me sudden anger. Good, She remembers, I’m the cruel one. I can’t afford to let anyone see any other side of me. If they do, then I’m doomed.Most people are dieing to find my weakness. Most people want nothing more then to break me. Bring down the hated,self righteous bitch, known as Vicky.“He can’t be.” Tootie whimpers. “My Timmy’s not a fag.” I’m taken aback by her words. “He’s Not!” She shouts and bolts inside Timmy’s house. I try to open the door,but it’s locked. I bit back a curse and head around to the back yard. “If that little twit knows what’s good for her,she won’t drop the F word in front of Timmy.” I think my self as I push open the fence to the backyard.

*End of Vicky’s POV*

*Inside the house*

*Timmy’s POV*

I lay lazily on the couch. Every one seemed busy today. I wasn’t surprised,we still had  more wands to find And who know how many medallions. Still I wish I could hang out with Tommy again. I probably was best we didn’t,to be safe. “But you still want to go on another date.” I hear a voice say. I look up to see Terry grinning at me. “Yeah.” I admit. “When are you and Anti-Eddie going to go on your first date?” I ask. Terry shrugs. “I don’t know.” He says “Maybe today,if one of us can work up the nerve to ask the other.” I let out a sigh and nod. “Me and Tommy seem to be having the same problem. "Hey Timmy."Terry calls to me. "Yeah?" I reply. "Have you thought about being with more then one person?" He asks. I think about it."Yeah,I have."I admit."you?" "Yea,I have."He says. "I know you like Remy." I remark. "He blushes and nods  I lean close to him,Any others?" I ask."Like a certain green haired fairy?" I giggle when Terry blush more and nods again. .

"There's one more person I like.?" HE says to my surprise."Who?"  He turns a d looks at me. Our faces were only inches apart now.  "I. .um." He stammer's. We both Jump when we hear the front door slam. I lean back a little.“Did she go home?” I ask to who I thought was Vicky. “Hopefully she did.” Tootie says. Pinning me to the couch with a hug. Terry barely had time to move out the way. I let out a annoyed groan. “Who’s he?” she asks pointing at terry. “Um..That’s my Cousin Terry. He’s visiting for the weekend.” I tell her. “Hi.” Terry says giving her a odd look. “Hi,I’m Timmy’s girlfriend.” She says. “Your not my girlfriend.”I snap. “Timmy,Vick told me a horrible lie about you.” She says ignoring my comment. “What Lie?” I ask annoyed. “She said you were gay.” She replies. “So?” Terry remarks. “So?She’s going around calling your cousin a fag,and you say so?”She snaps at him. Terry look at her shocked. I shove her off me. “Ow,Timmy that hurt.” She whimpers.

I feel a rush within me. I almost enjoyed it. I almost told her good. “She’s told you the truth tootie.” I tell her. “I’m gay. That’s why I can never be with you.” “I’ll leave you two alone.” Terry says. “I got a hot date to make any way.” “Ok,have fun.” I tell him. I can’t blame him for wanting to escape this awkward situation. Heck,I wanted to run and hide too. Tootie looked at me with wide eyed disbelief. “It’s not true.” she sobbed. “Vicky put you up to this,she’s making you say it.” Man are you dense.” We heard Voice say. We turn to she Vicky leaning on the entrance to the kitchen. “Sorry she got in twerp.” She tells me. “It’s cool.” I tell her.”She needed to here it from me anyway.” “So...You really do resent me?” Tootie asks.She sounded like She was about to cry. I feel guilt build within me.But I had to be honest with her. I look her in the eyes. Tears were already forming.

I feel a twinge of sadness. Because I really did like her once. I even loved her,just not in the way she wanted me too.It hurt to think haw far apart I've grown from her. How cold my heart was now to her.“Yeah,I do.” I tell her. “But..You love me.” Tootie stammers. “I did once.”I admit. “But,only as a sister, never as a girlfriend.”I watch shocked  as her gentle eyes darken to a almost vicky like cruelty “Do you really think you’ll be able to find a boyfriend?” Tootie snaps. “Watch it.” Vicky growls,causing Tootie to wince. “I got it.”I call to Vicky. “What does that supposed to mean?”I ask Tootie. “Gay guys are pickier that straight girls.” She says. “I’m the only girl who’ll ever want you. Which means no gay guy well ever want you.” I stare at her. I feel deeply hurt. Not just because of her word,but because it hurts to realize how many people I thought cared about me,had such low opinions about me.Too know that as much as I loved them,they never loved all. Was I worth anything to anyone?

“I’m a gay guy,and l want nothing more then to hoard him greedily for myself. “ We turn to the Direction of the voice. I’m shocked to see who had spoken. “Who’s the british kid.” Tootie ask. I’m to shocked to speak.I could only stare at anti-dad as he make his way down the stairs.  I was just shocked at his word,but how hunky he looked at my age. No wonder momma staked her claim on him. “Allow me to introduce my self. The name’s Augustus, Augustus cornelius Issmade. But my friends call me AC.” My Anti-dad? Says walking over to me.” I’m Timothy’s boyfriend.” He says kissing my cheek. ”anti- dad what are you doing?” I whisper to him. ”Why defending your honor,of course.” he whispers back. “So glade you decided to come out the closet love.” He continues. “Dating in secret was becoming so tiresome.” I felt a blush burn my cheeks. Seriously,my heart should  not be fluttering like this. “Wow twerp. I had no Idea.” Vicky said chuckling. “I don’t believe it.” Tootie snaps. “If his your boyfriend,let’s see you kiss him.” She demands.

Me and AC look at each other.  we were both blushing madly.“Very well.” AC says. Before I can’t react,he grabs me and kisses me passionately on the lips. I lean into kiss. My heart was going mad. man oh man,I should NOT be enjoying this so much.“What the hell?!”  Everyone turns around to see a very pissed of Tommy. He walks over and snatches me From AC. “AC,Why are you kissing MY Timmy?” He asks. “It’s not what you Think Edward.” AC stammer. “This girl was putting our dear Timothy down, and I was merely showing her others do indeed find him desirable.” "Damn it you could have used you word and not your lips." Tommy huff. "But kissing him seemed more fun." AC pouts. "Wait,he likes me that way?" I think to myself. "HE like ME back?"  “Wait who are you?” Tootie asks. “I’m Timmy’s boyfriend.” Tommy says. “I thought thee british kid was his boyfriend.” She point’s out. “

“Timothy my dear boy,I’m back for our weekend splendor.” I turn and see Remy walking in from the kitchen. “we..Weekend Splendor?” Tootie stammers out,blushing bright red. “Wow Twerp. Your a dud with the chicks, but with guys your a stud.” Vicky says’s from the couch."You got hunks just crawling from the wood works." When the hell did she get there,and where the heck did she get popcorn. I felt Tommy’s arms tighten around me. I wanted to snuggle into them. “But...He’s my Timmy.” I hear him say softly. "I'm okay with sharing,but. . shouldn't I get a say,in any of it. His voice almost trembled.I realize all this must be upsetting him. “I only Have one boyfriend,And it’s Tommy.” I tell Tootie. “For now.” Vicky says. I look at her. She only smiles. “You have no idea what a little hottie you are Timmy.” Vicky tell me. Now I was the one blushing bright red.  "Then again that’s part of your charm,Don't you agree AC.” “It is indeed.” AC says giving me a smile. I look at him puzzled.He says nothing and walks away.

“Come on Remington,I’ll show you where you can put you sleeping bag.” He add going over th a confused Remy and pulling him upstairs. I turn to Vicky. “I not going anywhere.” she says before I can speak. “This is too juicy.” I roll my eye and turn back to Tootie. “This is my boyfriend Thomas Edward..”I fall silent,un sure if I should tell her his last name. “Sanderson.” Tommy finishes for me.”I look at him nervously,Tommy only smiles warmly at me. “You don’t know you "boyfriend’s" last name? Tootie asks. I want to shoot the guy who came up with that stupid air quote thing. “He knows my last name.” Tommy replies. “ I’m not entirely out the closet ether. Timmy was just trying to protect my privacy.” I look up at him." Things can get very dangerous for him,if the wrong people find out he's gay." I explain,giving him a serious look."I don't want him hurt."

Tommy kisses my cheek. “Don’t worry love,We’ll face what ever come,together.”He says "Don't worry cutie,you won't lose me,I promise." I lean into his arm. They felt so nice around my. “ I know hon.” I tell him. “Just be careful.” “Oh my god you are gay.” I hear tootie say. I turn to look at her.She looked horrified as tears ran streaming down her cheeks. “ No... I refuse to believe it.That bastard corrupted you."Tootie sobbed,pointing at Tommy. Him and the evil british kid.” “Tootie stop it, He’s gay deal with it.” Vicky snaps. “No! I won’t.” Tootie shouts back. “Tootie ,That’s enough.It’s over.” I yell. “face facts,I’m gay, It’s just the way I am. No one corrupted me.I love Tommy,not you!” "NOOO!" she scream's backing  “Don’t worry Timmy. I’ll find a way to save you.” She says ignoring what I said. “I promise.I’ll cure you.” Before I could say anything she turns and runs from the room.

I soon hear the front do slam shut. “Who was that? And what does she mean she’ll cure Timmy?” Asks a rightfully puzzled Tommy.  “It’s a long story hon. Let’s talk over some lemon ade.” I tell him. “Sound’s good to me.” He replies. “Coming vicky?” I ask turning to her. “Nah.”she replies. “I got to go and straighten out my idiot sister. I’ll be back in a bit.”  I watch her walk out the room. “Coming babe.” Tommy calls to me. “Yeah,sure.” I reply. I walk over and take his hand. I note how my hand fits perfectly into his. How very...Fitting.

*End of TImmy’s POV*

*In the castle in the fishbowl.*

*Anti-Cosmo’s POV.*

I walk from Remington's temporary bedroom to the den Cosmo and Wanda had so kindly set up for me. I sit in my chair and anti-poof up a fire. My mind kept going back to that kiss. Who knew Timothy such a amazing kisser. He was almost as good as Cosmo. I shift uneasily in my chair. He was my son. And I just kissed him. What will Cosmo think of me? Will he be hurt? What about Anti-Wanda? Ye GODS, what would Wanda think  of it?  I can just picture,hand clenched around my throat.Trying with all her might to shake the life from my bones.I feel warm arms pull me close. I gentle kiss is placed on my forehead. “I think I ruined everything.” I sigh out, leaning into Anti-Wanda’s arms. “I’m sure it jus in yur head cozzie.” She says stroking my hair. “ Not this time,dearest.”I tell her. Tears swell in my eye’s “I’m not even sure you can love me after this.” The though of losing my dear Anti-Wanda's love,scared me more then anything.

She left’s my gaze to meet hers. “Cozzie you and me,we’s a team.” She tells me. Her eye’s are both  serious and kind. Stern,yet somehow gentle. “ There ain’t nothing you can ever do that can make me stop lovin you.” I hug her tightly. “My beloved dark darling.” I sob. “I can always count on you.” "Yes that's right. Now matter how much I'm hated. Even if I'm damned in the eyes of every man,woman and child. I I still have you."I think to myself." If nothing else,I can always count on you and your love." “Now,tell yur babeh what ya did that was so bad.”She says. I take a deep breath and tell her what transpired down stairs. She listens to  me quietly,not once interrupting me. That makes highly nervous. When I’m done I wait for he response. “ She’s oddly quite,but she also doesn't push me away. “It sound like,you were just standin' up for da boy.” She says finally. “What’s wrong with that?”

I look at her shocked. “I enjoyed kissing him. On the lips.”  I spit out. “Daaaww,You gotz a crush on Timmeh.” She chuckled as I could only stare blankly at her. “Your quite mad my dim darling. You really, really are.” I tell her as I try to soothe growing the growing pain in my head. “Cozzie?” She calls summoning my attention. I shift nervously as I note the serious tone in her voice. “Yes, dearest?” I reply nervously “Yur not gay are ya?” she asks, equally nervous. I can see tears forming in her eyes.She doesn't dare look me in the eyes. “cause if’n ya are,I’ll give you a divorce.I’ll still love you no matter what. I just wantcha to be happy."  "divorce?"  That horrid word echoed in my mined. "From my dearest love?

I pull my teary darling into my arms. “I’m not gay love,I’m bi.” I tell her. “how can you ask me that?” I try to suppress the panic that was rising in my heart.“Cozzie,how can’t I?” She responds. “Yur in love with three boys.” I pull back and look at her. “Three?” I echo giving her a puzzled look. She blows out a sigh. “ You in love with coz.” she says. “Yur in love with Timmeh”  “I..I am..”I stammer. Her hand placed gently on my lips quickly gains my silence. “And yur in love wit Eddie.” I stare at her. The woman may well, know my better then I knew myself. “But,dearest I’m in love with you.” I tell her. “Madly and completely.” “But,how come i’m the only one?” She asks. “All the time we were growing up,You never even looked at another woman. You never even seemed tempted. But,I have seen you check out oder men.

She was right,I did check out guys. I lean back in the chair. I also rarely looked at women, not suggestively anyway. Why was that. But,I was attracted to anti-Wanda. In every sense of the word. And she was very womanly.  I was also attracted to Wanda,but then again she was, in a way, Anti-Wanda’s twin. Then why wasn’t attracted to Anti-Blonda. I cringe at the mere thought at being with blonda.“Ya can’t answer that can ya?” she asks. “I love wanda." I point out. "Cozzie,Wanni looks like me." She sigh. "It's not the fact she looks like you darling."I tell her. "Their's just something  about her" My dim darling gives me a puzzled look. "They about it."I'm not interested in ether of you girls twin sisters." I my dim darling let's out a sigh"That still don't say why you don't look at oder women." She points out.. I desperately search My mind for a answer,ANY answer they explain my behavior.A bat,a last,I can't.“But love,I don’t want a divorce. I’m happy and proud to be you husband.”I reply. My dear dimwit embraces me in a tight hug. “I don’t want one eder.” She sobs. “But, I don't want to trap you in a marriage ya don’t want.

"Anti-Wanda,I want nothing more then to be married to you.” I tell her sternly. I lift her gaze to meet mine. “I love you. I’ll always want to be with you. Without you my life would be incomplete. After all, You the one a can tell anything.” But cozzie,you’ll be able to do that with Coz soon.” She counters. “Besides that just makes me yur best friend.” “true but isn’t that important quality in a soulmate.” I reply.” Don’t forget I find you absolutely gorgeous..” “You do Cozzie.” She asks blushing. My heart flutters,I love it when she blushes like that. “Indeed I do,my dim crumpet.” I reply kissing her sweet lips.It has been far to long since I’ve sampled the nectar of her sweet lips. Felt the  gentle passion of my southern rose. We break our kiss,I’m left breathless. So is she. She snuggles into my arms. I gentle stroke her hair. I was nice to relax with her. “So?:” She says suddenly.  “Hmm?” I reply gazing lazily at the fire, “How are ya gonna get Timmeh in ya arms, and get back in Eddies pants?”  If I was drinking something,I’m sure that comment would have made me put out the fire.  I look up at my grinning love. Ye gods and people say I’m blunt.

*End of anti-Cosmo’s POV*

*In another room*

*Nega-Timmy’s POV*

I twirl my wand as  down the castle hall. I can't believe I almost told Timmy I liked him. Good thing tootie showed up. I can't help but wonder if he liked me too.I walk into the castles living room. HP was teaching Eugene how to play chess. Norm and Gary was playing checkers.  Remy was watching. Probably waiting to play the winner. Then I spot him. In the corner talking to himself. It was odd,but he looked really cute when he did that. I walk over to him. HP notices and give me a relived smile. I smile back, and continue to my muttering anti-pixie. I sit next to him,he doesn’t seem to notice. “I told you I’m not going back there.”He mutters “I’m happier here,I have Terry,I don’t need them.” “Yeah, you tell’em.” I remark,drawing his attention to me. “He gives me a puzzled look. I only smile and kiss his forehead. “I’m just agreeing with you babe.” I tell him.

He smiles back at me. “Haha,Terry agrees with me.” He says,taunting the voice in his head,I’m guessing. I chuckle and hug my mad little anti-pixie. “Your busy?” I ask.  “ No,I’m not doing anything. He says. Why?” “I wanna know if you wanna go an a date.” I reply. A cute violet blush colors his cheeks.  “Your asking me out on a date?” He asks. “I lean close to him. “What do ya say cutie?” I whisper into his ear. “Ok.” he agrees.” I Kiss his cheek “Good,Meet me In Timmy’s living room in a half.” I tell him. I get up and dash out the room. I needed to find a parent. I was gonna need some money.”

*End of Terry’s POV*

*Anti-Sanderson POV*

I stare after my ruby eyed love. I can’t believe he asked me to a date. I actually had a date. “AAAAHHHGGG! I GOT DATE!!!” I scream. “ HP HELP!” I race over to the elder pixie. “Dates are good thing.” He says smirking."They don't call for medication." “I know that,but what do you do on them?” I asks. “Haven’t you ever been on one booboo?” Gary asks. “No, people barely tolerated me back in anti-pixie world.” I reply franticly. “I don’t know how to act,what to wear?” I struggle to breath. “God’s I’m going to make an ass of myself and he’ll break up with me.And run off with a hot Latin anti-pixie named Diego.” “Anti-Eddie calm down.” HP says putting an arm around me. “Just be yourself and everything will be fine. Now breath stupid.” I draw in a deep breath.

Eugene looks down. If I didn’t know better he seem almost like he was going to cry. That can‘t be right.Why would he be that upset.“You better help him,Sir.” He says standing up. “We can finish our game later. “ “Eugene are you ok?” I ask  Yeah,peachy.” He replies. He give me a sad smile and pings out the room. HP looked worried. “He shakes his head and turn his attention back to me. “I’ll check on him later.” HP tell me. “Let’s get your ready for your date.” He pings us out the room. Why does he seem so sad.

*End of Anti-Sanderson’s POV*

*In the kitchen*

Timmy’s POV*

“ So that’s what’s happened.” Tommy sighs out leaning back in his chair. I nod,leaning back in mine. “I still can’t believe he kissed me. “ “You still looked like you enjoyed that kiss.” Tommy says. “I did.” I admit without thinking. “ I shoot up in my chair. Tommy was looking at me shocked. “I..I mean.” I stammer.” I’m.. um.. sorry.” I get up and rush to the door. Be for I make it I hear a ping,  I’m not only back at the kitchen. But I’m in Tommy’s arms. They were wrapped tightly around me.  I feel myself blush as I look up at him.“Calm down Timmy,I’m not mad.” He says. “Your not?” I ask. He shakes his head. “I should be,but I’m not.”  He pulls me closer .”I mean,it’s not like you’ll leave me,right?” I snuggle in his arms. “Never darling.” I say. I blush brighter when it hit me,what I just said. “Timmy? Did you just call me darling?” He asks. “No.” I lie. He lifts my gaze to meet his. I notice he’s taken his shades of. I stare into wild Pink and violet eyes. The sight of them steals my breath,and drives my heart mad “Don’t lie to me Timmy.” He says with a wicked smile. “I’m not lying.” I stammer “I’m was just..” "Not telling the truth.” He finishes for me.

He was so close to me,I could feel he’s breath on my lips. He eye’s burned into mine.  “Do you want me to kiss you Timmy?” He asks brushing he lips against mine. “Don’t tease me Tommy?” I breath out. “Just kiss me already.” “He chuckles sadistically.  It was dark,it cruel, it drove my heart wild.  His lips brushes lightly across mine. ”My, My aren‘t we demanding.” He leans close,I feel his breath on my ear. “Naughty boy. Don’t you know I’m the boss. He says. Once again,I hear a dark chuckle from my beloved. “Tommy.”I whine “Don’t make me beg.” I drape my arms around his neck. I’m pulled into a tight embrace. " His lips brushes min again."Do it or no kiss." Tommy." I whine. "Do it pet." He demands. "if I refuse." I ask. I'm answered with a swat on the bottom. " Not only will you get no kiss." He purred darkly into my ear."but master will have to punish you for disobeying."

I gasp him he hit me. His word makes me shutter with excitement"Please kiss my tommy."I beg."I long for the sweet taste of your lips" "Good boy."He whispers sweetly to me.. He lips crashes down into mine. This kiss was different the others before it. This one was hungry, forceful. I feel as though I was being devoured and I had no will to fight it off. I felt a cruel darkness radiate from him.I felt his evil, his cruelty. Wild, wanton, twisted and sadistic Power. It was intoxicating. I wanted to drown in it and never breath air again. Never again see to light of day and live forever in the darkness of his heart. The dark, mad, twisted, glorious darkness of his heart.Time looses all meaning.Reason and self preservation fade to nothingness. All I know is him. I feel myself drowning, I happily let myself drown.He breaks the kiss all to soon. I’m left gasping for air. I realize I almost suffocated. “I almost forgot humans need to breath.” He says giving me a dark smile. “I’d hate for my little dolly to expire.” “It’s cool.I don’t mind.” I say mindlessly. “I do.I want to keep you in my arm as long as I can.” He say running his fingers though my hair. With out warning he grips it and pull my head back roughly. I yelp at the sudden pain. Whimpers turn to a gasp as I feel his lips on my neck. I let out a soft moan as I delight in the heady mixture of please and pain.

I head spins as I feel my sense heighten and numb at the same time. “Timmy?” He whispers in my ear. “Yeah.” I breath out. “I know you have a guest to entertain,but you wanna have dinner with me tonight?” He asks. “I’d love too.” I reply “Excellent.” He say and returns to nibbling my neck. I let out another soft moan. “Damn it.” I almost growl. I swipe up his shade and place them back on. Instead of questioning me,he pause to listen. Soon mom and dad float through the door. I sit up Tommy’s arms“Oh sorry to interrupt.” mom says “But remy wants to know when you’ll me up.” “I’ll go up now.” I tell them and kiss Tommy softly. “See ya later babe,” I whisper to him. “Later Cutie.” He replies with a smile. “I’ll send you up.”  Dad says and poofs me there. “Hey,TimTim.” Gary. Says chuckling. “Nice of you to join us.” “Oh yes, dear boy.” Remy says chuckling as well. “So sorry to interrupt you.” “What are you talking about?” I ask puzzled and a little annoyed. And how did he know Tommy and me got interrupted.“Take a gander at your neck.” Norm says handing me a mirror.  I look at the snickering trio,then the mirror. I turn red immediately. I had a hicky on my neck.  I look up from the mirror at the trio.

They burst out laughing,I do to. “Ok TimTim you got two choices.” Gary says with a wicked grin.  “You can give us the story of that hicky know.” Remy begins. “Or?” I asks smiling. “Or you can spill it after we tickle you for a hour.” Norm replies. “yeah right.”I chuckle. In a flash,Remy and Gary pins me to the floor. Norm hovers over me, holding a feather menacing. “Last chance kid.” He says grinning down at me. “OK. OK. I’ll spill.”  I shout. They let me up. I grab my wand in my pocket. “But you gotta catch me first.” I star poof away from them. “When did he get a wand?” I here Remy ask a i dash for the door.” “I’ll explain while we hunt him down.” Gary replies. This was going to be fun.

*End Of Timmy’s POV*

*Up stairs in the attic*

*Anti-Rip POV*

I recline in my chair. It had taken me all morning to pack my things. I calmly sip my ice tea think sweet thought of a certain red haired girl, She was fairly young it’s true ,but there was something about her fiery spirit that captivated me. She had the loveliest of soft pink eyes. I didn’t even know humans were born with eyes that color,Rare eye’s for a rare beauty. I blow out a sigh. I maiden of her caliber must have her choice of strapping young bucks. Finer specimens then a stuffy old doctor. A anti-fairy doctor at that. Sure ,I'm fine shape for my age. I'm as strong and swift as my juniors. But,it was a sad fact, other then another anti-fairy, no one would  willing trust me to take me on as there doctor.  Even though I graduated with top honors. All I’ll ever be to anyone is a anti-fairy.Hence some one not to be trusted. And love, was but a cruel joke that would never come to pass.

It’s a shame, all I ever wanted to do was help people. Not all anti’s want to cause bad luck. I wasn’t immune to it’s draw,but when I arrive on the scene I usually start checking if any one is hurt. A knock at my door,spare me any further decent into self pity. “Come in.” I call. To my surprise Cosmo and Wanda comes through my door. Holding Poof and Foop. I sit straight up in my chair. “Cosmo,Wanda what can I do you?” I ask. “Anti-Me asked us to take Foop to you for his check up.” Cosmo replies. “Oh,I see.” I say with a smile. “Since we’re taking  Foop to you for a check up, we though you could give Poof his check up too.My heart leaps with joy.”I’d be happy too.” I tell her. Cosmo hand’s me Foop. Wanda curiously poofs a lock on the door. “While your at it you can give Cosmo his check up too.” “What?!?” the green haired fairy shouts, making a mad dash for the door. “Wanda,you know I’m scared of doctors.” He shouts struggling to open the door. “He might give me a shot. I don’t want a shot.” I puzzled to why He simple doesn’t poof out the room. Then it dawns on my,He’s the dumb one. “Shot.?What’s a shot?” Foop asks growing nervous.” You going to shoot me?” “No of course not.” I tell him. “I don’t believe you.” Foop shouts and struggles to get out my grip. “unhand me or face my wrath.” “Foop,calm down. I won’t hurt you.You know that.” I tell him calmly. Foop soon calms down.

As soon as his does I hear Poof crying. Obviously scared and confused.I sit Foop down and make him promise to stay put. When he does I fly Over to Poof. “Hand him to me please.” I tell Wanda. I’m a bit taken back when she does so without question. But I don’t let it show. I have important matter’s at hand. Wanda flies off to pry her husband off the door. Leaving her baby in my care. A sign of thrust that is, by no means,lost on me. “There there Poof.”I say trying to soothe the frightened child. “Your uncle Anti-Rip won’t hurt you. I’m going to make sure you grow up to be a strong and healthy fairy,just like your daddy.” I walk over to my desk with him. He stopped crying and was looking up at me. I smiled down at him. I’m glad when he smiles back at me.

I pick up Foop and sit in my chair. I could only examine one child at a time. So while their parents are busy,I rock the two young ones in my chair.Poof sucks his thumb while Foop suck on my tie. I feel a twinge of envy.I would love to me a father someday. But because of my Fairy-counter part,I couldn’t even get married. It was time like this I truly hated the way My race was bound to the will of our `fairy counter part’s. They can’t have children, now it was forbidden to use as well. We can’t marry unless or counter part marries first. Just so we don’t force them to marry some one they don’t love,but it’s fine if we marry someone we didn’t.  “awe you ok unkey Andi-wip?” Poof asks I look down at the children. Concerned lavender eyes peer back up at me. “You look a might sad there,old man.” Foop adds.

I smile at them. “I’m Fine boys.”I tell them, “I was just lost in thought for a moment.” “Im sorry if I hurt your feelings.” I hear Cosmo voice next to me. I turn to see sad,concerned green eyes. “I’m scared of all doctors,please don’t be offended.” “It’s quite alright Cosmo.” I reply.” I’m well aware of what kind of doctor Rip stuntwell is.” “Then why don’t you take his patience?” Wanda asks. I can’t hide the sudden sadness that swells within me. “ Because for one, as a Anti-Fairy I’m not allowed to practice medicine any where other then anti-fairy world. Secondly as a Anti-fairy no one will allow be to be their doctor.” I explain.

I surprise by the anger that flares up in Cosmo and Wanda’s eyes. “You mean I could have gone to you at any time,But instead they force me to go to that two-bit loser?" Wanda shouts. “I wouldn't have put it in those words,but yes.”I reply. I see pure rage in her eyes. “Cosmo,Take Poof so Anti-Rip can give Foop his check up. “ She orders. “I’ll be right back I need to talk to some one.” She poof out the room. “I can’t help but wonder who she was going to talk to.” I wonder aloud. “Me too.” Cosmo says taking Poof. He flies over to a near by chair and takes a seat.I begin my examination. “Are you going to let me give you a check up?” I ask. “Yeah.” He replies. “You don’t have to,you know.” I remind him. “I know Anti-Rip.” He says. “I’m may be afraid of you as a Doctor,but I trust you more as a friend.”  I can’t help but smile.” Thank you Cosmo,that mean allot to me.”I tell him. Cosmo beams. “My pleasure Anti-Rip.”

*End Of Anti-Rips POV*

*At the Vicky’s House*

*Vicky’s POV*

As soon as I walk in the door I feel a chill. It’s funny,it felt warmer in her when I was Sharing this place with Norm and the pixies. It almost felt like home even. I walk it to the living room. Tootie was crying on my mom. Dad stared daggers at me,at least until I looked his way. Then he eeped and began to tremble. “Psst,fucking coward.” I say with a sneer.  I turn my attention to the two on the couch, while still keeping a ear out for his movement. It’s a sad fact,but I have to be on guard when my family was home. I can’t afford to let them get the drop on me. It was simply to dangerous. One misstep,And it's back to the E.R. "Tootie come with me.” I order. “I need to have a little chat with you.” “Please Vicky.” My mom pleads. “She’s upset enough. Let me calm her..” “No ones talking to you!” I snap cutting her off. Both her and Tootie flinch. “I feel bad when they do,but I don’t let it show. I can’t afford the show them any kindness. They’ll just use it against me. I know,they have before. I hear my dad charge towards me. I quick spin kick sends him back to the chair he was sitting in. My mom scream and runs to him.

I take this time to grab Tootie.Tootie screams, but a glare from me silences her. “Me and Tootie will be chatting up stairs.” I call tossing a panicking Tootie over my shoulder. They start to object,again a glare from me put a quick end to their little rebellion. I carry Tootie up stairs and toss her on my bed. “What do you want from me?” She whimpers. “Like I said, I want to have a little chat.” I tell her. “About what?” She asks. “About Timmy being gay.” I tell her. “I know your smart enough to know you can’t cure someone of being gay” She looks down. “I know. She sigh. “But..It might work.”I glares at her.Just how deep in denial was she. “No it won’t.” I growl at her. “Even if it did,Would it be worth putting him through that kind of suffering?” Her silence tells all. So she wasn't her being selfish. It wasn't denial. The little creep was just that damn selfish.“You heartless little bitch. It would,wouldn’t it?” I shout,My anger hitting new highest. “Who cares about how much pain he’s in. How he feels. As long as tootie get her Timmy,that’s all that matter.” “I can make him happy.” She sobs. “ If he just give me a chance,I can do it.” “I don't give a shit about his happiness.You could never make him happy."I snap darkly." He's right, you don't love him "

 "I do love him,with all my heart." Tootie scream.So much ,it hurts."No,you love the idea of him. You love what ever sick fantasy you made up about him." I scoff. "But Timmy, the living ,breathing, quirky, little  odd twerp I Love,The Real Timmy. Heh . .You don't give shit about." I pause to calm myself.I was saying too much."It’s a wonder he doesn’t hate you already.” I snap darkly. “Thank the gods he’s starting to. I hope he gets to to the point he can’t stand to look at your selfish face.” “You mean hate me like everyone hate you.” she spites out. “Even our own parents.Her words are like knives in my heart. “You call me a heartless bitch,try looking the mirror.” She sneers. So the real Tootie decides to show up.” You act so tough,But all you are is a lonely pathetic bitch, no one can or ever will  want to love.” I slap her cross the face,hard. She stares at me in shock. “Watch your damn mouth runt.” I tell her. “Just because I never hit you before,doesn’t mean I won’t.” I grab her by her shirt and hold her close,her ear just inches from my mouth 'Your right bitch,I am hated.Perhaps damned." I growl."But I rather be myself and hated,then be a sniviling two faced bitch like you.

I pull back and stare cruely into her eyes “Talking to you is a obviously waste of my precious time so I’ll make this short.” I tell her. “I find out you outed Timmy to anyone. Our parents,his parents, ANYONE. I will hunt you down and beat the holy shit out of you. And there will be no one in this world or any other that can shield you from my rath. Is that clear?”She let’s out a whimper and agrees. Out the corner of my eye and see our  parents peeking in from the hallway. I toss Tootie at the doorway. My parents catch her as I knew they would. After all,they were waiting for it.I watch as they land in a heap. “You guys really need to work on that landing.” I tell the,in my normal uncaring tone. I step over them and head to the stairs. I’m hyper alert when I reach them. They’ve pushed me down them before. It was a miracle the fall didn’t kill me. But it did leave me in a weakened state.  The whole time I was laid up, they delighted in torturing me. Starving me. Making me beg for the thing I needed to live. I vowed never to be weak before them again. He hear foot steps, I turn to see my dad step behind me.His hands almost touching me.

I curse myself for letting him get that close. I grab his hand and throw him the rest of the way down the stairs. My Mom screams,a wait for her to pass and shove her down as well.She lands on top of him. I look up the stairs. “What to join them brat?” I call up to Tootie.” She ducks behind the banister. “I..I” She stammer. “Tootie,Stay up there sweetie.”Mom call to her. “Ok,mommy.” Tootie shouts back. “Ok,mommy.” I mock. “Like you cowardly ass,was gonna come down.” I turn a start down the stairs but stop.” Tootie,Come down here.” I shout to her.” NO!” she shout back. “Do it,or I’ll come up and throw you down.” I shout. “Do as she says honey.’ Dad called to her. She does as he says. I pick her up by the collar and carry her down the stairs. I drop her on our parents when I safely reach the bottom.

I walk out the door and look around. The neighbors were eyeing me as usual.I always found it funny. Not one trusted me,but they let me watch their kids. I let a dry chuckle and make my way to Timmy’s house. I had my axe with me. I picked it up on the way out the house. I was always armed when I leave home. It was the only way I felt safe. As soon as I get inside Timmy’s house I collapse onto the floor,tossing the axe aside.  I hide my face in my arms. I hate the way I treated them. I hated being cruel to them,But it was the only way I could keep myself safe. After all,I rather be hated then dead.

*End Vicky's POV*

*Sanderson’s POV*

I wonder out the kitchen. I heard crying coming from another room.  I’m surprised to see Angel crying by the door. I float over to her. I never seen her this upset. She was upset when she got off the phone yesterday,but not this upset. I sit next to her and pull her into my arms. He arms wraps around me as she continue to sob. I must me getting good at this comforting thing. “Hey angel? What’s the matter?” I ask. “My family hates me?” She sob. I’m taken aback. Why? I ask.How can anyone hate her. She was so, cute, so charming,so deadly. Wait,wasn't the last art the reason I'm hated? “Because I’m cruel to them.” She answers. I’m puzzled “Then don’t be cruel to them.” I offer. She looks up at me, there a deep sadness in her eyes.

“ I have to, if I don’t they’ll take advantage of me.” she says. “ If I’m nice to them they’ll treat me like dirt.” “And being cruel to them make them hate you.” I finish for her. “Yeah.” She says leaning against me. “That why...That’s why I can’t afford to show any one,that I can be anything besides cruel.” “That must be lonely.” I Whisper to her stroking her hair. “I’m meant to be alone.” She replies. “That’s not true Angel.” I tell her. “It’s not?” She asks looking up at me. I shake my head. “You have a new family,a real family.” I explain. “Me, and HP and Eugene and Timmy. You can be yourself around US.” “Really? I can?” She asks new hope shining in her eye. “Yeah, you can.” I confirm smiling. “Hell, The others too.I hate to break it to you kiddo,But you’ve been drafted into this mad band of misfits we call a family.”

*Ends Sanderson's POV.*

*Vicky’s POV*

I throw my arms around Eddie. My heart fluttered with joy,I never felt before.. “You guys really want me in your family?” I ask. “Seriously?” “Like totally seriously.” He mocked. I laugh and kiss his cheek. “Timmy picked a really awesome guy to be his boyfriend.” I  whisper to him. “Aww,thanks,: He replies blushing a little. “You know what else?” I ask. “What?" He asks back. “You also one awesome big brother.” “He beams. “Thanks. You a pretty awesome little sister.” My smile fades. “To bad I’m a rotten big sister.”  “I don’t know,I think your pretty cool.” We turn and see Timmy and his friends coming towards us. I smile at him. “Thanks twerp.” I say feeling better. “Any time sis.” He replies. I love it when he calls me that.

*End of Vicky’s POV*

*In another room in the house. *

*HP’s POV*

“There something nice and casual. “ I say patting Anti-Eddie on the back. He gives me a grateful smile “Now what?” He asks “You go meet him in the living room.” I reply.  “But what if he doesn’t like me?” He asks. I put my hand in his shoulder.  Anti-Eddie,the kid already loves you.” I assure him. “You’ll be fine.” He nods and anti-pings out the room.  I let out a deep sigh before flying off to look for Eugene.  I'm worried how sad he looked when he left the room. I wonder if he ever been on a date.h must have, he's too cute no to have any. Then again he was also gay. I spot him as I pass by a room. He was curled up on the guest bed,his back to the door. I could hear him crying,It killed me inside. I fly in silently and peer over his shoulder. Tear flowed freely from him.It hurts to see him this way. Especially since we pixies didn’t cry unless we were deeply hurt. But,what could have hurt him so deeply,he could cry so easily. I lay next him and pull him into my arms. Are you always in this much pain? He looks up at me startled. “Sir,what are you doing here?” He asks. “I came to check up on you.” I tell him moving his hair from his eyes. He gives me a puzzled look. “Why?” He asks. “Because I cared about you.” I reply. He turns away shyly. I turn his gaze back to me. “Because I love you.”

He stares at me shocked. I feel myself blush,for admitting my feelings. “Sir? Your married.” He stammers. “Only legally,Only for now.” I tell him. I lean forward and kiss his forehead. “Now,What’s got my handsome pixie so upset.”

*End of HP’s POV*

*Eugene’s POV*

I feel a blush burn my cheeks. I don’t know what was harder to believe, the fact he called me handsome or his. “I was just feeling down,because I’ll never get got go on a date.” I tell him. “I least not with the person I love.” “Why not? He asks. I look at him sadly. “ Because he’s out my reach and out my league.” I reply. “I know how you feel.” He says. “I feel the same way about, the one I love.” He sounded so sad. “How that possible?”I asks. “Your the head Pixie.” “The married head pixie.” He reminded me. “Be sides,he’s younger then me. What  young Pixie would want with a ugly old man like myself.” “Your not ugly,Your the hottest thing on wings.” I exclaim,shocked by his words. “I’d  kill for a chance to be with you.” I clap a hand over me mouth. A wicked gin crosses his handsome face. “So you do like me.” He says pulling me closer.” So,what if I do.” I pout. “Your married. And you like someone else.” It kills me that some lucky bastard had already wormed his way into his heart. Probably some gold-digging little whore. HP just laughs. “Eugene,who do you think the young pixie I was talking about was?” He asks.

I stare at him blankly for a moment. Then it hits me, he meant me. My heart almost pings out my chest.I was the gold-digging little whore. “ So,how about it?” He asks. “How about what?” I ask, almost stammering. “Will you go out on a date with me?” He asks. I can’t believe my ears. “But... But sir.” I stammer.”If we’re caught,the consequences. would be dire,Especially for you.” “Then let’s not get caught.” He says kissing me softly. I swoon as his lips touch mine. “We can have our date on earth.” “Ok.” I breath out. “Great.”He says smiling. How I loved that smile.Where are we going?” I ask. As we float up from the bed. “Wanna hit the arcade?” He suggests. My eye’s light up. “Yeah,that’d be awesome.” I reply already looking forward to gaming.”can we play laser tag this time?” I ask buzzing around him. “Sure,what ever you want hon.”He laughs. My heart flips when he calls me hon. “Eugene can you do me a favor?” He asks. I freeze in front of him.”Sure,what?” I asks,wondering why he was suddenly blushing. “While we’re on our date,Could you call me Paul?” He asks. “Paul?” I echo back confused. “Yeah,that’s my middle name.” He tell me. I’m blown away. No one spoke to him in such familiar terms. I heard his wife even called him Mr.Anderson. “I’d be honored.” I tell him.

I felt like I really was his boyfriend. Wait,was I know? Was *I really the hat Head pixies boyfriend" Dare I even dream? “Ready to go Eugene?” He asks. “Yeah,Let’s go paul.” He eye’s light up. It was a lovely sight to see. “Then let’s go.” He says and pings us away. I ping a note to Eddie telling him where we gone.  I hope he doesn't mind me dating his uncle.

*End of Eugene’s POV*

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