Unrequited Love: One Shot

Published Jan 27, 2013, 12:38:49 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 27, 2013, 12:38:49 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

A prompt for freedom1001 on y!Gal. Tagged as mature only because of some discussion of sexual habits. That's all. My OCs Raiden and Daiki. AU setting on what could possibly happen if they had only remained employer and employee. Prompt: 1. Unrequited love brought to fruition through unusual measures. Unexpected character match, opposing social status. Drama without angst; romance without sex.

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Chapter NaN: One Shot

Daiki brush his dark brown hair from his face while his deep blue eyes scanned over the story. The limo smelled like cinnamon and cloves from the spice cookies Raiden had eaten earlier and a hint of pine because of the air freshener. Two glasses filled with red wine sat snuggly in each of the glass holders, the road smooth enough so that none of the wine would spill over the sides. The dims lights in the back gave Daiki enough illumination to read his Kindle Fire. He had just downloaded A Memory of Light, the latest book in the Wheel of Time series.


While he had dressed in only a black sport jacket, light gray shirt, black slacks, and dress shoes, Raiden had went all out with an Armani tux. And Raiden looked damn good in it. That dark suit complimented his medium auburn hair and hazel eyes well. Daiki had taken his Kindle so he could distract himself properly during the ride to Raiden's engagement party.


Raiden's knee brushed against his, and a slight shiver went down his spine, distracting Daiki from reading. He glanced up and noticed Raiden looking at him. He had that look, that unreadable expression that often came before a ridiculous request. Daiki half smiled. Sometimes he wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall inside Raiden's mind. He certainly wouldn't mind hearing the question that would soon be asked.


“Can I help you?” Daiki held back a chuckle, pretending to be serious. “Is there a reason why you keep staring?”


“I'm trying to figure out what to do with you once we get to the engagement party.” Raiden shook his head and looked Daiki over again. “No, that won't work.” Turning his head slightly to the side, he scrutinized Daiki and gave him a once-over. “I'll figure something out once we get there. If nothing else, you can just mingle.”


“What exactly am I supposed to do there besides mingle?” Mingling seemed like a poor reason to have him come along since he only did accounting and financing for Raiden. Daiki turned his Kindle off and slid it into the inside pocket of his sport jacket. His fingers lingered on a rectangular box in the breast pocket. Now wasn't the time to give it, though so he moved his hand out from his jacket. “I believe all the expenses are paid for this one so you shouldn't need me to keep track of how much you're spending.”


Raiden chuckled. “Honestly I would think you'd jump at the chance to get out for once instead of acting like it's the worse thing in the world. There will be a lot of people there. Maybe someone will catch your interest.”


“It's not my scene. You know that.” Daiki looked out the window. It had taken some persuasion to convince Raiden to get a limo without tinted windows so he could look out them instead of feeling boxed in with no way to see what went on outside the limo. “And you'd probably do much better without me tagging along.”


“Nonsense. It'll be a great opportunity for you to learn more about high society.” Raiden leaned back in the seat and pulled out his kindle, flipping through the apps for games. “Someday you'll see the benefit to accompanying me to these events.”


“I already know how to mingle and talk to people.” Daiki shook his head and laughed. “Been doing it for years.”


“True, but sometimes I think you could use more practice.” Raiden's lips tilted up into a smile. “I know you're a handful with me sometimes.”


“That's because—” Daiki stopped short when Raiden leaned in and moved a piece of hair away from his eyes. Careful not to lean into Raiden's touch, Daiki sat still until he leaned back into his seat.


“You were saying?” Raiden now had a knowing look on his face, and his smile seemed more like a smirk to Daiki.


“Never mind.” Daiki shifted in his seat, adjusting his legs and back so that he was more comfortable.


“You shouldn't start saying something then drop it,” Raiden chided. “It's rude.”


“I lost my train of thought, sorry.”


He could say a lot if he wanted, but Daiki decided not to mention how he always seemed to be left to fend for himself at these so-called functions, sitting by himself, bored out of his mind. He knew what these gatherings were for. Some of Raiden's friends would gather up entertainment for the night and call it a party to celebrate the engagement. More like a fancy, glorified whoring party. Raiden would go there, pick up a woman, maybe two or three, and fuck them all night while he sat by himself and ignored any offers that were thrown his way.


Women weren't his thing. He didn't think they were Raiden's either when they had first met, but he soon learned that Raiden didn't seem to care too much where he put his dick. Or if he did, he gave no indication to Daiki ever. And it was expected of Raiden to sleep around. What he did on the side with men was another story. Not something to tell any of his friends. But Daiki knew. He had to accompany Raiden through those functions too.


At first, it didn't bother him—they had only known each other for a few months. He would ignore how Raiden dominated fucked other men, but after awhile it started to get to him. Every time on of them would cry out in pleasure it slowly chipped away at his resistance. He started thinking more and more about what it would be like to be in their position. Then the dreams started and ever since, Daiki had a difficult time seeing Raiden the same way. That had been over a year ago.


“Is there something bothering you?” Raiden pushed against Daiki's leg with his foot. “You look like you're lost in thought.”


“I'm fine.” Daiki looked towards the window, wondering how much further until they arrived.


If he honestly answered Raiden's question they'd probably end up fighting. Arguing with Raiden didn't give him any pleasure anymore. Their arguments always led him to feel isolated and alone lately. It pissed him off because there was a time when Daiki wouldn't have hesitated to disagree and stay home where he'd have some peace and quiet. But now, whenever they fought, he always felt empty afterwards like maybe he shouldn't push too hard. They already didn't spend much time together anymore. Maybe he should just enjoy what time he had instead of spending it being angry.


When Daiki had first heard about the engagement, relief had washed over him, almost immediately followed by regret and depression. Now he was free from any obligation other than accounting to Raiden, but he also had to accept his feeling would never be acknowledged nor could he ever have anything more than a fling if that.


The limo stopped, and Daiki stopped Raiden from moving towards the door. He pulled out a small black rectangular box. It was now or never and something he felt he needed to do. “Wait a minute. Don't forget to put this on.”


Handing Raiden the box, Daiki watched him slowly open it and a soft smile cross his face. “You never let me forget anything do you?” Raiden took out the Ruby diamond cut cufflinks and ring. “Wait, these aren't mine.”


“Yeah, I never got you anything for the engagement.” When Daiki had seen the set, he knew the color would compliment Raiden's hair and features well. “It seemed like a good night to try them on.”


“Help me put them on.” Raiden handed Daiki the left cufflinks while he slipped the ring on his right ring finger and put on the cufflinks. Raiden smiled and ruffled his hair, messing it up a little. “Thank you.”


“You're welcome.” Daiki smoothed out the ends and looked down for a moment. He had known Raiden would react like that. He had known there would be no spark between them. Still he found it difficult to swallow the lump in his throat and move on from it.


The driver opened the door for them. Raiden stepped out and walked ahead. Daiki watched him walk through the doors confidently like he had the whole world at his feet. It was probably true, and it made Daiki's heart ache a little that he had nothing more than watching. A bystander to all the events in Raiden's life. Raiden did have it all. Wealth, status, looks. A great speaker who could convince anyone to do anything. Even convince him to come out on a cold night to a place where he'd never fit in and see people he didn't want to see.


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