Tablin Portrait

Posted Jan 30, 2022, 7:39:54 AM UTC

Character Name  : Tablin

Character Age   : 143

Character Species: Elf / Male

Hair Color      : Black and grey

Eye Color       : Blue

Young Adult:

Tablin left his home out of wanderlust and a gut feeling that he was being drawn by something bigger than himself. This drive led him to discover a vast cave system laden with gems and ore.

Adult Life:

Despite all odds Tablin established a mining company, pushing out competitors and learning from many mistakes of his earlier years. However, that passage of time took a strange toll on his mind. Tablin became like a man possessed; possessed by a singular determination to find a lone gemstone.

This insanity motivated his unrelenting search for the gemstone, forced his company to the brink and ultimately stripped his accounts along with the mine of anything of value. With the vast riches of the mines seemingly evaporating overnight workers quit in droves. Undeterred he alone continued to dig ever deeper into the mine.

Turning point:

After years of fruitless digging and on the verge of utter madness his search finally ended. He’d unearthed the gemstone and like soothing balm a calm washed over his mind. Feeling complete and with his mind finally quiet he left the mine.

Upon leaving the mine the gemstone he’d unearthed shattered releasing a blinding light and the daemon trapped within. The daemon decided to follow Tablin out of some strange fondness or perhaps an obligation to the one who released them from their prison of stone.

These days Tablin keeps to himself, making his living crafting trinkets and jewelry to get by. His past occasionally catching up with him, both the good and the bad that came with the rise and fall of his success.

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  • Jan 30, 2022, 1:42:23 PM UTC
    The artwork seems great but I'm not an expert on that, however the writing attached feels like an incomplete Talisman challenge story is incorporated
    • Jan 30, 2022, 5:10:50 PM UTC
      Thank you for the feedback and the comments. As for the artwork I've not been drawing long so it can only improve from here. The writing attached was something I butchered out of a more through backstories to grab the more important bits.

      Once again thank you for the post and I'll be submitting the talisman shortly.



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  • The Resoursfulness of Flame
  • Tablin's Talisman


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