
Posted Apr 22, 2024, 10:38:04 PM UTC

2. Flight! You don’t know this person! Why are they calling you Ronin?! Get away! Draw or write your character swimming for their life from the mermaid who lured them here.


Rathyn and Ilthran are getting away from the aggressive mermaid. While Ilthran takes the situation rather serious, Rathyn is just laughing at her, waving goodbye, because he knows that the won't stand a chance if they were to fight.

Rathyn: "Buh-bye old lady~"
Ilthran: "Arghlblarghbll--"

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  • Apr 24, 2024, 1:53:08 AM UTC
    Rathyn makes me laugh everytime I see him haha. I love the effect that the lighting has, it really looks like underwater lighting! And Ilthran is adorable of course.
    • Apr 24, 2024, 12:00:40 PM UTC
      Yeees I'm happy you doooo! It's what I'm trying to reach with him, he's supposed to be that guy who always does unfitting random stuff which makes people smile~ Thank you so much for the sweet comment, this has been an experiment for me where I just slapped different layers with effects on top of each other, nice that it seems to have turned out good Heart