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Mordecai Thorne #pd2517

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Character data
Date addedSep 10, 2023, 2:55:19 PM
Date last editedSep 10, 2023, 2:55:19 PM
Owner JinxyJolteon
Designer URL

Character Full Name: Mordecai Thorne

Character Age: 30

Character Species: Cambion (Incubus/Elf)

Gender & Pronouns: Non-Binary | he/they

Hair color: Black and Pink

Eye color: Light Blue


Brief biography: Mordecai was raised to look out for only himself and his own needs by his mother. The Succubus was looking for more power when she fell pregnant with her half-breed child. She rose him in secret when it was determined that she would be unsafe if found with a Cambion child. However, once she determined that her child could take care of themself on their own, she left, never to be seen by Mordecai again. Though, part of that is because he found himself travelling through a portal a few years later, and was unable to return back home.

Mordecai isn't particularly fazed by that though, strange portals open up all the time when you're from a place crawling with demons. And honestly, their new home is far more accepting. The few years he spent trying to fit into demon society didn't fare well for him, and he didn't dare try and live with the Elves of their realm. His mother had always warned him to stay away, but she never actually gave any distint reasons. Maybe they could have been totally harmless, but it wasn't worth the risk. Regardless, he's allowing himself to settle in and figure out who he is away from his homeland. Who knows what's in store for them?


Description: Mordecai is approximately 6'3", with a lithe build, and pale, freckled skin. His face is elegant, with their chin coming to a gentle point. They have fierce, icy blue eyes that are often hidden behind his Windsor sunglasses. An angular, black stripe forms around each eye, in such a way that one would assume it is makeup. It's not. Another similar stripe adorns his chin. His nose is petite and slightly rounded, and decorated with a perfectly circle, silver septum ring. His smile is charming, though their teeth are just ever so slightly pointed. People are surprised that his fangs look gentle. They have long, pointed ears, which are always slightly pink at the tips. Two pink short to mid-length horns protrude from their head, curving ever so slightly back - they are closer to red in color at the tips. Short, fluffy black hair covers his forehead between their horns, not quite in his eyes at this current length, though it does cover the back of their neck. The edges of the back of his head, and parts of the sides of his hair is longer, and instead of black is a soft, but bright shade of pink. Two 3" long scars run perpendicular down his back between his shoulderblades. Black markings are starting to form all over their body as they get older. He's never sure what's there anymore. He has a long, imp-like tail that ends in an arrowhead. His tail, hands, and feet all feature pink-red gradients, though his hands also end in black nails on unnaturally long, thin, pointed fingers.

  • 0
    Ability Points
  • 1
  • Mentor Talisman Ability

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