PaperDemon Art RPG

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Uploaded on Nov 18, 2023, 10:23:55 AM by ClickerFlight . Player adding portrait to draft.

Keys #pd3466

77 / 100
Character data
Date addedNov 18, 2023, 10:23:45 AM
Date last editedMay 23, 2024, 5:17:25 PM
Owner ClickerFlight
Designer URL



Element: Fire

Species: Human... ish

Age: Unknown. Assumed to be late 20s

Height: 5'11"

Physical Traits: Keys is a human with dark brown spikey hair and one good blue eye. He is covered in scars, including several on his arms, around his middle finger on one hand, down his legs, along his spine, around his throat, through his bad eye, over his nose, and through his lips. Pretty much all over under his clothes. The scars are very noticeable, especially with his missing eye that remains partially open because of scar tissue. Keys refuses to cover it up in the hopes that leaving his face open will lead to someone recognizing him someday. He wears loose clothing, baggy to avoid rubbing on his scars except for the corsets and braces he wears to help him with the pain in his back. He carries a small item that appears to be a religious symbol at his belt though he doesn't know what it means or where it's from. 

Scar chart

Personality - Reserved until he's had a few drinks. Laughs a lot at that point. He's a little skittish around making connections because he doesn't know much about himself, but once someone proves they won't be easily pushed away by his unstable emotions and idea of himself he is loyal to a fault. Friendly if you buy him a drink or two. Wicked sharp despite everything.

Attack notes - Keys is an up close and personal fighter. He's likely to use his fists and his legs until he gets tired or old wounds start to hurt, at which point he starts using spells. Unless, of course, magic is warranted as the best solution to a problem. Magic comes pretty naturally to him, leading him to believe he might have been a sorcerer before he lost his memory and he's been learning from wizards’ spellbooks, starting with the easier spells. The fire ones are the easiest ones for him to pull off. He doesn't like fighting by himself considering his lack of sight on one side and will avoid a fight unless there is someone else there to help. 

Background - Keys woke up in a field, bleeding, scarred, missing an eye, naked except for a strange religious token laid on his chest, and he couldn't remember a single thing about himself. He hauled himself up and got to the nearest town where the doc there fixed him up. He stayed and worked at the tavern when he'd recovered a little and worked to pay the doctor and tavern keep for the treatment and place to stay. He left the town when his debt was paid off (with some help from the money he made gambling) and he headed off to search for.... something. He wasn't really sure what but he wanted to find. Maybe something that would finally answer who he was and what he was doing here. As he passed through one town, a Prizzly bear druid named Lock helped him out of a skirmish with a merchant who wouldn't give him food for anything other than his gold religious token, which he of course refused to part with. After talking for a bit, Lock decided she would help him out. He ended up taking the name Keys when someone commented that the normally tough Lock was soft on him and called him the keys to her lock. He won't respond to anything else besides Keys, now. Being her Keys has given him something to latch onto and build off of. 

Bits and Bobs

-Very very good at gambling. It's unclear how he got so good at it, but he can take anyone for what their worth. Unclear if he cheats. 

-Keys desperately wants to have his ears pierced so he can wear pretty and cool earrings, but he keeps chickening out because he doesn't like the thought of having them pierced. 

-He is very glad to have Lock around. As the weather changes or when he goes through a portal into a different pressure he enters a world of hurt from his old injuries, especially in his back, knees, and hands, and Lock lets him ride her or just lays with him until he feels better.

  • 143
    Ability Points
  • 3
  • Crafty Talisman Ability

x1 Defense Buff

NOTE: Only the first 100 items are loaded on this page.


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