PaperDemon Art RPG

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Uploaded on Dec 9, 2023, 10:48:30 PM by ClickerFlight . Player adding portrait to draft.

Celaou #pd3690

100 / 100
Character data
Date addedDec 9, 2023, 10:48:13 PM
Date last editedApr 15, 2024, 8:14:30 PM
Owner ClickerFlight
Designer URL




Element: Sky

Species: Doppler - Protean type (AKA Shrinky dopplers)

Species created by Dragonfang. Link to her PD page below

Age: 273

Height: Maximum height 7' 2" though he can become much smaller

Physical Traits: Celaou has the typical doppler body shape; lizardlike, long torso, digitigrade legs (three fingers and one thumb on hands and three toes on each foot), white hair running down his neck and upper back in a mane. He has white feathers sprouting where his tail begins. His main body is blue with teal stripes down his chest, on his throat and towards the end of his tail. His sclera are black with white pupils. White claws and teal protrusions on his head that appear to help with hearing. He does not wear clothing, though he will occasionally wear necklaces and hair decorations. 

Personality: Celaou is rather brash, filled with swagger, if you will. He is sure of himself and intrigued by what the world has to offer him beyond emotions he can feed off of from other creatures. He is, perhaps, not as careful as he should be. 

Attack notes: Celaou is just starting to get into fighting. Most dopplers of his classification tend to stay out of it, shrinking down and laughing as they avoid an enemy, but he has found himself fascinated by battle, discovering how he can utilize his ability to shrink down and regrow to his full height in battle. Celaou learned quickly that his control over breezes allow him to fling himself around when he shrinks, giving him a sort of flying ability and allowing him to get to more advantageous positions quickly. 

Background: Celaou was born in the fae realm as one of the lesser fae creatures. A parasite, by most considerations. He took life in stride, aging to adulthood as quickly as other dopplers and was eager to get to exploring. He got a hang of his abilities with shrinking and growing very quickly, as well as elemental powers he soon developed, and grew to be very proud, feeling himself to be somewhat invulnerable. He has spent a long time messing around in places that considered Dopplers to be profane creatures just to mess with them for a while before going to explore other worlds, looking for the next adventure and learn more about fighting. 

Bits and Bobs

-Dopplers are rather immortal. After being born, if they are killed they are sent back to the fae realm where they regenerate before they can go about causing problems again. Sometimes this happens over a couple days, sometimes a few months. Celaou has only been killed once and it was a complete accident involving an anvil and unstable floorboards. 

-Celaou enjoys massages and getting his hair done. Much of the money he gathers from the things he gets up to goes towards pampering himself in these ways. In turn, he is also an incredible hairdresser. 

-Celaou enjoys learning martial arts mostly, though he is not one to turn down learning any sort of fighting style to combine the things he learns together to be a lean mean fighting machine. 


Thanks to Dragonfang for letting me make a Doppler character :)

  • 90
    Ability Points
  • 3
  • Crafty Talisman Ability


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