PaperDemon Art RPG

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Uploaded on Jan 31, 2024, 2:28:40 PM by Ferevran . Player adding portrait to draft.

Nurcan #pd4000

71 / 100
Character data
Date addedJan 31, 2024, 2:26:25 PM
Date last editedJun 5, 2024, 5:59:54 AM
Owner Ferevran
Designer URL

Character Full Name: Nurcan 

Character Age: adult, exact years unknown

Character Species: doesn't belong to any species, usually identified as a cryptid

Eye color: greenish yellow

Height: 3 m (9'8 ft) tall when standing on two legs



The world knows many legends about fantastical beings, tales of cryptids and supernatural entities, which can fuel one's imagination.

One of such stories takes place near a small coastal town. The locals will tell you a tale about miraculous rescue at sea, about a group of people, who were caught in a storm and thought to be lost forever, returning home safe. These people believe they witnessed a battle between supernatural powers, a good spirit, who was victorious and helped them survive, and a horrible monster, who they briefly saw in the area before the storm (which they believe was caused by that beast).

Many dismiss this story as a simple publicity stunt to boost the popularity of the town, but there is more truth to it, than one could think. What the group perceived as two entities, was in fact one, a creature now known as Nurcan (meaning "bright soul", it was the name given to the good spirit in the story). She has no powers over the weather, but she happened to be near the adventurers at that time and decided to guide their boat out of the storm.

Brief biography:

Nurcan is not an animal for sure, but a creature of unknown origin, calling the whole planet her home. She enjoys her freedom, covering great distances in order to satisfy her curiosity and desire for adventure.

On one of her journeys Nurcan came across a cave, which seemingly led to a dead end. The stone wall in the deepest part of it had a carving of an ornate door, large enough for her to go through. Nurcan figured out, that the symbols on the door had a meaning to them and with time she managed to make the door respond to her inputs, allowing her to travel to another world, which is known to us as Paperverse.


Additional information:

⦁    Nurcan seeks experiences that could help her understand herself and the world around her better. Such experiences often inspire her and make her think, whether it's a beautiful nature scene, discovering the secrets of ancient ruins or finding music or art she likes (and she sometimes makes simple art of her own).
⦁    Nurcan feels compassion and great empathy towards living souls. It's very common for her to have the desire to make some good change and help others, if opportunity arises.
⦁    Nurcan senses the world around her well. Even when she doesn't see it with her eyes, she's always well aware of her surroundings. The eyes are mainly used to show emotions.
⦁    Nurcan can sense the mental space of the inhabited areas, from it she can gather information about the ideas and views, that are common in it (but not anything personal). If she desires, she can filter or block this sense. This ability also grants her immunity to any mental manipulation or any other influence on the mind.
⦁    Despite not being able to speak in anything but roars, Nurcan can be understood by anyone willing to listen, as if she spoke in their native language.

  • 68
    Ability Points
  • 2
  • Crafty Talisman Ability


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