PaperDemon Art RPG

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Uploaded on Apr 23, 2021, 9:05:45 PM by Miriam-chan .

Wösma #pd100

82 / 100
Character data
Date addedApr 23, 2021, 9:05:36 PM
Date last editedMay 29, 2023, 10:55:12 AM
Owner Njirre
Origins Origins Receipt
Designer URL

Name: Wösma

Gender: Female

Species: Rabbit

Eye Color: Light green

Age: 19

Romantic/Sexual Orientation : Aro/Ace




-Avoids social interaction, when possible

-Awkward in social situations, especially with people she doesn´t know well.

-Problems with opening up to others, due to bad experiences in the past.

- Rebellious and uncompromising when it come to her personal life.

- Hates it when others try to make decisions that affect her, without communicating with her first.

- Distrusts traditions and religions , wants to explore and see the world for herself, not let others tell her what the world is like and how she should live in it.

-Complete hatred for controlling and abusive parents ,as well as anyone that would hurt children

-Somewhat justice-loving

-Sensitive to loud sounds, wich often give her a headache and make her aggressiv (Loud music at a party,loud crowds,etc)

-Really likes birds, especially small songbirds, but also seagulls who she always liked to watch back home.

-Sometimes clueless about some things that can be found on land, that she only ever heard of from books, if at all.

-Scared of being forced into a life she doesn´t want.

-Scared of Jellyfish (Childhood trauma)


Wösma grew up at the northern coast ,in a very big family of fisherman and walehunters, that mercilessly defended their hunting territory from any strangers that dared to enter it.

Therefore, she spend much time on board of a ship and learned very early on all about navigation ,how to handle and repair ships ,as well as how to hunt down all kinds of sea creatures.

But most importantly: how to quickly get rid of any intruders that come into the home territory.

She became very provicient with her saber and mostly relied on her natrual agility and speed to avoid and trick her enemys, before charging at them at their weak spots, ending the fight as soon as possible.

But while Wösma had a very big family, she only ever felt close to her older sister Stjere, while her other countless siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles where mostly like working colleagues to her.

A big part as to why, played the philosophy of her parents, the current leaders of the family.

They believed in having as many offsprings as possible to build up their numbers and with that their manpower, essentially looking at their children as their soldiers ,a means to keep control of their territory, and having and easy time replacing them , should a few perish while doing so.

And of course they expected them to follow their example and "do their duty" for the family.

Wösma however, had zero interest in having a partner or being a mother, wich led her to be often looked down upon by her parents, but also her siblings, who called her "selfish" and "an emotionless robot".

The only one who accepted her feelings was Stjere, who often took her little sister away from the constant nagging of their family, that became worse and worse over the years, especially once Wösma turned 18.

They often took one of the many hunting boats the family possessed and rowed out to the open ocean to just talk and give each other emotional support, sometimes even rowing to one of the nearby uninhabited islands to explore them togehter.

The sisters often wondered what places layed beyond the boarders of their familys hunting territory and promised each other, that should they ever have a chance, that they would leave togehter and see for themselves.

Their time together was cut short, when a sea monster attacked the familys hunting ship one day, throwing Stjere overboard and seemingly devouring her right then and there, damaging the ship and dissapearing into the deep of the ocean shortly after.

Wösma was completly devastated, while the rest of her family seemed unfazed by what had just occurred, going back to their dutys on the ship, like nothing had happend.

When she snapped at them, her parents simply scolded her for being "overdramatic", since Stjeres role on the ship could easily been replaced by one of Wösmas many siblings, therefore making her loss nothing to really mourn over.

This was the time Wösma made a descision.

Fed up , she packed her things and stole one of the hunting boats in the middle of the night.

She rowed out to the open ocean, leaving the home territory to track down the sea creature that killed her sister, not knowing or caring what dangers would await her in the unkown.

  • 259
    Ability Points
  • 4
  • Lucky Talisman Ability


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