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Uploaded on Mar 4, 2023, 10:33:01 PM by Cupcakes .

Valence Reawle #pd938

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Character data
Date addedMar 4, 2023, 10:29:24 PM
Date last editedMar 2, 2024, 10:21:48 PM
Owner jayp1x
Designer URL Designer

Name: Valence Reawle

Nickname: Val

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 30

BDay: August 28

Height: 6'4"

Species: Aviad

Hair Color: Purple/Gold

Eye Color: Pink

Personality: To some people, King Valence is a flirty, thrill-seeking party animal who makes it easy to forget that he's royalty. To others, he's a spoiled-rotten, narcissistic tyrant who will stop at nothing to get his way. And while both are true, there is a third side to him, that he doesn't let anyone see. Deep down, he's a sad, broken husk of a man, who, after suffering loss after loss after loss, tries desperately to fill the void with sex and alcohol. It doesn't work.

Background: Valence was born into royalty in a small kingdom called Praivia, which was supposed to be an aviad safe haven after they'd been chased out of just about everywhere else. However, the neighboring kingdom Monstria was afraid of the aviads and their shapeshifting, and had declared war on Praivia, hoping to destroy them while they were still weak. As the heir to the throne, Valence was trained to fight from the moment his magic began to develop, so he could defend his people.

He and his younger brother, Krobus, were inseparable. They did everything together. That is, until Krobus discovered how to use magic for the first time. They were both so excited for Krobus to be able to fight alongside Valence, but their father didn't share that sentiment, and berated Krobus for believing that he'd be anything but a hazard on the battlefield. Krobus started locking himself in his room after that, and refused to speak to anybody, even Valence.

Fast-forward eight years, when Valence was 18, his father was killed in battle. It was time for Valence to take the throne, and he was terrified. And as if just having to lead a country wasn't bad enough, Krobus lost control of his magic during Valence's coronation ceremony, setting half the palace ablaze. He tried to flee, but was shot down by one of the royal guards, and fell into the river that ran alongside the palace, never to be seen again.

Not even a week later, Monstria took advantage of the prince's death, invading Praivia while Valence was still mourning. Unprepared for the attack, many of Praivia's soldiers and even innocent civilians were killed. Soon, it got so bad that Valence was forced to flee. He ran to Queen Scarlet of Astrya, seeking her help in defending what remained of his people. After some negotiation, she agreed, and with help from an Monstrian spy, Astrya and Praivia came out victorious.

As a result of their alliance, Praivia was merged with Astrya, but Valence didn't care. He got to remain King, and that's all that mattered to him. He and Scarlet then went on to conquer not only Monstria, but the whole continent of Achana. He is vaguely aware that his mind isn't his own anymore, but is afraid to confront that reality, so he chooses to ignore it.

  • 96
    Ability Points
  • 3
  • Lucky Talisman Ability


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