PaperDemon Art RPG

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Uploaded on Jul 17, 2023, 3:53:55 PM by Minimaid . Promotion makeover kit

Natalie #pd1111

100 / 100
Character data
Date addedMay 27, 2023, 6:52:04 PM
Date last editedJan 16, 2024, 5:02:13 AM
Owner VungTau131
Designer URL

Age: 22

Race: Human

Height: 6'2"

Planet of Origin: ???

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Red Violet

Gender: Female

Abilities: Flame Brand (wreaths blade in flame), Scarlet Conflagration (flame bursting from her palm), Blaze Distillation (stores flame/smoke in a receptacle), Smoke Cloud (creates a dense cloud of smoke), Lights Out (with a snap, flame is extinguished)

Strength: 6 (strong, but uses it for speed rather than strength contests)

Agility: 8 (superhuman, uses aerobatics to gain better ground)

Speed: 6 (olympian, slowed with extra gear but focuses on closing gaps)

Tactics: 9 (superhuman, time allowing she can devise plans for any scenario)

Magic:(weaker, smoke for covert operations -  flame for flashy fights)

Skill: 8 (superhuman, uses precision and finesse in her fighting style)

Duocasting: Tash Mistwalker (Earth + Fire -> Metal; generate a field that increases nearby metals to melting temperature)



Natalie is an adventurer with an unusual flippancy for life, and claims to have lost her memory. Her first is of being in a land covered in night, and a voice urging her to kill. When she eventually did, the voice quieted and she managed to escape from the law and found her way into a portal. Whether by fate or happenstance, she dropped into the Faedin Spaceport and stumbled into the wedding of Tash Mistwalkers cousin. The two having lost their place in the world for different reasons, band together to adventure through unknown worlds and across the stars. 

Natalie built her skill with the rapier and crossbow during her time as a bandit leader, which caught the attention of those in Eventide Ring. After subduing her and wiping her memory, they placed her on the unfamiliar planet driven by a voice compelling her to kill. Armed to the teeth and urged on by the phantom, she breaks into one of the many estates and kills her target during the eternal night unique to Eventide Ring. The death was bloody and brutal, her target charred beyond recognition due to her latent element awakening in the struggle. Lost and confused, her cognitive faculties catch up with her by the time guards make it inside. She fights her way out in a whirlwind of 

She was a bandit for a time, where she attained her skill with the rapier and crossbow. When she completed one job too many, too well, some elements in Eventide Ring took her and wiped her memory. She awoke with a single purpose to kill (insert important person) and had no other memories. Armed to the teeth, and driven by a craving she cannot understand, she completes the assassination. The job finished and the voice quieting, she must find a new goal in this unknown world

  • 117
    Ability Points
  • 3
  • Hearty Talisman Ability


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