• Cover for It's Just Politics

    It's Just Politics

    A poem I wrote when feeling slighted by someone took to flaming some of my poetry, making comments about rhythm and rhyming schemes in a free verse poem. Comments were also made that I used too many "big words". She couldn't figure this one out either...

    Last updated Oct 3, 2006
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for An Unenlightened Magic

    An Unenlightened Magic

    I have been working on this story for upwards of 6 years. I don't know why, but no matter how long I leave it, I keep coming back to it. This is the fourth draft or so, but I think I might do a re-write here again, seeing as my writing style has changed again. This is a story about a world where magic abounds, yet people with magic and who are not human are persecuted for who and what they are. Now this isn't the whole first chapter, it's just 2 sections of it. Each section places a different character in the fore-front until about chapter three once they have come together. Oh, and I really don't like the title of the book as it is, it will most likely change too...

    Last updated Oct 3, 2006
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for The Confessions of C. Colins

    The Confessions of C. Colins

    This is a revised opening to a story I started writing when I was still in highschool. It's about a young woman who finds her incredible life has taken her to new lows... This isn't the complete first chapter, more or less the introduction or just the first part of the chapter I guess.

    Last updated Sep 21, 2006
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Magic


    This was my first attempt at writing a poem in Terza Rima, which for those of you who don't know, is a rhyming scheme of a,b,a b,c,b c,d,c d,e,d... etc... classically writen in iambic pentameter. Magic doesn't really have a set rhythm... I could try re-writing it into iambic, but I like it as it is so I don't think I should change it!

    Last updated Sep 20, 2006
    Total Chapters 1