:globe: Hello.

Names ArtandScienceAddict for my love of art and science. Art I love from Digital to Traditional, Practical to fine, comics to posters, 2-D-3D, you name it! I'm still thinking where I want to go in art as a hobby. There's so many awesome options and cool things to explore and learn. I find art can be quite scientific as far as experimenting mediums and such. I often do small animations and doodles during boredom. But, I will draw to convey or relax at certain times.

So far, I do rather average in making/coloring comics the traditional way. Now, I'm planning on doing it the digital way!~

I look for many resource books to understand how to draw things by (ex by breaking them down to shapes and forming them accordingly).

I'm also a fan of a lot of manga and comic series.

Pixiv ID: MOTB15

Fanfiction ID: Anime Otaku TB15

I also want to field in biology. I could mix art and biology up a bit once in a while and I might do that.

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