• Paintings best offer

    Feb 1, 2008, 7:00:39 PM | 2 minutes

    Hi Everyone,

    It is show season and that means I have to fork out show fees. This year is going to be considerably more expensive this year then any other before it. I need to make some money as INATS was very spendy so I am letting go of as many originals as I can. They are on EBAY, Buy it now or Best Offer. Please feel free to make an offer. I will most likely take it and I am never insulted by what anyone is comfortable paying. If there is a painting that is strictly Buy it now you want to make an offer on you can email me at [email protected] and submit an offer.


    Also this year there are going to be some scheduling conflicts with shows. Some overlap and I am either going to have to pull out of some or send Johnnie to some. For example the MD Renn Faire runs the same weekend at Faeriecon. I will be attending Faeriecon and Johnnie will be at the faire. My second conflict so far is INATS West and the Western PA Fairy Festival. I personally will be attending INATS West, If Johnnie feels so inclined he will be attending the Fairy Festival. If not we will not be showing there this year. The juries aren't in yet but I am projecting the worst case scenario just in case.

    My website has been in and out as my hosts are switching to a new server. My website it half done because unfortunately my admin has been in and out as well. I have a whole sale page which isn't completely finished. I will be adding the perfume oils to the site as I am able. It still has a lot of work to do. Everything is available on EBAY if you would like to make a purchase.

    This weekend will be spent doing book keeping and more businessy stuff. I have a lot of obligations that I need to attend to as well.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • New counted cross stitch pattern

    Feb 1, 2008, 1:26:53 AM | 1 minutes

    Hi Everyone!

    Heaven and Earth Designs has released a new cross stitch, Spearmint wyrm!!


    Patterns are on sale right now too so it is the perfect time to stock up.

    I am sooooo exhausted! I have taken to taking naps in the afternoon, I feel like all I do is eat and sleep.I am not even unpacked from the show yet. I hope to get back on track soon. I have a lot of exciting developments in the works and hope to be able to update you soon on that.

    I hope to be rested and working soon. Have a great evening everyone.

  • Going south for the weekend

    Jan 24, 2008, 4:39:00 PM | 3 minutes

    Hi Everyone,

    This is my last post before I leave today and maybe my last post before I get back depending on if the hotel has internet. I am taking my laptop in the hopes that they do. They are calling for snow here and I hope it all holds off till after we leave. I joked there would be a blizzard here before we left. I joke like that a lot, sickly things come true, sadly I never joke about success or money. No I joke about my back going out and blizzards and getting bad placement at shows.

    I had such trouble sleeping last night. I woke up at 5 am anxious cleaned till 8 and went back to bed. I had to set my alarm so I can get more stuff done. The show stuff is all ready. I just need to pack my clothes (what do you wear to a new age trade show anyway???)and clean for my generous in laws who are staying with the pets.

    I actually get to spend a little time with my dad while I am in FL. He is coming to the shows for a few days. I haven't seen him since my wedding so it will be nice to catch up. I just hope he doesn't get called away on business. It wouldn't be different then any other time he is a total work a holic. I am a little nervous about Johnnie driving 14 1/2 hours straight. He says he can but he stops every 10 min to eat drink and pee. If there ever is a zombie outbreak I am just going to shoot him it will be more humane....right after he helps me jack some weapons...

    I did get an email from Spoutwood fairy fest stating the juries will be looking now. So I am glad that they haven't looked yet!! Lets pray to the hosting gods my site it up and happy when they are looking. I just missed Spoutwood last year the coordinator was nice enough to email me and say just missed it. I felt like someone popped my balloon though I guess that is better then waaaaaay off. I have this horrible apprehension that I won't make it into any shows this year for some reason.I hope I do though that is where I make most of my money for the year. Everything happens for a reason one way or another I guess.

    I may be taking some painting stuff with me to pass the time. That way when I get home I can throw some art at you all! I have been hanging onto a little sculpture that will go up when I get back. Well I need to go and take Conversation Heart worm to the post office so he can make his way to his new home!!!

    Have a great one everyone and keep your fingers crossed!!!

    PS all orders from the website or EBAY will be processed and shipped on Wed.

  • New website!! New mailing list!!!

    Jan 23, 2008, 4:31:35 PM | 2 minutes

    Hi Everyone!!! My super terrific web fairy fixed the site and it is up and running! I will be adding more products to it soon but I am getting ready to leave tomorrow so I am doing it intermittently between spray painting, packing for the trade show and doing laundry.

    I have new web addresses!!

    I have a new better awesome mailing list!! Please let me know if you want to join. My email is still a little wonky I think it will take a few days to clear up.

    I have spray paint finger :( but must push through the pain!! I also have to clean up a bit and get the critters ready. Johnnie's folks are staying at our house while we are away.

    I am still waiting for a last min sample shipment!! I really hope it comes today cause I NEED it!! I hope to return with bigger and better merchandise. Our van decal is so awesome!! It looks great and really professional looking. I really like our geeky van now. I hope I have internet access at the hotel in Orlando because if we do I will be checking in with folks on here, and posting what is going on at the show. Maybe post photos of the trip down and all.

    Well I have procrastinated enough. Off I go!!
  • Anyone want to join my mailing list??

    Jan 23, 2008, 2:35:50 AM | 1 minutes

    My web fairy made me a very nice mailing list thingy. I was wondering if any of you who like my art would like to join? You get first crack at new products, new art and sales and I don't share your info with anyone. If you would like to join, please PM me with you email address.

  • down to the wire

    Jan 22, 2008, 4:55:42 PM | 1 minutes

    Well there are still problems with the site and now my email isn't working...if you are trying to get a hold of me send me a message here because apparently my emails are bouncing. My 3 day site is turning into a 2 week headache and now my mail is down. It all needs to be fixed TOMORROW! I am getting all ready to go. My print and card samples are arriving tomorrow!

    Oh yeah I forgot I will have licensed greeting cards now!! Both whole sale and retail. Cards available will be:
    Dragon Dreams
    Kitty Magic
    Strawberry Wyrm
    Conversation Heart Wyrm
    Spearmint Wyrm
    Yip and Yap
    Jingle Belle
    They will come in a 6 pack for 14.99

    I have a very TENTATIVE release for my "Z is for Zombie" book. MAY, No you cannot pre order. Yes I do have a publisher but I can't work under that kind of pressure at the moment. I have so many projects in the works at the moment it is getting a little stressful. Well ok a LOT stressful.

    Back to work I go..sorry for the inconvenience.

  • upping my street cred

    Jan 22, 2008, 1:55:57 AM | 2 minutes

    SO I spent a lot of the day spray painting! It is mostly stuff for INATS, who knows I may get good enough to tag a bridge or something. I still have a little more to do so I will be doing that tomorrow as well. It has been so cold it is hard to do but INATS waits for no man.

    Ev is formatting images for the new webby site and one of several hurdles that was totally borking my site has been resolved. (little yay) I hope to have it all taken care of before I leave. The Car decal is almost completely adhered, the freezing cold again is wrenching my monkey.

    Still so much to do, I also have so many ideas for my book. I am glad cause I am going to have to get cranking on that as soon as I get back. I may be doing a painting demo at INATS, it depends on how fast I get myself together. I don't know I don't like people watching me paint but who knows it may be a good thing for me.

    I am starting to sleep a little better. Reading before bed seems to help a little. I am on my 4th OZ book so I am trucking right along.

    Well off to spray on the deck and run in fast as I can cause it is soooooo cold!!!

  • Update

    Jan 21, 2008, 1:46:07 AM | 2 minutes

    This weekend just flew! I had a myriad of distractions from birthdays to my website STILL being down. I did manage to get a few things done for INATS though. I got some print books assembled and a few things packed. I plan on finishing packing all of my merchandise tomorrow or the next day depending on when my whole sale print samples arrive.

    Despite the freezing cold Johnnie and I have managed to get my car decal on. Because of the cold it will take longer then normal to adhere to the van. We should be able to take the protective cover off of it tomorrow. It does look really awesome and I will post pictures as soon as it is unveiled. I only wish I had a website for people who look at it to SEE. I really really regret trying to get this done before the show. This "three day job" has taken almost 2 weeks and the site has been down that long AND I still have nothing to show for it except missing money from my bank account. I really hope it was worth the lost business in the long run. I am already having whole sale inquiries from the INATS site and I just wonder how many saw the downed site and said forget it. I hope no juries have looked yet.

    I am really looking forward to getting back to real work after this whole hoopla dies down. I have a deadline of May for my book which seems far away but not far away enough for the illustrations I mean to do for "Z"

    Revolution update:

    nail polish changes 3
    Oz books 3
    Retirement fund started

    Oh I have some stuff added to my EBAY store: http://stores.ebay.com/The-Fantasy-art-of-Ash-Evans_Original-art_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQfsubZ2794025QQftidZ2QQtZkm

  • Update

    Jan 17, 2008, 4:09:33 PM | 2 minutes

    I got sleep!!! I guess that hour and a half I got the night before paired with me going to bed at midnight did the trick. I hope I can keep this up and get something every night.I have been so busy and it is so hard to maintain that with zero energy.

    I cut off pretty much all my hair yesterday. It was so long there where piles everywhere. I just wanted to make a change. I will post pictures of it some time. I still haven't located my huge mega pixel camera.I hope to locate it soon. I got my car decal yesterday and my Pop and Johnnie are going to install it this weekend and I will post some pictures! I guess then you get to see my hair.

    I finished the second Oz book while I was having trouble sleeping! I hope to hammer out another one on the trip to Orlando next week.I am keeping to my revolutions so far. It is only January so we will see what happens.

    I may have some good news on the figurine front. I got all of my samples in the mail (like one year later and only because the sweet guy in China made me more and sent them) and I am pitching them to other companies. There is a good chance they will be made again. I do still have the 5 figurines that I have out now in stock if anyone is interested.

    My website is still down, I am really sorry about that and I am doing what I can to get the person working on my site to have it up ASAP.

    Well I have to get dimensions on my new samples and get stuff together for INATS. I unfortunately haven't had time to paint but I will do so ASAP.

  • Still can't sleep but I have new counted cross stitch

    Jan 15, 2008, 6:13:22 PM | 2 minutes
    I still can't sleep!!! I don't fall asleep till like 3AM!! I tried the sleepy time tea and sleep aroma therapy and the whole let but NO SLEEP FOR YOU! I hate it. I sleep so late and I have to scramble the rest of the day. I am hoping it is just INATS jitters and I will get some AFTER it is over. Also I am totally stressing about my site being down! I didn't think she would crash my old one and not have a new one yet. Jurys will be looking soon and I hope they already haven't been there and been like PASS!! I make most of my money for the year at these shows so that will kill me.

    I do have a new counted cross stitch!! Chocolate dipped strawberry wrym is now available!!

    I have so much stuff going on right now. I am making merchandise,getting ready for INATS, signing 50 figurines and tons of stuff. I need to get some frames ready for the show,shop for draping fabric on a serious budget. I hate that my only way to sell things is EBAY at the moment. It is hurting my sales at a time when I need the money the most.I am feeling the serious stress of the situation. I can't believe I leave for Orlando in a week.

    Baby Ree and Creepers avatars are now available on Second Life. Baby Ree sneezes fire!! It is too cute!! IM Phoenixx Dragonash if you are interested in one.

    Well I need to get, I have to figure out where to stick all these unicorn statues until I sell them..