Last Post before Faeriecon

Oct 8, 2008, 5:08:48 PM | 2 minutes

Hello everyone,

This is going to be my last journal entry until after Faeriecon. I pick Steven up at the airport tomorrow and Friday morning we leave for Philly. Steven is staying a week with me so I don't think I will have a ton of time for LJ or anything like that. I NEED a break anyway. Yesterday I made some neat hairpieces for some of my costumes for the show and ball. I really like them! I will post all sorts of pictures later. My costumes take up so much ROOM! My suitcase is full...darn floofy fairy finery.

I wanted to let you all know I am in the Morbidly Adorable booth with Misty. Booth 1816. For some reason despite numerous corrections Faeriecon simply left me out of any and all listings. Yes I am going and yes I have a booth! I should be there a lot of the time but I am sure I will be goofing off with Steven and Brigid Ashwood.

I also am doing 2 signings while I am there at the Tate and Company booth!!!

Saturday at 5pm
Sunday at 1 pm

Come on by!

Oh and all orders received AFTER tomorrow at 3 pm will be processed and shipped Friday October 17th.

That's all folks can't wait to see all of you!!

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