New Year

Dec 31, 2008, 7:35:12 AM | 2 minutes

 There is something about the start of a new year that makes the air feel like there is magic in it. Excitement crackles like electricity. Perhaps it is the newness, the possibilities or the fact that we get to start over. Everyone deserves a fresh start, to learn from mistakes and work toward their future. So tonight when this year expires and a new one is welcomed in with fanfare and kisses, I would like to wish you a fresh start and a the hope of a new beginning.  This new year I do have some goals I want to focus on. I am really looking forward to meeting tasks head on, improving my art and expanding my business into the best it can be. We have come a long way since we started with a little card table at a local show (we had 10 prints and a bucket of buttons) (remember Shane you where there) but we still have farther to go, more things to achieve and new levels to rise to.  I want to thank you all for your kind words, encouragement and appreciation over this year. My friends and fans keep me going when art is hard, sales are down and inspiration doesn't seem to be coming. Thank you all for your support and friendship. It all means the world to me. I have a feeling that 2009 is going to be a big one and I can't wait to get started. Remember if you are on my mailing list you are entered into a drawing for a FREE original painting we will be picking at midnight! Sign up if you haven't entered Enjoy the new year and look forward not behind.  Have a wonderful one guys and I will post again next year!

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