Mini Event: Menagerie Mishap Finale!

Feb 12, 2023, 3:21:54 AM | 1 minutes

Mini Event: Menagerie Mishap Finale!


The Animal Adoption Coalition was right to put its faith in the hooves of local ponies. Soon visitors were arriving at the new shelter location one after another bringing back animal friends of all shapes and sizes. With each passing moment Starlit Plume’s worry began to ease. She was certain that no critter would remain lost with such a generous effort by so many!


By the next day all the missing creatures had returned to Starlit Plume’s care. It was clear, however, that some of these animals had bonded with their rescuers. Some asked Starlit Plume if they could go stay with those ponies for good…and while she couldn’t make any promises, she agreed to send letters on their behalf. 


All participants will receive a Limited Pet Voucher in their character’s inventory. This may be redeemed to get 1 pet that was depicted in your event submission!


Pets are now officially available. Pet vouchers have been added to the Store as well. Please read more here.


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