August Event Part 1: Conflict Ahoof!

Aug 5, 2023, 3:40:51 AM | 3 minutes

August Event Part 1: Conflict Ahoof!



Everypony was relieved when the pandemic in the Crystal Empire settled. Though many questions were still unanswered, the threat had diminished and the recovery of many infected was lifting spirits. The knights were able to leave the Crystal Empire with confidence that the city’s own guard could handle the situation from here.

In the following weeks, the knights were able to stretch out to reach Yakyakistan. The yaks, surprisingly, seemed relatively unphased by the changes in the world. They had always been isolated and refused to let anyone, even wild magic corrupted monsters, push them around. With reluctance they were willing to give a relationship with Equestria a try once more, though it was clear they could change their mind at any moment.

A squadron of knights sent to the south also returned with surprising news. Appleloosa had solidified into a robust settlement. It seems the few remaining ponies had joined up with a herd of refugee cows and the remaining bison in the area when wild magic first appeared. By working together, they had been able carve out a stable existence where all three groups were safe. The town had become almost fort-like, with its buildings and fields a mix of cultures bleeding into one another for the highest level of efficiency.  When the knights came up on them, there was so much excitement it was a bit startling. The settlement was thrilled at the idea of starting trade with Equestria.

With so many new connections being made, the newly revived Merchant’s Guild and the Council of Friendship decided it was the perfect time to hold a Trade Festival. Since Sumit’s Hollow was centrally located, they decided to host the event there. This sent the resident bat ponies into a flurry of activity, as they had never hosted such a large event before. Ponies came from Canterlot, Ponyville, and even the Crystal Empire. Yaks came from Yakyakistan, with ponies, bison, and cows coming from Appleloosa. Even changelings, including Vespa herself, ventured from the Hive.

The first few days of the festival were a rousing success. Sumit’s Hollow was so busy that some ponies even chose to camp outside near Earthquake Canyon. On the third day, however, something strange happened…a cow and a yak were found with horns locked, yelling at each other and literally butting heads. The fight was broken up, but tensions were high. Just a while later, a bison charged after a cow in a rage. The intermingling between groups began to break down. Even the cows and bison, who had come together, were suddenly at odds. No one seemed to know what had started all the commotion. If something wasn’t done soon, though, the Trade Festival might have to end early and fragile new relationships might crumble.



Show your character taking part in the Trade Festival!


Show your character investigating the conflict between the different Bovines! Each submission investigating the conflict will receive a mod response with a clue. Help discover the root of the problem!


Bovines are our first rare species!

The Merchant's Guild is now available in Vocations. You can also see their vocation abilities here.

All entries for the event are due by 11:59PM EST on August 31st. Note that the mystery may be solved before then based on clues given!

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