• Some update?

    Nov 29, 2010, 3:59:06 PM | 1 minutes

    Hello and long time not seen. While I tried to get my way here, the browser showed good old; sever cannot be found. For a moment I was afraid that Paperdemon had been gone forever. mail However after a while I tried again, all was there. *phew* I also noticed that I don't even have no avatar picture here.

    I have kept my DA account as primary and kept posted my art there and even opened a blog where to submit some things. I think that they have not much been so artistic but not total crap either.

    So, the new update:

    Art thumbnail

    Art thumbnail

    Sorry, I didn't much have time to add journal entries at the summer while I posted some things:

    Art thumbnail

    Art thumbnail

    As I always say... There will be more.


    Owl from her coffin saying good night to you all

  • 2010

    Jan 10, 2010, 9:20:13 AM | 2 minutes

    Long time not seen and long time not been here. For sure I have done some artwork and most of that has been nicely bee submit into my DA gallery. I still consider that as my second home in sort of virtual way.

    I havent' forgotten this place either and I have made some arrangements on my blogs and made one of them for my artworks. O.O' -Like all the galleries I have aren't enough. x'D To me they aren't enough. x'3 I still want a place where I can submit almost anything I desire and label as art no matter how crappy it looks if someone else looks at it or how visible the watermark is in it. -And how I can add my own categories on each picture that truly help me to categorise my artwork into what they really are and how they were made.

    My recent artwork that I made last night doesn't much belong into any excisting categories. It may look as if it's painted ot inked or something like that. It's not. It's with blending/blur tool play and swirls from square box that was filled with rainbow fill and that's about it. - I couldn't find no suitable digital art selection that had told how it was really made. =..='

    I couldn't find even closest matching program. >..<' Well... I do have GIMP but I stll do my junk with Photo Draw v.2 as simple i migh be in the eyes of professionals.

    Anyway....Hopefully you like it and won't be deleting it right away or bitching about how watermark is on the way to prevent my art being stolen. <.<'




  • Instant messaging problems

    Oct 10, 2009, 8:14:48 AM | 2 minutes

    Hi cookies, I am still around and mainly submitting stuff intoa DA. Goodness it's difficult to split stuff even with all the gallery place I have. 

    That was not the main point though.

    Today's edits are a bit late since it has been months now since I last used one of msns. It was my oldest one, had been using that almost nine or eight years. Wow. I guess I grew out of it sort of way or got tired of straingers adding me on their list. But honestly said I have not much of ideas why I stop hanging there, I just did and found myself more home in my 2th msn account instead.

    I also began to have problems getting original msn working on my small XP lappy.  Of course I tried updating msn live messenger, it did install and on the instant it unstillalled itself! Hah! So much of the user friendly programs. Tried that few times and then let it be. It installed itself without trouble on the spare-lappy with Vista in it but refused to sing me in. O.o'

    Older version I had in XP lappy began to have trouble of signing in and when at least expected the bugger signed me off. So I had to say goodbyes to all my custom avas, backgrounds, sounds and winks. :( I installed sort of a msn clone in and that has been working even then when I remember the original jammed and refused to sing in. So using amsn for now, for months, I had it  as a test and it seems to be working just fine for now. -As long as it works and I can keep custom avas and smileys...


  • Not dead...

    May 10, 2009, 3:23:49 PM | 1 minutes

    Hi, cookies, still alive here in this little gallery and this is the recent one, even it is quite old little doodle;

    Art thumbnail



  • Valentine's day...

    Feb 16, 2009, 5:26:45 PM | 1 minutes

    Hello cookies and here's the newest artwork:


    Parasite Heart

    Well... Since I began to post some of my art in Daz 3D's Artzone with watermarks... You bet I'll stamp stuff that I post here as well... ^^'



  • Happy New Year 2009

    Jan 3, 2009, 3:26:36 PM | 2 minutes

    Hi, cookies and happy New Year 2009. :)

    My latests artwork was Rautapurku which I then in the lack of lazyness decided to submit on DA too. In case you wonder.

    Art thumbnail

    Da submit


    This year's changes what I planned to make was to watermark all my artwork where-ever I have posted it. Too many of my friend's artworks have been ended in wrong hands. I wonder is there any profile for art thieves. I still kinda assume that some of them is group of somewhat jelous brats with some what problems with their self-esteem to think that easiest way to get friends is to steal someone's artwork.

    That is the easiest way to become the most hated person.

    Or then they are people who think that ripping off someone's artwork and selling it would help their career or get them money and fast lynching when they get caught and they do get caught and punished by the way.

    So, do not steal anyone's artwork or photos.


    And this was supposed to be cheerful New Year's greeting... with me that won't never happen for some odd reason.

    So what are my plans then? Let's start with that fact that I need to find a work. Otherwise I would need to begin filling my other galleries too than DA only. x'D It was just so easy and simple to stuff almost anything there. Really. But now I have this gallery box, tiny room in Y-gallery and one on Daz 3D's Artzone.... And then that tiny nothing much thing on Tokyopop. And what I planned was to get my wings stretched to Harhakuva at this year. x') And watch out of submitting all the same pics over and over from gallery to gallery. ^^'

    Oh what a problem....



  • Add at 10th and 11of July 2008

    Jul 11, 2008, 6:56:06 PM | 1 minutes

    Well... I decided to upload some of my artwork last night. They might be familiar for some from DA and some of them just looks a bit different. :3 I found versions with tiny adjustments.

    This is what's been submit :


    Art thumbnail

    Art thumbnail

    Art thumbnail

    Art thumbnail



    Art thumbnail

    Art thumbnail


    Also two pictures went behind the red curtain because of the blood in them.
