I am a DBZ fan and (unlike most DBZ fans I've met) A DBGT fan. And I'm not being rude or saying the reader is dumb by saying this (and hopefully I don't seem like I am) If you don't know DBZ is Dragon Ball Z and DBGT is Dragon Ball GT. And My favorite chacters are (In order of Like) Vegeta, Kid Gohan, Broly, Teen Trunks, and Pan-Chan. (Pan is misunderstood) I know if you read any of my Vegeta/Goku story you might think I'm mean. I'm not I just was inspired after looking into PixelGoddeses' Closet at a story called Spiral. I liked the stary and the Idea, but didn't want to copy it so I thought, what about a Goku goes evil story with a twist? so there it was. No this story is not a remake of Spiral. If you read the first chapter you will see that. And yes this will eventually be a Goku x Vegeta instead of a Sadistic Sad Story. I have a weekness for and Vegeta knows this... DUN DUN DUN!!! Vegeta Ki resrained. I like it. And enjoy little side conversation to that affect with ever sarcastic Veggie. Veggie says not to call him that. *giggles*. And I also write Pan x Trunks storries that will be fetured after I fix word. Stupid computer. Such as Don't Cry and Pan and Trunks Forever Together (yeah I know overly used tittle, but it fits) Humph mumbles Smartass. If you think I'm crazy... you might be right. WELL SORRY IF YOUR BOARD... I TRIED TO BE INTERESTING. IF YOU THINK... okay rant at random reader over sorry said Broly. If I apologise I ussually say that 'cuz it would be funny if Broly said sorry. And... I ONLY DO WRITING! I SUCK AT DRAWING GET IT!