Groff's Christmas Misadventure!: odd guardian

Published Dec 2, 2023, 4:30:55 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 2, 2023, 4:30:55 AM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

groff has a weird experience with a present

(divider by @pumpkincatcarnival on toyhouse!) 

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Groff PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd1298
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Chapter 1: odd guardian

Once upon a time, there was a cat by the name of Groff, and Groff…

… was currently trying to solve a riddle!

You see, Groff, being a cat that finally had money and perhaps even a job (in a way), had took advantage of the christmas season to get his clowder (+ Nora (+ the Not-Noras), who, if she were a cat, would also be part of his clowder) some PRESENTS!!!!!!!

And he just got a notice that Chip’s present is ready for Groff to come pick it up in person! But where? The only clue has had was a riddle…

‘Find where the Dunce Cap Cat lives, with his dumb- what? Cats can’t read!- hat and his tat tat.’

Groff, being a cat that could read, was a bit confuzzled at that part, but regardless…

“Hey, Groff!” Aster said, spooking Groff. “There’s this cat in a cone hat who makes ‘tat tat’ noises when he walks, I’ve tried talking to him (and asking him if he’s seen Hexi around) but he just meows at me, can you help? Also, he’s guarding this weird box.”

Groff’s ears perked and he showed Aster the riddle.

“Huh. Guess he’s here for you.” Aster pointed to the general direction the Dunce Cap Cat was, and Groff bolted that direction.


Tat, tat! The cat’s feet tapped the ground as he walked.

“Hello!” Groff said. “I’m here to pick up my package!”

The cat meowed- it was nothing in particular, just a regular meow.

“How are you?”


“...You ok?”

Unknown to Groff, the cat was something that he would be deeply unsettled by, much like how you, reader, would possibly be unsettled by a human without sapience- a normal, non-sapient cat.

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