Boss Battle - the Godspawn: the lure - 471 words

Published Dec 26, 2023, 5:45:10 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 26, 2023, 5:45:10 PM | Total Chapters 5

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Hiisi PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd601
131 total points
7 approved points
Caspian PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd602
2001 total points
7 approved points


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Chapter 1: the lure - 471 words

3. Draw or write about the eldritch research that brought your character here. Did they consult an obscure book? Visit an expert on occult matters? You might depict scenes in any place from a university library to a backwoods cabin where you consulted a wise elder.



"Slow down!"


It wasn't the first time Hiisi had to pick up her pace to keep up with Caspian - and it most probably wouldn't be the last, either. The neonpole hadn't requested her company when he had made the decision to leave for this odd venture, but he also hadn't told her to stay away.


It wasn't just the unimpressive hunk of nothing in the middle of nowhere that made the Dinakian's scaled hide crawl. Caspian wasn't alright for a reason or another. In the past months, his behavior had become increasingly odd. Something very much unlike him. The shifter was always easy to annoy, Hiisi knew it, but the way he outright exploded from the smallest of things had her worried. The man was becoming more hostile and dangerous the more time passed. There was something going on. She just didn't know what, nor was she told what it was.


It was like a some sort of trance when Caspian was making any sense about all this - and even then it wasn't much. It would've made sense for him to turn to some kind of research. Dropping everything and bolting straight to the East Coast didn't seem feasible without a reason.


Instead, in those short moments when he sounded more like a mad prophet than an immortal man with some undefined issues, the eternal spoke of a certain kind of pull. A buzzing and a hum, framed with a translucent edge of incoherent whispers. Afterwards, he remembered nothing of what had happened or what he had said. Steve had all of it on file somewhere, surely, but even when Hiisi asked her to show that to him, the interface always refused - as if it knew that such wouldn't help.


The Dinakian grabbed Caspian's wrist to make him slow his pace or stop. While she got the shifter to indeed halt, he tore himself off her grip with such force and speed, that Hiisi's claws left unintended gashes around his forearm.


"Caspian, please," she pleaded, but couldn't even get him to meet her eyes. A red glint of light raced across the eternal's eyes every time he blinked. The Dinakian had seen it a few times, but it was more prevalent now than ever before. She didn't like it.


"It knows."


Hiisi didn't have the time to even process a half of the short sentence that came out of the man's mouth, before Caspian started walking forward again - without any signs of slowing down. She wanted to yell at him. Call him out for this idiocy.


What would it help? No scathing insult would turn his head. She wasn't stupid. Even though she didn't understand what was happening, she had tried things enough times to know what worked and what didn't, at least most of the time.


She didn't say anything. All she could do, was to run after him.

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