Somewhere To Belong: Jealousy

Published May 11, 2005, 5:51:57 PM UTC | Last updated Jun 16, 2005, 4:19:44 AM | Total Chapters 19

Story Summary

Thrust into the Feudal Era, Suko comes face to face with an unexpected love. Can she endure what Naraku has in store for her?

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Chapter 14: Jealousy

Suko didn't know what time it was when they reached Sesshomaru's castle in the Western Lands. It was either really late at night or really early in the morning depending on how you looked at it. Either way, it was dark... too dark to even see her hand in front of her face without the pale light of the moon shining down on her.
"Sleep well?" Sesshomaru asked with a dashing smile.
"Yes," Suko answered with a shy smile. She then realized that her fingers were still entangled in his hair.
"We're here," he stated, "welcome home, Suko."
As he set her on the ground, she stood with her mouth agape, awestruck at the size and beauty of the manor towering before her. Most of the castle was concealed by the shadows of the night, but what she could see of it was overwhelming.
"This is all yours?" Suko asked with astonishment as he began leading her up the pathway to the castle.
"It's ours," he corrected her. "You are my mate. What I have also belongs to you now."
Tears started to form in her eyes as when he said this. She tried to stave them off, but failed miserably. Sesshomaru watched, curiously, as she cried her eyes out.
"I can't believe this is happening to me!" she wailed, " I just can't help but wonder if it's all a dream."
Sesshomaru wrapped his arms around the hysterical girl and kissed her gently on her forehead. This seemed to soothe her and she calmed herself down a bit.
"This may sound ludicrous," he began in a soft voice, "but, I thought I had lost you all of those years ago, when Naraku poisoned you. I was away fighting a great battle with the Panther Demon Tribe when I received word that you were ill. I hurried back here as fast as I could... only to find you dead. I would have never known what had happened to you if it weren't for that incriminating mark Naraku left behind on your body. Then your body fell to ash and the soft morning breeze scattered your dust throughout the land until every grain of your being was washed from my hands. I didn't know what to do. My mourning took complete control of my senses. I wandered throughout these lands aimlessly striking down anything that got in my way, trying to find some comfort for my broken heart. After a while, I gave up caring for anything or anyone... especially humans. I even helped the one who took you from me, in his futile attempts to destroy Inuyasha. At that point it didn't matter that he was the cause of my pain. I even blamed you. I convinced myself that if humans were stronger... if you were stronger, then you wouldn't have come to such an easy demise. I blamed you for being weak."
His final words stung her. Her fault? How could it have been her fault? She was Naraku's victim!
"And now what do you think, my Lord?" she asked him with a touch of anger in her voice. He looked at her and smiled.
"I didn't realize how strong you truly were until you came back to me. I was on my mindless quest of soul searching when I caught a hint of a familiar scent on the wind. I followed it and when I saw you standing there before me, I thought it was some kind of treachery by my half-breed brother.
"I see. Is that why you tried to strangle me to death?" she asked, teasing him.
Sesshomaru just smiled, remembering their first encounter.
"You know what else I think?" he asked her as he looked into her eyes... "I think it's time for bed," he smiled as his eyes glazed over with a hungry lust for her.
He led her through the large doorway of the castle and into the candle-lit foyer. He pulled her flat against his body, staring deeply into her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck (which she had to stand on her tip-toes to do because of his height). He leaned his head down and kissed her grabbing at the ample flesh of her backside.
"Lord Sesshomaru!" called a small, hysterical voice. Sesshomaru sighed heavily under his breath.
"What is it, Jaken?" he asked the small, green, toad-like creature who had wrapped his arms around the Youkai Lord's leg, sobbing hysterically.
"Oh, my Lord, I thought you'd never return! You'd been gone for so long! I thought something terrible had happened to you... but... who's the girl?" This last part Jaken said with malice in his voice.
"I'm Suko. Are you Sesshomaru's pet?"
Jaken looked at her as if she had just said something never before heard of.
"Ptah! Pet? Me? Never! I am no pet! I'll have you know, girl, that I am Lord Sesshomaru's most loyal and faithful servant. I am more powerful than you could ever hope to be, so just try m-..."
Whatever jaken was going to say was instantly put to a halt as Sesshomaru hoisted him off the ground by his throat.
"M-my Lord," Jaken squeaked, seeing nothing but anger in his master's eyes.
"Jaken... if you ever speak to her in that manner again, I will crush every bone in your body," Sesshomaru threatened.
"Y-yes, my Lord," squeaked the imp as Sesshomaru released him and he crashed to the floor.
"Now, leave us, Jaken," Sesshomaru commanded.
The little imp looked like a scolded dog walking away from them with its tail between its legs. As he looked back at them, Suko saw the jealous fury that flashed in his eyes. She couldn't help but feel sorry for the little imp, but whatever sympathy she was feeling for him vanished when Sesshomaru pulled her into another passionate kiss.
"I could get used to this," she thought as she wrapped her arms around him once again. He hoisted her up into his arms and carried her into an enormous room filled with all kinds of different linens and tapestries. He laid her down upon a pile of silk bedding in the middle of the room.
Suko removed his kimono and then her own, exposing herself once again to her demon lover. She ran her fingers down his chest, then his stomach, and even lower still, and stopped at the spot where he was as hard as stone. She pulled his pants away in anticipation.
Sesshomaru lowered himself down her body and kissed the soft flesh of her inner thighs, arousing her even more. She watched him excitedly as he made his way up her thighs and then buried his face deep into the valley between her legs. This caused her to gasp with ecstasy. She had never felt anything like this before. Sure she had over heard locker room confessions about it from the girls back home, but, she never imagined it would feel like this.
She found her hips moving by themselves, her body doing some kind of old, rhythmic dance as he lapped at the tiny bud that was sending shivers down her back. Sesshomaru moaned hungrily into her void as he slipped a clawed finger deep inside.
Suko could hardly contain herself. Whatever he was doing to her was awakening brand new senses inside of her. She felt herself pushing even harder against his mouth as she felt that familiar wave of pleasure building up in her loins. Her legs started quivering and she found herself grabbing huge handfuls of his hair as her pleasure started to peak.
"Keep going!" Suko cried out in desperation.
Hearing this, Sesshomaru quickened the movements of his tongue and moaned in triumph as he heard her cry out in satisfaction. Suko just lay there for a moment, her body trembling as he drank every drop of honey from her hive.
Sesshomaru watched, hungrily, as her breasts rose up and down with every breath she took. Almost as if he was hypnotized by them, he grabbed one in his mouth. Suko moaned, blissfully. She watched him with anticipation as he rolled his body on top of hers and pinned her arms high above her head.With a quick movement, he was inside of her, probing ever deeper into her core.
"More!" Suko begged as she clenched her fists. Sesshomaru didn't quicken his movements, but rather, thrust into her harder and deeper causing her to yelp at the mix of pain and pleasure. Little did they know, a pair of yellow, jealous eyes was watching them from the shadows of the room.
"Stupid girl!" Jaken thought, "Lord Sesshomaru is supposed to be mine. I have followed him aimlessly for all of these years. And for what? To have to watch him have his way with that stupid little human?" Jaken watched and couldn't help but become aroused at the sight of the sweat gleaming off of Sesshomaru's body.
That only made Jaken more upset.
"Stupid girl!" he sobbed, "stupid, stupid girl! I'm supposed to be the one partaking in pleasures of the flesh with Lord Sesshomaru! I'm supposed to be the one to lick the sweat off of his body! Not that concubine! She will pay for taking him away from me!" and he tottered off with an evil smile on his lips.
Sesshomaru held Suko tightly in his arms as their bodies calmed down from their activities. He stared at the pendant around her neck. The bright red glow from it was just about gone. Every time he had any contact with her, the rock glowed with a bright red aura. He wasn't sure, but he thought it was glowing in approval of the reunion. This was, after all, the same pendant he and Koharu bonded with all those years ago... wasn't it?

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