How lily meet Sesshomaru: Talking Out Your Ass

Published Jun 21, 2005, 11:23:54 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 18, 2006, 11:39:08 PM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

A girl name lily moves to japan from america to live with her cousin and ends up going with to the past where she meets the man of her dreams

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Chapter 2: Talking Out Your Ass

As we made our way back to the house, the half demon that i have come to know as Inuyasha, keep muttering 'stupid girl' and 'whatever'. I swear he has never had a chick yell at him and call him a bitch. Oh well, he can get happy in the same pants he got mad in, now can't he? When we reached the house, I was about to turn around and slap him up the side of the head. Cause that muttering was on my last nerve. The staw that broke the camels back, came when he mutter that I was a whore. I turned on him so fast that he had to stop quickly to avoid running into me. "If you have something to say ass wipe, say it to my face and not under your breath, when you think that no one is listening." You know that look people get when they just been caught with their hand in the cookie jar? That was the look that passed over his face. "What the fuck are you talking about? Fine you want to know here it is, the only true bitch here is you, and you listen to me, I don't listen to you. Now that we have that straight, start moving!!!" Oh, heeeeeelllllll...... no! He did not just say that to me! The bitch of the midwest. "Obiviously you are missing a couple neurons, ever heard of 'think with the brain that is 3 ft above your ass and not the one between your legs!?" I heard my Aunt yelling, "language!", it's not like it's nothing Souta, has never heard before. I tell her that I am sorry, but I can't be in the same room as a male shovinistic pig like him. I said, "I will be having dinner in my room." I told Kagome that after dinner that only she was to come to my room and give me an explanation that i was promised and to put the dog out before he makes a mess on the rug. I think he thought that his sword was going to scare me. I walked right up to it and said, "DO IT!" Next thing I hear is, "Sit!" And guess went down, the asshole himself. Good, i hope it broke his back. I sound like a heartless bitch, but first impressions mean everything. My Aunt asked me to please help pass out dinner before I retreated to my room to eat. I said sure. I was mean. I mean dogs don't eat at the tables, so what made dog boy think he was special. I put his plate on the floor, "Right where all dogs should eat, on the floor!!" I grabed my plate before anyone could make a comment and went to my room. As I was eating, I heard him yelling at Kagome, that he was not going to take that shit. Oh, I might as well go straighten him out. I grabed my empty plate and headed back down stairs. When I got into the dinning room I had one pissed off dog demon in my face. I pushed my way past, didn't get very far. As I passed the dude gabbed my wrist, guess he learned the hard way to never do that again. I flipped him over my head and hard into the floor, "Never and I mean never put your blood soaked claws on me again, is that straight!!" I spit in his face and walked off. At 10, my Aunt said that she and Souta where off to bed and that I should get some sleep from my long trip. I said, I was going as soon as I talked to Kagome. 10 minutes later there was a knock at my door. I got up and walked to the door and opened it, there stood Kagome and him! "I thought I said to put the dog out, I don't want him leaving messes on the carpet!" "Lily, please be nice, Inuyasha promised to keep his mouth shut. So can we come in and explain about the well?" "Sure, come in, Inuyasha sit on the floor, and not on the bed, please." We all sat on the floor in a circle. She explain about how on her 15th birthday she got dragged down the well by a demon called Mistress Centipede. Where she found Inuyasha pinned to a tree. The jewel, I learned was ripped out of her body when Mistress Centipede bit into her side. Now they are hunting down a demon named Naraku and gathering the shikon shards, traveling with a demon exterminator named Sango. A perverted monk named Miroku, and two demons, one a cat demon named Kilala , a fox demon named Shippo that had been orphaned when the Thunder Brothers killed his parents, he thinks of Kagome as his sarrogate mother. Then there is one name no matter what, that I will never forget! "Sesshomaru is his half brother and Lord of the Western Lands, right??" She shook her head yes. "Sounds like a hottie to me, rip me off a chunck of that for my 20th birthday!!" Kagome started laughing with me, Inuyasha just looked dum founded. "He could kill you with the flick of his wrist, and this is funny how??" "Oh, the bad boy type, just what I like!! Let me guess cold hearted, emotions are null and void. To me that sounds like a challenge that I would like to take on." I swear, at that moment he wanted to take me to the looney bend and say 'room for one'. I got an idea, "Cousin, I think that I would like to travel back and meet your friends, and this Sesshomaru. And Inuyasha, don't start on that if slow me down shit, because I can take care of my self. I will just ask my Aunt for a sword and a bow and arrow, so you have no reason to bitch, about another worthless female to take care of." He just said whatever and that was it. A couple of minutes later I told them that I wanted to get some rest. That I was planning to practice my sword fighting and archery in the morning so I could get back in the swing of things. They said goodnight, when I went to sleep, I could only think of one person. "Sesshomaru, I can't wait to meet you; and defy you, so instead of killing me, my punishment should be begging you to spank me for disobeying my Master's orders." And I fell asleep dreaming of my dark knight.

to be continued

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