Mother Earth: Chapter 1

Published Aug 1, 2005, 1:34:09 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 1, 2005, 1:34:09 PM | Total Chapters 1

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Going back to my roots at this poem... If you wanna know how i'm going back to my roots, PM me

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Mother Earth,
do You feel the ships against your body?
Mother Earth,
do You feel the feets of the ones,
who carry the wooden cross?
Mother Earth,
do You feel,
how Your bosom turns red,
from the blood of your sons and daughters?

Mother Earth,
are You proud?
Mother Earth,
as Your offsprings take arms,
and drive false believers out of our sacred ground?
Mother Earth,
do You feel joy,
and merriment,
as the first wave of heretic's flee?

Mother Earth,
do You feel determination?
Mother Earth,
as Your believers take arms,
and strike against heretic's once more?
Mother Earth,
do You feel their hate and fear,
as the heretic followers of the wooden cross grows in number,
suprassing Your believers numbers?

Mother Earth,
are You sad?
Mother Earth,
when Your offsprings are forced,
to believe in the wooden cross?
Mother Earth,
do You feel ashame,
like Your offsprings do,
as we watch our gods...

Mother Earth?...

Mother Earth?...

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