28 Stars: Water

Published Oct 13, 2005, 7:46:18 PM UTC | Last updated Mar 19, 2006, 7:55:50 PM | Total Chapters 17

Story Summary

Set way into a post GT timeline, Vegeta gets dragged (literally) by the feet into the dragonballs. Goku/Vegeta, yaoi, lemon

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Chapter 10: Water

28 Stars

Disclaimer:  I don’t own DBZ, or any of its characters. Looks like I’ll just have to settle for some male supermodels with wigs.

Author Notes of Spewing: Sorry for the delay guys. Illness and work jumped up on me out of nowhere. Words of wisdom- don’t eat dodgy soup. But I have not forgotten this, not at all.

Thanks to my beta as always, The Chichi Slaughter House.

Chapter 10. Water

Goku tumbled backwards as the wind from a blast knocked him off balance, nearly landing in the water had he not erected a shield of ki around himself, charging forwards towards Vegeta. Building up balls of energy in his hands, he tossed them at Vegeta, his aim directed at the water around him, rather than the prince himself. Colossal sheets of water rose up around Vegeta, before collapsing in on him, dragging him under with their weight. Goku gave a wide grin, flying up higher from the water’s surface as he scanned it, looking for any telltale lights from any attacks Vegeta may throw.


Soaking wet and completely naked, Goku swooped sideways as a sheet of water shot up beneath him, droplets flying onto his damp skin and running off. As soon as he had moved, Vegeta was charging towards him through the water as it fell, parting before his ki, in an equal state of undress as he grabbed Goku’s legs and dragged both of them down, a smirk gracing his features as Goku struggled against him, wet tail shaking water out in its lashings. Pulling them down to the water’s surface, Vegeta flew up; pushing on Goku’s head as he dunked the other Saiyan under the water, only gasp in surprise as strong hands wrapped around his ankles and dragged him under. Their movements hindered by the water, the pair launched kicks at each other, one connecting with Goku’s chest and sending him shooting back until he caught himself, sending pale blue balls of ki to Vegeta. Knocking them down on a path to the bottom, Vegeta flew out of the water; however, he was not fast enough to escape the water displaced from the blast, the liquid pounding into him. Goku rose out of the water at a distance, flying over.


Goku grinned as he saw the swooping prince, wobbling in the air, still a bit dazed from the force of the water. Somehow, a quiet bath between them had escalated into a full-fledged water fight; complete with ki blasts of course. It had started with a playful splash, of course, from Goku- although his idea of a splash managed to engulf Vegeta entirely. From there silent peace of cleaning each other, they had grown to a competitive and violent water fight at a single splash. To Goku’s amusement, Vegeta had taken him up on it, blasting the water in front of Goku and sent a towering wave of water over him, knocking him back. As their retaliations had grown more and more over the top, the metal pool they had been using grew with them, accommodating the immense tidal waves and careening balls of energy tossed around the room. Vegeta seemed to be enjoying it as much as Goku, the smirk having been glued onto it his face for the entirety of the battle as he relished the fighting, playing the lethal game.


Vegeta shook himself, large droplets of water flying out of his hair as he tried to regain his bearings, blinking as he saw Goku approach. All of a sudden, he realised the game- or more competition- they were in, throwing a ki blast at the water between them, it detonating on the surface and cascading water on the pair, before he flew back, shooting many small blasts to send spouts of water at the other Saiyan who was forced to raise a shield of ki. Blasting the water away from him, sending it high into the air and letting the drops rain open them both.


Vegeta shook the rain from his face before it fell into his eyes, his sodden tail flailing behind him. Ears pricking as he heard a familiar call, he looked up, his eyes widening at a wave of energy rolling toward him, the glow hurting his eyes before it collided with him, sending him flying out of the water onto the edge of the expanded bath, giving him a split second of rest before the pursuing wave of water landed on him in his wake.


He cracked his eyes open as Goku hovered in the air before him, leaning down and looking concerned, before realising he was awake, grinning again. Goku extended a hand in offer to the downed Prince, only to have it smacked away as Vegeta tried to heave himself up, sitting up and smoking a little.


“I think I got you there, Vegeta.” Goku chuckled, scratching the back of his head as he descended into the water next to Vegeta.


Vegeta snorted, dunking his head under the water as he got in beside him. “Hn. Idiot.”


Goku rose up, spluttering and spitting out water, whilst Vegeta rolled his eyes, although not without a small smirk of amusement at the other’s antics. He’d already been goaded into a water fight, which Vegeta suspected wasn’t entirely spontaneous either. Goku had led him to this place and did goad him into such a frivolous competition, although, Vegeta could barely admit it to himself, let alone another, how much he’d enjoyed it; having permitted himself so little “fun” over the years made a little go a long way.


When they had woken up, as a tangle of arms, legs and tails, he himself pressed tight against the other’s broad chest, appreciative of the warmth as he woke. Feeling the protective grip of the other Saiyan, Vegeta was both reassured by it, and irritated, unable to break out of the hold had he desired. The mere inability was aggravating- had he been able to escape, it was likely he wouldn’t mind being wrapped up in the other Saiyan’s arms, despite his desire to clean the residue from the previous night off him. As he lay there, he’d been given time to appreciate the entire situation. He could trust Goku, for the other Saiyan had more than proved that by his actions the previous night. There was no regret from letting the other Saiyan take him, when Goku tended to his needs before his own. There was no competition about it, there was no issue of control between them, and moreover, there was no true dominance to be sought. Goku hadn’t treated it as a fight, he hadn’t been aggressive and dominant, and yet, without those qualities, Vegeta felt more comfortable than ever around him.


His thoughts were dismissed when the other Saiyan had woken up however, a reaction of surprise before he fully remembered, disturbing him with sleepy kisses as he loosened his grip, with the exception of the tail around his thigh, which stayed put even as Vegeta lay out of the bed, stretching as Goku watched him with a lazy gaze. Soon enough, Goku had suggested they clean up and had led Vegeta to one of the doors in his corridor, opening it to reveal a pristine room, still following the colour scheme of the rest of the house, but with tiles, at the centre of with was a large bath, built into the floor.


“Woah, Vegeta. Messing around like that in the water has really done a number on your hair.”


Vegeta blinked, jerked back to the present as hands ran through his dripping mop of tangled hair, trying to ease the knots out, taking care not to pull at the black strands. He continued looking forward, staring at Goku’s chest through the hair that hung just over his eyes, dropping back down every time he pushed it up with the back of his hand. As Goku’s gentle hands separated another knot, Vegeta let him stroke his hands through his hair to make sure it was gone, before leaning back a little, the other Saiyan taking his hands away at the minute signal.


“Well, wouldn’t yours if you got blasted?!” Vegeta snapped, crossing his arms over his chest.


Goku shrugged, trying not to laugh as bangs of hair dropped back over Vegeta’s face, watching as he tried to ignore them, then tried to blow them back up, without any success, before he eventually growled in frustration and unfolded his arms, pushing the hair back up, his gaze lowering when he noticed Goku’s bright smile. A light tinge of pink crossed his cheeks as the bangs dropped back down- this must be the work of the dragonballs, like when it had grown earlier; it never did such a thing before that.

Frowning, and hoping the effect would wear off, Vegeta stepped out of the large bath, which had somehow shrunk back to its original dimensions after their fight, although in a place like this, it probably had no original dimensions. Goku watched him get out, a towel appearing next to him as he dried himself off, his hairline growing back to its normal shape. Sighing and hauling himself over the side, Goku produced his own towel, rubbing his hair with vigour whilst his tail flicked water away, most of it hitting Vegeta. Rolling his eyes, Vegeta grasped his tail, stilling it and started drying it off, making Goku pause in his actions as he watched, more surprised by the action than anything, until Vegeta released the appendage, returning to drying himself.


Standing by the edge of bath as Goku finished drying himself off, Vegeta turned to pick up a set of clothes that had appeared, yet again, as expected, pulling on the tight trousers and vest, his tail poking through a hole in the back. Folding his arms, he turned to the door, opening it with the intention to leave, when the other Saiyan’s voice stilling him.


“Where’re you going, Vegeta?”


“To train.”


There was a brief pauses between them, interrupted by a small rustle as Goku picked up his clothes.


“Don’t you want some food?”


“Maybe later.”


“Can’t I come with you?”


Vegeta shook his head, stepping out of the door. “Not for now. I wish to practice alone.” He looked around the door, smirking at him. “Don’t worry. If you are so desperate to get your ass kicked, I’ll be there after breakfast.”


A deep chuckle resonating behind him, Vegeta stepped out of Goku’s view and padded down the hallway. With the sound of a door creaking open and being pulled shut, Goku realised Vegeta had gone. Unsurprised by Vegeta’s secretiveness, Goku was more preoccupied in where he’d gone. He wouldn’t be surprised if Vegeta had made himself a special gravity room clone in this place. Smiling at the thought, he pulled on his clothes, wriggling his tail through hole on the set of his trousers and left the room too. Vegeta wasn’t the only one who needed to train after all- he ought to get his ass in gear too, if he were to be ready. And of course, combat Vegeta’s new technique. Although having an independent partner would be useful, compared a clone you had to control. Sighing, he walked along the corridor, selecting a door of his own.


Vegeta walked into the darkness, his keen eyes able to pick out the shapes of the trees and benches in the dim light of the crescent moon as he stepped into the place Goku had taken him earlier. He looked around, noting the bench Goku had sat on earlier, and with a slight curl of the lip, the pink blossoms that had fallen into his hair. Without anyone else around, it was perfectly silent, the only movements being the occasional blossoms tumbling from the trees and the floating of the lanterns, which seemed to spread backwards to help prevent this. The darkness prevented any other distractions, and helped him stay calm as he stepped into a sparser area, closing his eyes and concentrating.


Taking a deep breath, the air beside him quivered, illumination appearing from nowhere, although the sparks of ki he’d produced in the previous attempt were absent. He stood straight, unflinching as the plumes of fine orange smoke rose up around him, opening his twin sets of eyes to see it disperse into the darkness around him. Standing still, Vegeta adjusted to both of the bodies, more concerned with getting accustomed to being part of the pair at the same time, rather than moving just yet. Even without Goku around, he doubted his pride could take any more falls to the ass.


Goku grinned at his clone as he flew above a wide, open field, mimicking his own movements and flying around each other as they rose, tails streaming out behind them. Stopping level with each other, hands were cupped by their own sides, matching balls of energy forming in their palms, the pale blue light overpowering the sun’s rays below them. The balls of energy growing, the pair simultaneously shot them at each other, the bright beam hurdling forward to an impending head on collision, before the holders before pulled them around, twisting at steep angles as the pair grunted in exertion, struggling to keep them on course.


The beams swept around in a full arc, before swinging forward again, this time being moved sideways past each other, sparks of electricity crackling between them as they passed each other. The pair turned the blasts around in sky, the effect begging for onlookers as the beams twisted and turned, growing more agile.


Goku grinned as he sent the two blasts careening into each other high above their heads, the explosion blindingly bright as wind rustle their clothes and hair.


He’d be ready for it next time.


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