Patience: Virtue

Published Apr 23, 2006, 5:36:24 AM UTC | Last updated Jun 3, 2008, 11:44:53 AM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

Vegeta has his eye on Goku, but apparently Goku either hasn't noticed or isn't interested. Will he?

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Chapter 2: Virtue

By Pixelgoddess

One-liner – “I’ve been waiting a long time for this.” Goku’s side of ‘Patience’

Vegeta/Goku, sex, smut, angst…did I say sex?
Why does everyone think I own them? Hmmm?

Goku growled to himself and flared into Super Saiyan. Vegeta was kicking his ass today; he needed more power to have any chance of winning. It was his own fault, really – every day it was becoming more difficult to focus on the spar and not on the appearance of his opponent.

Vegeta didn’t seem to have the same problem – unfortunately.

It had been interesting watching as Vegeta had slowly changed over the years, even more so after Bulma’s sudden death. He had gotten control over his anger – even learned to use it to his advantage. As a result, his fighting style was more deadly than ever. Vegeta had finally found his stillpoint – he had learned patience and control over the years.

The prince no longer rushed into combat heedlessly – he waited for his moment now. He seemed to be able to bank his energy, exploding when it was to his advantage.

The change had forced Goku to change his own style – out-waiting a patient Vegeta was nearly impossible; sometimes the only possibility of winning was doing something completely impulsive. If he had fought like this years ago, it was unlikely the prince would have been defeated when he first arrived on earth.

“Having problems, Kakarott?”

Damn him. He knew. He knew Goku was losing. Vegeta was wearing that appealing smirk Goku had come to love and hate.

“No problems, Vegeta,” he growled, ripping away the rest of his damaged shirt. It was too bad he couldn’t use his exposed body as a distraction; it had worked against other, less focused opponents. Sure, Vegeta watched him all the time, but that was just studying an opponent. The prince would never think of him as anything more than a friend and a rival.

Still, that didn’t keep Goku from fantasizing. It was probably a good thing the prince’s uniform didn’t get damaged as easily as his own. If it did, he doubted he would be able to concentrate on the fight when faced with the sight of Vegeta’s bronzed muscles.

Ascending didn’t do much good today; he only got one good punch to the prince’s gut before the tables were turned again. Between Vegeta whittling away at his defenses and distracting thoughts of the prince’s body he was getting pummeled. Blow after blow made it through his defenses – in the past Vegeta would have been furious with him, accusing him of not trying. Goku frowned; he wanted to fight – he just…couldn’t.

Vegeta caught him with a punishing blow and he dropped from the sky, crashing to the ground with a pain-filled grunt. He lay there dazed, cursing himself for letting his interest in Vegeta get the better of him. Vegeta landed beside him, and Goku felt himself becoming aroused at his heady scent. He tried to sit up, hoping the prince wouldn’t notice his body’s reaction. Vegeta pushed him back down, his hand spread over his chest, feeling too much like the caress he had fantasized so often. He moaned at the sensation.

“Rest a minute, Kakarott. Get your breath back.”

It wasn’t fair. Was this the only way he would ever get the contact he craved? He wanted more; he wanted… “Vegeta...”

Vegeta looked at him with a strange expression, studying him again. Goku could only swallow hard and blush under the scrutiny; he had moaned Vegeta’s name. What was wrong with him?


Goku watched with pleasure and a certain amount of pride as Vegeta ate the last crumbs of the dessert he had made. Chichi’s teaching had paid off; he actually looked forward to making these meals. Vegeta seemed to appreciate his cooking and it was another excuse to be around his prince for something that wasn’t sparring.

“Not bad, Kakarott. Maybe you should lose more often.”

He laughed, “Maybe I should cook all the time no matter who wins. Face it Vegeta, you aren’t much of a chef and robot-made food gets boring.”

Vegeta smirked, and then surprisingly dipped a spoon into Goku’s dessert, stealing a bite. He knew Vegeta felt comfortable around him, but this was something new.


“That’s what happens when you insult your prince,” Vegeta chuckled.

It became a race after that, Goku doing his best to eat his dessert faster than Vegeta could steal it. He actually thought it was kind of funny – this was more like something their sons would have gotten up to when they were kids. Their spoons collided a few times, but Goku triumphantly scooped up the last bite.

As he cleared away the remains of their meal, he could feel Vegeta’s eyes on him, studying him again. It made him feel kind of odd – it wasn’t that he objected to the attention, but he wished he knew why the prince watched him so much. Vegeta seemed so relaxed and comfortable – it was almost how he got when sparring…like he was waiting for Goku to screw up so he could spring on him.

Meanwhile, Goku was getting fidgety – he laughed and joked to hide it, but it was beginning to feel like he was the one who was going to explode. Why couldn’t he tell Vegeta? Why didn’t he? Vegeta had changed, hadn’t he?

His rounds of the kitchen brought him to stand next to the prince. He was stretched out, eyes closed, hands behind his head. His muscles strained against the tight t-shirt and Goku wondered yet again if Vegeta deliberately bought shirts several sizes too small in order to get that effect.

His gaze traveled up to Vegeta’s face, and he smiled to himself as he realized the prince had missed a spot of whipped cream near his mouth. Goku licked his lips imagining what it would be like to kiss it away. Before he could think about what he was doing or what the consequences could be, he bent and pressed his mouth against Vegeta’s. Soft… warm… spice mixed with the sweetness of the cream. He was about to trace his tongue over Vegeta’s lips when he finally realized what he was doing, his eyes snapping open in shock. He recoiled as he realized his prince’s eyes were open, watching him curiously.

“Vegeta…I’m, I’m, I’m sorry…I don’t know what…I, I, I-.” What was he thinking? Vegeta didn’t kiss him back – he didn’t do anything at all. He should never have acted so impulsively. He began retreating, practically stumbling over his own feet in an effort to escape.

Vegeta growled and sat up, the chair legs crashing down to the floor. He knew it – the prince was furious at him. It had taken so long for Vegeta to consider him a friend, and now one stupid thing had ruined everything. He had to get away – maybe Vegeta would calm down enough to forgive him eventually.

Vegeta lunged towards him though, managing to catch his wrist before he could escape. He didn’t know what to do anymore – he did one rash thing and their friendship might be over. He hated being alone, but it looked like one little kiss had enraged Vegeta.

“Kakarott,” Vegeta purred, curling a hand tightly in the top of Goku’s gi and shoving him back against the wall.

“Vegeta…” he said desperately, “I don’t know what came over me. I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad.”

“Kakarott,” he said; the sound both smooth and dangerous. Goku didn’t know how to respond – he had never heard the low vibration in Vegeta’s voice before. The prince released the crushing hold on his wrist, sending chills up Goku’s spine as the warmth of his hand slid up his arm. Part of him was thrilled at the touch of Vegeta’s skin on his, while another panicking part of him was screaming Vegeta was going to punish him for his indiscretion. He felt Vegeta’s strong fingers lacing into his hair and nearly moaned at the touch.

“Why did you stop?” Vegeta didn’t give him a chance to answer, tightening his grip and pulling his head down, crushing their mouths together.

Goku was stunned. Vegeta was kissing him? He didn’t hesitate any longer, pressing their bodies together, groaning at the sensation of heat against him. He never imagined Vegeta’s body could be this hot – it was like being near a fire.

Their tongues touched and he sighed into Vegeta’s mouth. Was this what he had been waiting for all along? For Goku to make a move, revealing his weakness for the prince?

Vegeta pulled back just far enough to look at him, his hand still tightly twisted in his shirt. “It took you long enough, Kakarott,” he purred.

Goku stared at him wide-eyed. He never expected any of this from Vegeta. “You’re not mad at me?”

Vegeta chuckled darkly, and turned, dragging Goku unresisting through the house. “Did I kiss you like I was angry?” he said over his shoulder.

“No,” Goku answered, hoping he knew where Vegeta was taking him. “Where are we going?”

“Bedroom,” Vegeta responded, pulling him through the doorway. He turned and pulled Goku’s head down to his level again and purred into his ear, “I’ve been waiting a long time for this. Too long. I refuse to wait any longer.”

With that, Vegeta released his hold and turned away from him, going into the bathroom. Goku stood there bewildered at his behavior. Considering how Vegeta was acting he expected to have his clothes already ripped off. Vegeta’s patience had thrown him; his one impulsive move seemed to have given the prince the advantage yet again.

He heard sounds coming from the room, but now that they had gotten to this point he honestly wasn’t sure what Vegeta wanted him to do. Was he supposed to just stand here? He glanced over at the bed, then back at the bathroom and shrugged, beginning to unbutton his shirt.

He only got the first button undone when Vegeta came out of the bathroom, smirking, naked, and very, very aroused. Goku’s eyes traveled over the bronze sculpture of his prince and tried to remember how to breathe. “Oh.”

Vegeta chuckled and crossed over to him, “You’re still dressed, Kakarott.”

Goku stammered an agreement as Vegeta began unbuttoning his shirt for him. He slowly reached his hand out, brushing it over Vegeta’s warm flesh in wonder. Was that all he had to do to get his prince? Kiss him? If it was that simple why did he wait so long?

He could swear Vegeta was purring as he slid Goku’s jeans down past his hips, freeing his erection from confinement. Burning fingertips traced the line from his navel to the base of his cock and he felt his knees tremble at the touch. “Vegeta,” he moaned, too amazed at the realization this was really happening to say anything else.

He was guided backwards until they fell onto the bed, staring into his prince’s dark eyes with wonder. Vegeta wanted him. Vegeta wanted him. Had Vegeta been patiently waiting for him to make the first move?

“Patience is a virtue,” Vegeta murmured to himself as if in answer to his thoughts before bending to curl his lips around a nipple.

If this were a battle, Goku knew he had already lost. Vegeta’s passion was intense and overwhelming, his mouth and hands everywhere, skin hot against his, strong hands stroking his flesh. He had never been able to touch his prince like this before and his fingers caressed sculpted muscles in a frenzied exploration.

“Kakarott,” Vegeta growled into his mouth.

“Vegeta,” he purred, sliding his fingers through chestnut hair. He was heat against his tongue, tasting better than Goku could have imagined – spice and smoke.

Vegeta drew back enough to stare down at him, eyes narrowing in satisfaction at Goku’s moan when he moved his hips, grinding their erections together. Goku tried to pull him back down, wanting to feel Vegeta’s body covering his, but the prince just smirked at him and pushed his hands away.

Within moments he was writhing in wordless ecstasy as Vegeta devoured him, his mouth everywhere. He kissed and licked, sucked and nipped. Goku had yelped in surprise the first time teeth broke his skin, but the heat of Vegeta’s tongue instantly soothed away the tiny ache. This intensity was something he had never experienced before – this wasn’t the gentle loving he had known in the past. This was an inferno.

He couldn’t keep his hands off the prince, trying to touch him everywhere, wanting to know every inch of his skin. He wanted to taste the heat of the flesh against his, but Vegeta wouldn’t let him. Goku was unwilling to try to change positions, afraid he would lose the electric friction of their cocks sliding together.

Vegeta made a ravenous growl and Goku howled in shocked pleasure when his cock was surrounded by the heat of his mouth. He groaned and shuddered as Vegeta licked and rumbled around his erection, the head of his cock rubbing against the inside of his mouth. He panted helplessly, clutching at the bedding as he watched Vegeta’s head bobbing hungrily over his weeping erection. Teeth lightly scraped over his cock a moment before the prince sucked him so hard he came with an explosive scream.

Goku could only lie there, gasping, as Vegeta licked him clean, purring with satisfaction. He still couldn’t believe this was Vegeta pleasuring him like this. Vegeta crawled up his body, burning him with the touch. Goku could feel the prince’s hard cock pressing against him as his mouth was captured, letting him taste his own blood and seed.

He made a surprised grunt when Vegeta’s slick finger pressed into his entrance. Black eyes studied his reaction as it slid in deeper, the prince smirking triumphantly when his fingertip rubbed over something sensitive, making him groan at the sensation.

Vegeta watched him, licking his lips as Goku began pressing against his hand, trying to force him even deeper. Even the fullness provided by several fingers preparing him wasn’t enough. “Please,” he moaned, “More.”

Vegeta withdrew his fingers with a chuckle and Goku nearly whined at the loss.

“Turn over, Kakarott,” he commanded, his voice deep and gravely.

Goku barely hesitated, quickly rolling over on his knees and lowering himself onto his elbows, trying not to think what he looked like with his ass presented to Vegeta as a gift.

“Perfect,” Vegeta purred, his smooth hand stroking him from neck to tail scar, his nails making just enough contact to make him shiver. Soft hands squeezed the curve of his ass, fingertips sliding back into his entrance, stretching him again. Ki-warmed oil was poured down the cleft, flowing down to drip over his balls.

“Vegeta,” he whimpered, not sure how much more of this marvelous torment he could take, “Please…just…”

“Patience, Kakarott. You must learn patience,” Vegeta purred, slowly sliding his fingers in, pressing against those nerves again.

Goku groaned and pushed back, trying to force his prince’s hand to get deeper. Vegeta was determined to move at his own pace, which was soon going to drive him insane.

Finally Vegeta removed his hand and held his hips firmly. “Are you ready, Kakarott?” he asked in a voice that sounded as lust-filled as he felt.

“Yes, yes, yes,” he breathed, “Please Vegeta…please.”

Thankfully, Vegeta didn’t hesitate any longer, burying his slick cock deep inside, nearly making Goku scream at the sensation of instant fullness. His prince was curled around him and Goku groaned at the feel of flesh against flesh.

Goku barely had a chance to take a breath before Vegeta began thrusting almost frantically, all patience gone. He moaned as Vegeta drove in deeper than he could have believed possible, every stroke hitting sensitive nerves.

Vegeta was practically roaring as he fucked him harder and faster. All Goku could do was hold onto the shredded bedding, screaming Vegeta’s name with each driving thrust. He didn’t think his voice would last much longer when the prince’s hand curled around his cock and began to pump him in time with his violent strokes.

Vegeta rubbed the tip of his weeping cock with his thumb and Goku came with a scream. Vegeta followed within moments, shouting his name as their bodies trembled together.

They collapsed face-down on the bed; Vegeta sprawled out over Goku’s thoroughly sated body.

“Damn it, Kakarott,” Vegeta muttered, sliding out of his body and rolling over onto his back beside him, “Next time don’t make me wait so fucking long. There’s a limit to my patience.”


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