Brothers In Heart: The Scroll of Sealing is Stolen!

Published May 28, 2006, 7:45:22 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 5, 2006, 4:10:40 AM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

What if the Kyuubi destrode all of the Uchihas but Sasuke and Sasuke's last name is changed from Uchiha to Uzumaki and is Naruto's brother? Holy moly this is going to get interseting. This was first posted on by me so I'm not stelling this story.

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Chapter 5: The Scroll of Sealing is Stolen!

Naruto4051: Hello everyone! Sorry for the wait, I was lost on the road of life and...

Naruto & Sasuke: LIAR! >:(

Naruto4051: Ok ok ok, I was busy reading other people's stories that I did not right fast enough and I'm in the basement of my house and my younger brother turns on the tv and it destracts me from my work.

Naruto: Just start the #!#! story already.

Naruto4051: Hey watch your languge Naruto or I'll turn this into a NaruXSasu fic!

Naruto & Sasuke: gulp

Naruto4051: Good now that's over with. Thank you everyone for the reviews! I'm getting some good ideas for up coming chapters from Kimcat. Thank you Kimcat for the ideas! I hope that others will give me ideas too.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto! If I did I would not be able to make this story and plus I'm only a teennager.

At Iruka's apartment, Iruka is on his bed thinking of what Lord Hokage said to him earlier today.


"Iuka," said Lord Hokage to the Chunin. "Yes, Lord Hokage?" asked Iuka wondering why Lord Hokage wanted to talk to him. "Naruto and Sasuke never felt the warmth of a family like you. They never felt the love of a mother or a father but they had each other to look up to. It's because they are looked down because of Naruto's secert and the whole village hates them. They wonder why they are treated like that so they get into trouble so every will notice them. It may not show but both of them are hurting inside, wondering why they are treated not same as the other childern in the village. Epleshaly Naruto, the whole village hates him the most because of his sercert that he does not know and the kids don't know why their parents hate him so they hate him too. Sasuke wonders why they are like that to his brother so he stands up for him and gets hated by the villagers for that. How would you like it everywhere you look people would look down at you with cold eyes filled with hatered for just looking at them?"

End of Flashback

"Iruka-sensei wake up!" yelled a voice outside of the apartment. Iruka got out of his bed and answered the door. "What is it?" asked Iruka loudly when he got to the door. "You have to come to Lord Hokage," said the man that was Mizuki, "It's about Naruto and Sasuke. They stole the sacred scroll." Iruka was shocked and said, "You mean the scroll of sealing oh no!" Iruka quickly got dress in his chunin uniform and ran to Lord Hokage's office with Mizuki.

At Lord Hokage's office there is other chunin and jounin too as they heard the news about the scroll of sealing being stolen by the two most known boys in the whole village. "Lord Hokage this is no pratical joke!" yelled a chunin to Lord Hokage. "That scroll has information that was sealed away by the first Hokage that can put this village in grave danger!" said another chunin loudly to Lord Hokage. "Alright!" yelled Lord Hokage, "Bring Naruto and Sasuke here at once!" "Yes Sir!" yelled all the ninja and disapeared into thin air.

Meanwhile in the forest by the village by a shed, Naruto and Sasuke are looking at the scroll that they just stolen from Lord Hokage. "Lets see what the first justu in this scroll," said Naruto sitting down and looking at the scroll with his brother. "Kage Bushin no justu," ('Shadow clone justu' for all who only watch the TV seires and read only the chapters from Shonen Jump.) read Sasuke sitting next to Naruto. "Ah man! This is my worst justu!" yelled both boys at the same time. Both were shocked when they heard their other brother said it too. "Y-you mean bushin (clone) is your worst justu too, Sasuke?" asked Naruto with still a shocked look on his face and pointing to Sasuke. "Yea, it's just I did not want to get better than you and you will get mad at me for being better than you," said Sasuke a bit gulity for not mastering it. "Same here too, otouto. I thought too that you might get mad at me too," said Naruto rubbing the back of his head. Sasuke smiled at his brother and said, "It's ok Naruto. You don't have to blame everything on yourself. We were just too busy with our pranks, boring letures from Iruka-sensei and the "old man" gave us, and punishments for our pranks that we could not work on that justu." Naruto smiled back at Sasuke and said, "Ok alpology accepted Sasuke." Naruto put up his hand making a fist. Sasuke put up his hand making a fist too and both brothers hit the others fist. "Ok lets learn this justu!" yelled Naruto joyfully and Sasuke smiled like a manic (the classic Naruto grin as we know) at his 'older' brother.

Back at the village Mizuki is running in the village were Naruto and Sasuke are with an evil smile on his face and two really big shurikens tied on his back. "Now that I have told everyone what those two have done I can elimate them. Then everyone will be happy that those two are gone," said Mizuki to himself as he ran through the village to the forest.

At the other part of town Iruka is still looking for the Uzumaki brothers. 'Darn it, I'm running out of ideas of were those two are hidding,' thought Iruka as he ran through the village at top speed. 'If I don't hury up those two could destory the whole village.'

Back at were Naruto and Sasuke at, both boys are breathing heavily after praticing the kage bushin no justu. "Man I had no idea that kage bushin can use so much of our energy," said Sasuke sitting on the ground nearly passing out of exshation. "Me either and I'm the older one of the both of us," said Naruto leaning aganist the shed. "Just because you're older than me, Naruto, doesn't mean you are smarter than me," argued Sasuke at his 'older' brother. "Hey it's not my fault that I have better grades than you!" yelled Naruto back at Sasuke in an angery voice. "You have better grades! I'm better than you in test!" yelled Sasuke at Naruto getting back on his feet. "Hey at least I'm better than you in shuriken and kunai throwing, sparring, and other grades!" yelled Naruto pointing his finger at Sasuke and stop leaning aganist the shed. "Yea right I'm better than you in writting test and genjustu!" yelled Sasuke getting really angery at 'older' brother. Soon they are just yelling at each other for no resone. (just brothers yelling at each other for something)

While boys were fighting the third Hokage is looking through his crystal ball to see Naruto and Sasuke fighting about their school work. 'Those two boys need to get along if they're going to be come great shinobi like they want to be,' thought the third as Naruto and Sasuke are starting to throw fist at each other. 'I also hope that those two do not use the justu in that scroll for their own fun.'

Now back in the forest, Iruka is running throught it hearing yelling in the distance. "That maybe the boys," said Iruka to himself, "I hope that they are okay." He running towards the yelling and finds the Uzumaki brothers arugeing over something about the being better than the other. Once Iruka jumped off the tree and landed on the ground and walked over to Naruto and Sasuke, who did not notice Iruka there. "Ahem!" coughed Iruka making Naruto and Sasuke jumped from being shocked by their sensei. Naruto and Sasuke slowly turned to Iruka with surpraised looks on their faces. "He he he. You found us at last huh, Iruka-sensei," said Naruto moving away from Sasuke. "We had only enough time to learn one justu," said Sasuke sitting down after Naruto let go of his jacket. Iruka was shocked at what Sasuke said and thought, 'Hun, they been out here for hours, no wonder they look like they are about to pass out, they're been praticing out here.' "But hey lissen to us Iruka-sensei, we have a really cool justu that we are going to show you and you're going to pass us on the exam because whoever in the academy learns a justu from the sroll passes the exam to becoming genin!" said Naruto loudly and tieing the scroll to his back. Iruka was shocked again what the boys said again and asked, "Huh, who gave you that idea boys?" "Mizuki-sensei!" said the boys loudly at Iruka. "Ya, he showed us were to get the scroll and this place, Iruka-sensei," explained Sasuke starting to get to his feet again. 'Huh? Mizuki?' thought Iruka and then hear something. "Look out guys!" yelled Iruka pushing Naruto and Sasuke out of the way of a wave of thrown kunai. The kunai mostly missed Iruka but one hit him in his right leg above his knee deep into the leg. Naruto and Sasuke were very confused of what's happening now.

Oh cliffhagers! - Can't live without them. Anyway review for ideas and questions of up coming chapters! Next chapter: The seceret revealed!

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