The Half Moon Personified: The Avenger: Prologue - The Half Moon's Living Form

Chapter 1: Prologue - The Half Moon's Living Form

This is the story about old sufferings and nightmares; about old memories of deeds you may call "self mistakes". It is the story about a divided personality - the greatest foolish thing one can do to one's soul - and about the feelings that shake both of one's sides. This is the story about how the half you call "good" disgusts the half you call "bad," which simply protects and hides its other half. It's the story of two different souls in the body of a single girl. The souls are exact opposites, yet they share the same pains. It is story you will forever try to forget.


And it starts…
…It starts from whisper…
…It starts from nightmare…

…It starts when some part of yourself won't forgive your deeds once again…

…It starts when the hands of dead friends cover your eyes…

…It starts from darkness…
…It starts again…

…It starts in your racing heartbeats…

…It starts again…

…It starts in your fearful moans…

…It starts again…






I knelt at my mother's grave, offering my prayers and pleading for help. She had been killed in the Dark Wars, a year-long war that started the day after my third birthday and ended a few weeks after my fourth birthday. She was the one who'd sealed the Traitor, Rantu'ono, away in some sort of Hell. But the technique she used destroyed her, left her bleeding to death from dozens of wounds. I know; I was there when it happened, and the image of her dying form will be with me forever. I fear the day that I forget her death, for that will be the day that I am no more than trash to be spat upon. My name is Caroline Jessica Clemons, and I am the thirteen-year-old daughter of Tala Earthwhisperer. My only Demonic family is my little sister, Kiara Kitsune Flamesoul, who doesn't even know we're related, as was asked in my mother's will. As was also asked, I am Kiara's caretaker, and have been for five years. Though she calls me Bigger Sister, she says she has no memory of seeing me until she was four; the average Demon starts to retain memories at age two. We are both Fire Breds, and like the other 49 living Fire Bred Demons, we belong to the Flamesoul Clan. Like all Fire Breds, we each have a Fire Name: Kiara is Kit, and I am Coyote. I also possess a Sin Name, Wrath. This is because I am one of the five strongest Fire Breds alive: Wrath, Envy, Lust, Greed, and Pride.



Finally, I rose and gazed one last time at my mother's grave. “I never wanted to be taller than you,” I whispered sadly, “I always thought I'd have to look up at you, even at this age.” I would've cried, but I hadn't cried since my mother's funeral nine years ago. It was a promise I'd made to her coffin; that I would never show weakness by letting another see my tears. It was hard at first, but after about a year I came up with a technique that allowed me to numb any emotion I wanted. Over the next few years after that, I abused that power, until eventually my soul split into two halves: a Human soul to rule my emotions, and a Demon soul to rule everything else. The two souls, at first, conflicted, making me hypersensitive to everything around me. My hearing became sharper, my sense of smell magnified, and I was given an acute sense of danger. When the souls finally stopped conflicting, I was faster and more aware of my surroundings than ever before. This put me at the top of the class when it comes to grades, but I have a secret that everyone in the Vico Aubecerum (Element Village) knows. It's this secret that's made me the lone wolf of the class, by choice and by default. I've been called such names as Freak, Devil-Spawn, Dirt Blood, Mutt, and Street Dog. I was dreading another day of school as I walked out of the graveyard.






You can cry and beg and scream,

You can play it's just a dream,

But you will never shake these chains away,

That hold you down to yesterday.

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