Imperceptible: Parallels

Published Aug 5, 2007, 4:50:31 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 5, 2007, 4:50:31 AM | Total Chapters 14

Story Summary

[InuYasha] A story told through a series of drabbles and oneshots, tracing the slow and steady progress of trust. Sesshoumaru and Kagome, CU.

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Chapter 3: Parallels


Disclaimer: I hereby disclaim all rights and responsibilities for the characters in this drabble… especially for the one whose approach to chocolate is not unlike my own. I'll let you guess which one that would be.


This drabble was originally posted to Live Journal on May 10, 2007.







He reminded her of Souta eating a chocolate bar—and the absurdity of the comparison made Kagome smile. Still, sitting across from Sesshoumaru, Kagome couldn't help but see the parallels.


Kagome had always been the sort to fling herself into her days—having fun, making friends, enjoying life. Her little brother was different, careful in all the areas she was carefree. Whenever the siblings had been offered candy bars, Kagome's would be gone in a flash of shredded wrappings. Souta? That boy took it slow. He nibbled, only allowing himself a corner at a time, letting the sweetness melt on his tongue, prolonging his enjoyment as long as possible.


One question. Sesshoumaru only ever asked one question, and Kagome got the impression he'd chosen it with care. Tea had expanded to `tea and conversation', though you couldn't really call what passed between them dialogue. He merely set the topic and sat back, leaving her to carry the weight of words. Kagome marveled at his unhurried manner in the face of obvious curiosity; Sesshoumaru was patient as only a being untouched by time could be.


He remained the same—unreadable, aloof. Conversely, even foolishly, she lost more of her reserve with him, gesturing widely as she searched for words to describe things he'd never seen but might yet witness for himself. Kagome did her best to read between the lines, guessing at what might engage his interest, yet unsure how well she succeeded. Nothing, save his continued presence, betrayed his enjoyment.




End Note: This drabble was written for the Live Journal community ebony(underscore)silks' challenge for Week 3—Sweetness Theme. 250 words.



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