Lost and Found: Overdrive

Published Oct 5, 2007, 2:56:44 PM UTC | Last updated Sep 24, 2009, 2:30:19 AM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

Kagome gets separated from her group and finds herself in a dire situation. Wounded and exhausted, she sees the end flash before her eyes, but at the last instant hope finds her, but the price of a savior is soon revealed to be extreme Ses/Kag Angst,M/F,N/C,Oral,Tent

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Chapter 3: Overdrive

Chapter 3

The days that followed the incident Sesshoumaru allowed the small pack to take a rest from their travels and Kagome felt a strange calm befall her. She came to realize shed come away from something horrific with her life still intact. Fairly humiliated and violated, no doubt. but alive and in one piece. As much as she hated to give him the credit, Sesshoumaru had not only saved her, but in the days following he seemed different towards her gentle almost. She had be different towards him as well. She had almost completely cut him off. Time seemed to blur. When he spoke to her she simply listened and nodded.

Rin was oblivious to what had happened, but had noticed Kagomes change of behavior. Kagome didnt seem as fun to be around so the little girl spent more time playing with her toad companion and doing what she loved the most; finding wild flowers.

Kagome sat along side the river they were camping near. Her mind was jumbled with thoughts, but at the same time she felt an emptiness invading her. She thought about Inuyasha. What would he say when they were reunited. What would he think of her when he learnedshe was polluted?

Inuyasha She stifled a whimper, I need you please.

The Demon Lord listened quietly to the females muttering from a distance. He had been lenient with her of late, but even he had his breaking point. The frustration and aggravation finally came forth from his barricade. He was none too pleased at the mention of his half-breed brother yet again. In fact it was infuriating to him. He was before her in an instant jerking her up by the wrists and voicing his annoyance, That filth will never see you again. I forbid you to say his name! I forbid you to even think his name! You belong to me, do you understand? You are mine- for the rest of you pathetic human life, if I so choose.

Kagome screamed as tears spilled down her face, I hate you! Why are you doing this to me? She cried out as she tried in vain to release herself from the demons iron grip, I want to go home! I want to see my friends again. I want my mother! Why are you keeping me here! She screamed before she collapsed against his silk-clad chest. I want Inuyasha

Sesshoumaru released the crying womans wrists as he dropped her to the ground. If you want him so badly, I would be happy to bring you his disemboweled corpse. Would you like that?

Kagome screamed as she held herself and cowered on the ground. Her tears came relentlessly, it seemed as she began to rock herself.

Sesshoumaru stared down on the broken woman, Your future can be complete hell on earth if thats what you choose to make it. You need to learn to forget your past. Your family is me. Your friends are me. Once you accept this, we can move past this torment you bring upon yourself. He knelt before her and paused, I dont like making you cry, Kagome.

She didnt appear to acknowledge his words at all as she continued sobbing loudly.

Youre a strong girl. It disappoints me to know youre so hopelessly in love with him. Hes trash. Youll be better off if you forget about him.

Kagome nearly choked on her words, Hes more than youll ever be! He may be annoying or hard headed at times but he was always good to me Its more than I can say for you.

Sesshoumarus eyes narrowed at her statement. Youve grown too bold, woman He yanked her head up to face him, I have gutted men for lesser insults In all your time with me have I not been merciful?

Kagomes watery eyes focused on his for the moment.

He continued The only thing I ask of you, you will not give. Your obedience is all I ask. You are alive. On three counts have I given you this, so again I ask, have I not been merciful Kagome?

Kagomes eyes faltered as he released her and stood up. She covered her face with her hands and quietly sniffled on the ground.

The youkais voice rose again as he began to retreat from her fragile form, Bathe yourself before you return for supper.

* * *

The miko sat by the fire tending halfheartedly to the fish as Rin played in the sand that littered this new place they where staying. The air smelled strongly of sea water, and in the far off distance fins could be seen breaking through the waters surface every so often. Kagome took little notice of them, however. Jaken was keeping an eye on Rin for the time being and Sesshoumaru had disappeared off somewhere. Kagome sat alone by the fire not thinking about much, only feeling sorry for herself, as she always did now-a-days it seemed. She could hear Rins laughter on the breeze every so often, and Jakens hollers, but what she hadnt expected to hear was the rumble of a strangely familiar voice.


Her eyes shot up from the blur of the fire and laid eyes on something that made her heart jump up into her throat. A few meters away stood someone she hadnt seen in months, and he was a sight for sore eyes, Kouga-kun she said as she stared at him for a long moment before she shot to her feet and ran to him as if he where a god-send, Kouga-kun! She threw her arms around him, her eyes welling up with tears, and just held on for what seemed like an eternity.

Kagome. What A-are you okay? Kouga asked, a bit confused as he timidly put an arm around her.

The miko took a step back, a wide smile on her lips, I just Im so happy to see you.

Kouga felt a slight blush rise and smiled a small crooked smile back to her, Im actually a bit surprised to see you here. Are you lost?

Kagome shook her head, No He brought me here.

Kougas eyes narrowed, Sesshoumaru His scent is strong on you. Has he hurt you, Kagome? Her eyes lowered for a moment before she answered, not physically Have youHave you seen Inuyasha? she asked a sudden hope rising in her eyes.

Kouga nodded, Yeah I saw im. Bout a month ago. He mentioned you were missing. Have you been with Sesshoumaru all this time?

Kagome nodded slowly, He saved me back then but now he wont let me leave I dont know if he ever will Im afraidI want to see Inuyasha and the others again but hell kill them I know he will. Hes.hesjust too powerful.

Kouga frowned, I understand why he claimed you, butyoure human. Our youkai ways wellWhere is he now, Kagome?

He left a short while ago, hunting. I dont expect hell be back for a good while.

I should take you now. he blurted abruptly.

Take me? You mean run away?

He nodded.

No. No, thats a bad idea. You dont understand. Hell find us and when he does hell kill you. I couldnt ask you to do that.

Relax Kagome, Hell never catch us. Im the fasted thing on 2 legs, remember? By the time mister high and mighty gets back our scent will have dissipated so much he wont be able to follow.

Kagome lowered her eyes, But I I dont want to make him angry.

Kouga frowned, The longer you stay with him Hes breaking you. You know that, dont you?

She bit her bottom lip as her eyes stared at some unknown blade of grass at their feet, Im not sure.maybe he already has

The wolf narrowed his eyes and before anything else was said he scooped her into his arms.

No Kouga! Hell kill you! Hell kill you

Hush. If he catches me Im sure not going down without a fight. Ill take you to Inuyasha. You want to see him dont you?

Kagomes heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name and as tears blurred her vision she put her arms around his neck and nodded. Then they where flying over the ground at such a speed Kagome lost her breath for a moment.

* * *

The demon lord returned to the sandy beach where hed left his party, his hunger satisfied and his claws bloodied. Upon arriving at the dimly lit fire he stared at the black crisps that had previously been fish. His eyes narrowed as he observed foreign prints in the sand and a scent of another youkai. He scented it. at least an hour old Kagome had not been frightened Jaken and Rin still played among the waves and the sand. They hadnt even noticed Kagomes absence. He growled to himself, mentally noting that he would reprimand the toad later, then he shot off following the faint scent of a stranger and Kagomes tears.

* * *

Kougas legs carried Kagome far. His arms promised protection and the miko felt so content she felt like she was dreaming. Surely she would be reunited with Inuyasha soon. She could see Miroku and Sango, and little Shippo had surely missed her as well even Kirara. After she saw all of them shed be able to go home and see her family. Mama Souta, Grandfather Im coming home soon.

Kougas voice startled her out of her thoughts, Itll be getting dark soon

Kagome replied flatly, Hes following us by now. Hell keep coming until he has nothing left to follow

The wolf frowned, Hes not going to catch me. He can keep following but the trails going to end eventually. Hell just have to go back with his tail between his legs.

I hope your right, Kouga-kun, for both our sakes

Hours passed like days and the night was light with the full moon. Kagomes eyes had drifted closed against the wolfs princes chest as they pushed on through the night. Kagome was awakened as the air around her ceased flowing and she was readjusted onto the ground. Kouga had stopped.

What is it? Whyd you stop? She felt sort of silly after she asked because she could clearly tell why he stopped as she looked at him in the moonlight. He was exhausted.

I need to rest. he said breathily. He plunked down on the ground seeming as if his legs just gave out from under him.

Kagome was a wary about stopping although she sympathized with Kouga. He was a good friend. Thank you she said softly.

Kouga looked at her panting lightly. For what?

She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek in thanks.

He felt his face light up like a beet. He looked almost childish as he stared at the ground in embarrassment, and Kagome giggled at this. It was the first time shes laughed in god knows how long. Kouga smiled as he scratched his neck sheepishly.

After a few minutes Kagomes stomach abruptly began to sing a duet with itself. Kouga stood with a chuckle, Lets walk, maybe we can find something edible on the way. Kagome smiled crookedly and followed. Even though it was dark the night was so brightly light by the moon the landscape was very visible. Kagome spied patch of mushrooms and they were her favorite kind too, just as she was about to tug him over to them, a ghostly white figure appeared in the distant clearing theyd just come from. It was moving with a godly speed, and Kagomes complexion suddenly grew as white as the moon, and before anything was spoken Kouga had grabbed her and they where off again.

It was too late though, Sesshoumaru had them in his sights, and he was closing in for the kill. Kouga ran as fast as he could, but the demon lord was seemingly right on his heels by now. Kagome felt her entire body begin to tremble as she watched over Kougas shoulder at the object of her nightmares. He was paced just ahead of the Daiyoukai and his speed was, for the moment, holding its own, but Sesshoumaru had had quite enough by this point. It wasnt going to be pretty. Thats far enough, wolf he said, voice dripping with spite, as his youki whip shot out and pulled the princes feet right out from under him. Both he and Kagome went tumbling in opposite directions. Kagome landed with a yelp as the demon lord leapt clean over her, focusing his attention on the other victim. Kouga was on his feet faster than a lightning strike, but the demon lord was upon him just as fast, and he was fully welcomed with a fist in his face. He went down again, but again he rose, trying to gather himself enough to go on the offensive, but the demon lord wouldnt allow him the pleasure, as another attack came as soon as his feet were under him, this time he narrowly avoided it.

Your idiocy will be the end of you, wolf prince. Dont expect to come away from this alive. He growled out as his onslaught was vented on Kouga.

Kouga was already exhausted, but he was managing against the demon lord. And he soon saw why. As he watched Sesshoumarus attack, he saw that the Daiyoukai was equally exhausted. There was a pause as both of them caught their breath before they squared off again, this time Kouga managed a bit of offensive moves, though none where successful.

Kagome, fearing for Kougas life, cried out from where she sat on the gravel for Sesshoumaru to stop.

But the 2 youkai where locked in a very serious battle, and the only sound that reached their ears was the rush of blood in their own veins. Blood flew as the demon lords claws found flesh and meat in the wolfs side, but Kouga countered finding equal blood on the other side. They broke from each other before going back for more. Another miss on both sides. They both began to take damage as exhaustion claimed them, then Sesshoumaru landed again, a crippling blow with the youki whip to the wolfs right leg, Kouga muffled a cry and retreated back out of range, but the demon lord wasnt surrendering the pursuit and pushed the wolf to his limits, Kouga cried out again and Kagome ran to the both of them, her pleas falling on deaf ears.

Sesshoumaru! Please stop! Ill go back with you! Please leave him alone!

The wolf landed hard and Sesshoumaru came over him intending the death blow as his venomous talons began that familiar luminous green glow. Kagome, did the only thing she could think to do at that point and threw herself in between the two demons, her arms encircling the demon lords bloodied waist, Please. Im sorry.

Sesshoumaru stopped moving, his eyes never breaking from the wolfs panting, fallen form, as he scooted backward slowly.

Dont kill him she begged as she sobbed aloud, her arms locked on him like a clamp. His bleeding red eyes slowly turned white again and heaving breaths and sobs became the only sounds in the night air. Finally, Sesshoumarus luminous talons faded and his hand came to rest on the back of the mikos neck as he grabbed her and turned her around, ushering her away before turning to follow closely behind her. Abandoning his claim on the wolfs life without a word.

Kagome glanced back over her shoulder teary-eyed at the beaten, and confused Kouga as he watched her walk away with the demon lord in tow, but Sesshoumaru quickly redirected her head to the front with the hand on her neck. They faded into the shadows of the night and Kouga lowered his head, sighing in dejection.

* * *

They walked for a long time in utter silence, He didnt speak a word to her, nor her to him. Then the demon lord stopped. Kagome stopped behind him, almost fearful of why hed stopped. Then he looked to the side, a hot spring steamed the cool air to their left and he eyed it warily. Kagome followed his line of sight to the spring then she looked back to him. He was filthy, really. Blood, sweat and dirt coated him from head to toe. She imagined he was contemplating bathing, and she surmised correctly because right after that he began to remove his heavy armor. She lowered her eyes then turned away from the stream and him, however a hand suddenly reappeared on the back of her neck and she rapidly turned to him in surprise finding him with his upper body entirely exposed.

Remove your clothing. Bathe.

Normally she would have objected, but she didnt argue this time. She didnt want to anger him. He walked away as she began to undress, and she heard the water as he waded out. She removed the last bit of clothing and turned toward the water passing his clothes as she waded out herself. He wasnt facing her, which she was thankful for. He appeared to be resting his head and upper body on a rock that protruded from the opposite bank. Something was peculiar. He seemed so strange unlike himself. She could see the wounds on his back and shoulders since his hair was pulled in front of him. Mostly bruises from what she could make out, but a few gashes that appeared to be bleeding, or perhaps it was dried blood. She couldnt tell in the darkness. Quietly she bathed herself, all the while he didnt appear to move at all. Momentarily she contemplated that perhaps Kouga had injured him more severely that she had thought, if so it sure took him a while to realize the injury. Maybe hes dead she wondered briefly, but dismissed that idea rather quickly. Not even possible. Maybe hes just thinking thinking about what hes going to do to me for running away again she frowned. Either way it was making her uneasy. Shed long since finished washing herself, but still he sat in that same position, unmoving. Maybe he fell asleep an almost ridiculous idea, but maybe who knows. He did follow Kouga for nearly 12 hours, and Kouga had shikon shards in his legs

She waded over to him, sure to keep her breasts under the waters surface in case he wasnt asleep. S-Sesshoumaru. are you. awake? she questioned sheepishly.

As she peeked around to his face, she saw that he was awake, though his eyelids were heavy as his eyes turned to her and he look abnormally pale even in the moonlight.

She didnt know why she asked, because she certainly wasnt concerned for him, but the words found her lips anyway, Whats wrong with you?

His voice actually cracked as his first word formed, Dont concern yourself, miko. If youre done wait on the bank.

The normally profound voice was strangely quiet, similar to the way someone speaking with a sore throat sounds. Shed never seen him in such a state, and oddly it made her feel almost guilty for running away. Is he like this because he pursued me and Kouga for so long? Did he exhaust himself? It would appear soIs he really that stubborn, or is there some other reasonWhy do I matter so much to him? Surely if he wanted slaves he could claim them by the dozen why me? her mind suddenly began swirling with questions

Why did you do this to yourself? She asked with a frown on her features.

No reply came. He merely turned his face away from her penetrating gaze. She looked down at a gash that went from below his shoulder blade down to his ribs. She touched it and fresh blood coated her fingers. Hed received the wounds over an hour ago. Why was he still bleeding Last time she saw him bleeding was the battle with the tribal youkai. His wounds has stopped bleeding within ten minutes.

What happens when some youkai come upon us like this? Are you that stubborn? Youd kill yourself rather than let a human girl escape from your strangle hold? Hm, is that it?

In the state he was in she felt empowered. He was perfectly defenseless. Hed throw all caution to the wind just to protect his pride.

Sesshoumaru continued to stare at the rippling water, facing away from her. His expression was grave and somewhat melancholy. Hush Miko, enough of your ranting. he muttered.

You pushed yourself to your very limit. What would happen if Naraku happen to stumble on us now with you like this? Who could you blame but yourself for your own arrogance.

He sat up and turned to her, Im not so simplistic, Miko. He barked out, his voice suddenly returning somewhat. You think you know me so well, but you are wrong.

Im wrong?! Then why dont you tell me the truth? What are you like, Sesshoumaru? she demanded.

I neednt explain myself to you, woman. You belong to me. Thats all you need to know. he said his eyes narrowing at her tone.

Shed gotten dangerously high on the power surge, Youll tell me! You dragged me half way across the country, I deserve to know why!

Suddenly water flew as his hand shot out and clamped onto her neck. It was a threat, not an attack. A threat for her to shut her mouth, but even now she gambled onward.

You chase me half way across the land just to kill me now? her voice was low as the talons at her throat threatened to puncture the delicate skin.

There was a long pause as the demon lords golden eyes stared straight into the mikos dark ones. You want to know why, miko? His wary voice asked finally. Then, without warning, Kagome found his lips smashed against her own. Her eyes were wide and she couldnt breathe. His mouth was hot and demanding as he took from her and his body was sandwiching her against the rock he had been leaning on for so long. She could feel every rippling muscle on his body contracting against her.

He could smell the fear suddenly pouring off of her. She tasted good. The fearHer naked breasts pressed against his chest. Hed wanted her. Secretly. Her antics... Her defiance They drew him to her. Demanded him to break her. And after he broke her, he would have her. He would have her one day.. But not this night. He broke from her moist lips and backed away. You belong to me. Thats all you need to know.

Kagome was shivering despite the hot water, his blood smeared over her breasts as she stared wide-eyed at his back side while he finally stared cleaning himself, washing the blood and grime from his front side casually.

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