White or Black Wings: The Forgotten and The Reunion!

Published Oct 17, 2008, 3:38:27 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 18, 2008, 11:30:08 AM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

Karin Smith, survived a car crash, a year ago. While she lived, her parents didn't. It was a mystery. How did she escape? She doesn't remember how she got out, when she awoke, the car that her parents were in was a blazed! Now, a year later, she's living alone, in a apartment, and going to school. A new student appears one day, Vincent Kaine. Jacob Gillis, her friend, and admirer doesn't seem to like this new guy, and vice visa.. Karin seems to feel a connection with the new, handsome guy. What is this connection? What could it be? And why is Vincent staring so intensely at her when he first appears in school? And what will Jacob do? Jill Francis, a rival, wants both Jacob and Vincent for herself! Will Jill be victorous? Or will Karin win, and get the guy of her dreams. And what other surpises will be known, that Vincent seems to know of. And why is Jacob acting strange? 1st pov Rating Teen Complete!

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Chapter 4: The Forgotten and The Reunion!

 Chapter 4: The Forgotten and The Reunion

 A couple days have passed, I didn't see Jacob again. Everyone in school forgot about Jacob, like he was never there. Even Jill forgot him, but now, her target is Vincent. Vincent, never left my side. He still, sits at the window, or close to me, like he was protecting me. And he was. Vincent moved in my apartment yesterday. I am still feeling awkward about it. 

 I got through with a shower, and was blow drying my hair. When Vincent came in the bathroom. I wide eyed "Vincent?!" I was in a towel. Vincent chuckles as he got closer. I felt nervous, and I dropped the hair dryer, and it landed? Right on my foot that's what! "OUCH!" I yelled as I hop on my other foot. 

 Vincent busted out laughing, as he bends down, and takes my foot into his hands. I stable myself holding the sink. "It's going to be sore for a while." Vincent said as he rubs it. I winced in pain, jerking my foot away, "Thanks a lot! Why are you in here?!" 

 Vincent chuckles as he stands, "Did you forget that two people lives here now?". I groan as I sit on the toilet seat, "No. I haven't." rubbing my foot which was throbbing. Tears was welling up. "Well, maybe I need to use the bathroom myself?" "I didn't think that demons or angels, used the bathroom." I said sarcastically, rubbing my foot. 

 Then Vincent lifts my head up to his, and my face was just inches to his handsome face. I was blushing. "Don't make me kiss you, for being sarcastic, Karin. I might do a lot more than just a sweet kiss" Vincent said with a smirk on his face. I blushed furiously, then stormed out of the bathroom, with Vincent laughing, as the door shut. 

  That Vincent!! All he does is tease me when he's a human. I thought as I dress in PJs, my foot still throbbing. "Owie" I said propping down on the bed, rubbing my foot. When Vincent is in his demon form, he seems so sweet, and nice. Unlike a demon at all. He has one white wing and one black wing. Could it be a multi personality? I thought, still rubbing my foot, which was easing up. I laid back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. 

 I couldn't believe that father was Satan. Did mom know? I wondered. It's still so hard to believe, but it's true. Angels and demons exist. And Satan, my uncle, is after me. I sighed, turning on my side, closing my eyes. I was tired. I felt the bed shifted. I quickly opened my eyes, to Vincent staring at me.

 He was laying on his side toward me, with his head on his hand, and his hair damp. He was in a bathrobe. Which means he is naked underneath! I blushed at the thought. "Why are you blushing?" Vincent asked. 

 "I-I'm not!" I said. "Why are you in my bed? You have the chair!". Vincent, lays on his back, rubbing his neck, "It's not comfortable, Karin. I wake up sore.". His bathrobe open some, showing his thigh, as he puts his leg up. My eyes bulged out. "W-Well you can't sleep here with that on!?" Blushing. 

 Vincent sits up some with his elbow on the bed. "Shall I take it off then" He said slipping the robe down showing his chest. I turned away "NO! Go put on Pajamas or something!!" I said blushing as red as a tomato. I felt him get up from the bed. I couldn't look at him. 

 I laid down, covered myself up with the bed covers. "Is this all right?" Vincent said. I looked. He was in my pink care bears Pjs, which was small on him. I couldn't help but laugh. The pants come to just below his knees. The shirt showed some of his stomach, and the sleeves were short. I was laughing too hard I had tears running down my face. 

 "What?" Vincent said puzzled. "What's so funny?" "Nothing." I said, trying to stop laughing. Vincent pulled the covers some. I quickly grabbed them, "You will sleep above the covers!". "But, I will get cold." Vincent pleaded with his blue eyes. "Ok, you will sleep between the sheets and blanket." I gave in. Vincent smiles, then got between the covers. I covered back up, and closed my eyes. I could feel his body next to me.  

 Then a few minutes later, "Karin? Are you asleep?" Vincent whispered. "Not yet." I replied trying to sleep. "Did you like Jacob?" Vincent asked whispering. I opened my eyes, "Yes, I liked him. He was my friend.". "Do you miss him?" "Yes, I miss Jacob." "I'm sorry, I couldn't tell, he was Satan." Vincent whispered sadly. "Satan has powers to shift into anyone, and it's hard to tell if it's him, sometimes." 

 Vincent continued. "Your father also had that power. He didn't change his appearance when he left. He stayed that same, but aged as mortals do." Vincent said. "Vincent? I wonder if mother knew dad was the devil?" I asked. "I'm not for sure, but they did love each other. When I first visited them, you were just born. I couldn't take my eyes off such a beautiful baby. Even now, I can't." I blushed, and my heart raced. "Go-Goodnight, Vincent!" I said softly. "Goodnight, Karin." Vincent replied. Then I fell asleep.

 The next morning, when I opened my eyes, Vincent was holding me, and I was face to face with him. I blushed. His sleeping face was so beautiful. Vincent opens his eyes, "Good morning.". I swallowed "Good morning.". Vincent then nuzzled my face. Inside, I was screaming excitably. Oh my god! Oh my god! I thought. I felt his body close to mine. He moved under the sheets, when I was sleeping. "Um, Vincent?" "Yes, Karin?" He said nuzzling my forehead. "Didn't I tell you to stay between the cover and sheet!?" Vincent chuckles, then lifts my face to him, and kissed me! "I didn't do anything, just the kiss now." Vincent said, smiling. I started to anger. 

 Vincent, looks at the clock, "Oh, it's that late?". "Huh?" I said looking at the clock. It was eight am. "Oh, no! We're gonna be late for school!" I said as I spring out of bed, and quickly dressed. I forgot, that Vincent was watching. "Vincent, you ready?" I asked as I tie my shoes. Vincent didn't reply. I looked and saw him, dressing. Buttoning up his shirt. "Yes." He finally said. "O-ok" I said softly.

 When we arrived in first period. Everyone wasn't there. "Where's everybody?" I asked sitting down in my seat. Vincent sat at his usual spot, the window. Vincent, looks out the window, "This is very strange. We made it in time. And today is not a holiday." . "I'll go look in the halls!" I said, as I ran to the door. "No, wait!" Vincent yelled. I stopped in the door way, "Huh?" I said turning to Vincent. Then everything got dark. "I told you we will meet again, Karin." a evil voice said, behind me. It was Satan. I felt hot breathing on my neck. "Karin?!" Vincent yelled standing up, but he was knocked out the window. "Vincent?!" I yelled. I was about to run to the window, but I was grabbed from behind.

 "No need to worry, Karin." Satan replied. I looked, and saw Satan leering at me, as he pulls me to him, "Vincent, won't be harmed, from such a little fall. Oh, but, this is the 6th floor, isn't it." Satan said, evilly grinning. "Let me go!" I yelled. I struggled but he's grip was too strong. "Now, Now, I think you should come to our family reunion.". I wide eyed "What?!" Satan chuckles, "In Hell. Of course." "No!!" I screamed. Satan laughs, then green mist come out of his mouth. I smelt the green mist, then passed out.

End of Chapter 4...... Please look forward to Chapter 5: The Struggle! 



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