Watcher of the Woods: Kitsune

Published Oct 18, 2008, 1:29:14 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 19, 2008, 2:23:41 PM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

1st pov. Teen+ Never go into the woods, was what they warned, but I... Please overlook the lack of detail and such and enjoy!

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Chapter 2: Kitsune

Chapter 2: Kitsune

 The next couple of days, I avoid going near the woods, not because I was afraid of him, but I was scared that I would upset him any further than I already did. Just who or what is he? I thought in class before second period began. Why was he so angry that I came back to the woods? Was or is he afraid of me? He didn't look like he was afraid of me. But was there something else in the woods that he didn't want me to know of? Or does he just hate me?

 "What are you thinking about, Asami?" One of my friends ask sitting in front of me. "Oh, a guy, I suppose." I answered staring off in space. "Whose the guy?" She giggled. "I don't know." "Was it that guy that returned your backpack to you in English class the other day?" She correctly guessed. "Yeah. But I never got the change to thank him. I couldn't find him anywhere." I lied.

 I couldn't let her know who or what he is, even I didn't know. "Well, maybe you will see him again. It looked like he was interested in you while he was here." "Really?" I perked up a bit. "Yeah, I was sitting in the back row, and I saw him look directly at you while you were daydreaming. His eyes were so focused on you; it was like no one else was in the room! I am so jealous!" She giggled. I slightly laughed that she was jealous of me. Maybe I should go look for him again, and find out about him, I thought, as the teacher came in and started class.

 All through school, I rehearsed in my head what I will do. I imagine him standing by the stream, his back toward me. "Why have you come back? I told you not to!" He would yell. "I wanted to thank you for returning my backpack the other day." I would say walking toward him. His tails flowing by a breeze. His long white hair flowing in rhythm with his tails. His ears would twitch a little. "If that's all. Please leave." He would say. "But, I-" "Leave." He would repeat again. "I want to know your name?" I ask. He would turn to me finally. His slender green eyes shining by the sunlight peeping through the trees. His hair flowing across his face, and he would say his name finally. "Asami?" "No, that's my name." "Asami!" One of my friends yelled in my ear, waking me up from my daydream. "Huh?" I said sitting at a table during lunch. "Were you dreaming about that guy?" My friend teased. "Yes. I guess I was." I laughed embarrassed.

 "Here comes Robbie!" Another friend said quietly. I looked and saw Robbie walking up to the table. "Hey, Asami!" "Hi, Robbie." I said. "If you don't have any plans for tomorrow night would you go to the movies with me?" He asked blushing. "I, uh, I don't know." I said.  

 Then my friend elbowed me in the side. "Ow!" "Just go to the movies with him, and maybe you will find your dream guy there!" She whispered in my ear. I don't think so, I thought. "Please?" Robbie pleaded. From the pleading eyes from Robbie and the go go eyes of my friends. "Sure." I gave in to the pressure.

 On the way home, I went by the trail that goes into the woods. I looked in to woods. Every bird was singing, crickets chirping, and a few squirrels were barking. The woods were alive this afternoon, and the animals seemed happy. I was about to go into the woods, but then the thought of him yelling at me again come to my mind. I didn't go in; I chickened out, and went home.

 Tomorrow was a Saturday, which meant no school. I got ready for bed nervous. I wanted to see him again, but I couldn't muster up the courage. My daydream stays a dream. He was so beautiful in the sunlight, and when he wasn't he was beautiful. Yesterday he looked worried. Was it me he was worried about or the woods? I went to sleep thinking of him instead of the date with Robbie. Maybe I should have been worrying about that instead.

 The date was finally here. I got ready, when the doorbell rang. "Asami!?" My mom yells. "I'm coming!" I said walking down the stairs. Robbie was at the door waiting. "Hi, Asami." Robbie said smiling. "Hi!" I said. "Have fun!" Mom said as we left. Robbie opened the car door for me. It was a mustang.

 "How do you like my car? I got it for my sixteenth birthday." Robbie said happily. "It's nice." I said. My mind was still thinking of the guy in the woods. "I hope you like Horror movies." Robbie laughed, hoping I was scared of them. "Oh, I like them a lot!" I laughed. Robbie looked disappointed.

 I wasn't scared of horror movies, in fact I like them more over romantic ones, but I don't mind watching a romantic one with that guy, I thought. The fact was I wanted to be with the guy in the woods more.

 All through the movie I thought of him. His ears. His tails. His eyes. Everything he is, I wanted to know everything about him. Why was he there? What is he? Would he like me to visit him? I would like to see him, I thought as Robbie drove me somewhere. I didn't notice where he was going. Until I looked out the window and saw the woods trail.

 "Why are we here?" I asked Robbie. "I was hoping to get to know you better. I couldn't do it in the movies." Robbie said as he put his arm over my shoulder. I was starting to feel awkward, and scared. Something wasn't right. "Who was that guy that brought you your backpack?" Robbie asked leaning toward me. "Is he your boyfriend?" Robbie asked as he lifts my chin up. "No." "Then could I be." Robbie asked about to kiss me.

 I turned my head, causing him to kiss my cheek. "Um, I'm sorry but I like someone else.." I scooted over some to the door. "Do you like that guy then? The one the other day?" Robbie asked. "I guess I do. I'm sorry." I said looking down.

 Then Robbie's hand was on my knee. "What are you doing?' I asked looking at him. Robbie pulls me to him, and pushing me down kissing my neck, holding me still. "No! Robbie!" I yelled. I struggled, trying to get him off me. "No!" I yelled. Robbie pined my arms up. "You know you are worth 200 points. If I do it with you I would be the king in the football locker room." "What?! No let me go!" I yelled. Robbie laughs. "You didn't really think I would be interested in you did you? No. But, Betty was so jealous when I was ignoring her, and paying attention to you. Now, let's get this off." Robbie said ripping my shirt into, showing my bra. "No!" I screamed.

 Then Robbie covered my mouth with his other hand. "No one comes out here so scream all you want!" he said uncovering his hand then unzipping his pants. I wide eyed. 'No, I don't want to be raped! Not by him, or anyone else! I want the guy in the woods instead if I was to be raped!. "No!" I screamed, then I managed to get my leg between his legs, and I kick him hard. While he was in pain and doubled over. I ran into the woods, to the tree. It was dark, and the moon barely gave light.

 I found the tree, but no one was there. He wasn't there. I leaned with my back to the tree. I couldn't help but cry. I need him to be here, but he's not, I thought as I slide down to sit. I curled up. "Where are you?" I cried.

 Then felt a presence above me. "You?" The guy of the woods voice said above me. "What happened to you?" He asked. I cried and looked up at him. He was wide eyed. "I was attack by someone." I said softly. "What?" He said leaning down and held me. "I was almost raped by a guy who I thought liked me but he was only after me just to score." I said crying into his chest.

 "Score?" He asked like he didn't know what that meant. He doesn't really know what that means? I thought as I laughed and cried. "What is score?" He asked. I looked at him. His face was confused. He is so cute, I thought.

 "Never mind." I laughed drying my tears. I don't want him to know if he doesn't really know, cause there aren't many guys like that, innocent, I thought as he stood up. "Well, if you were attacked, then where is your attacker. I will deal with him." He said looking around. He wasn't yelling at me. He was nice to me. "I think he left." I said. He looks at me. His eyes were shining like a dog does, by the moon light. "Please, can I ask you a question?" I asked with my heart beating. "What?' He said.

 I stood up, looking at him. "What is your name?" "My name?" "Yes. What are you called?" He looks up to the night sky. "My name is Tengu." "Tengu?" "Yes. I am a watcher over these woods." "A watcher?" "Yes. I was sent here to watch over these woods." "Why? Are you a dog of some type?" He laughed. His laugh is so pretty, I thought. Tengu looked at me, his eyes shining. "No, I'm not a dog, but a Kitsune. A fox spirit." "A fox spirit?" He smiled at my foolishness of not knowing. My heart beat faster, and I blushed.

 "Another word for it is a fox demon." "Demon?!" I said. There is no way he's a demon, I thought as he looks in my eyes. His ears twitch a little. I laughed. "What?" He asked. "Your ears are twitching. It's cute." I said softly. "Cute?" He asked. He doesn't know what cute means either? I thought. Then he smiles sweetly. My heart did a one eighty, and I was in love. He took off his shirt his chest was bare. I blushed. Then he put his shirt around me coving me up. I forgot my shirt was torn and showing my bra. "Thank you, Tengu." I said softly.

 Then suddenly grabs me to him. "What's wrong?" "Shh! I will explain later. Just bear with me." He said as he held me tighter to his naked chest. My face was planted into it, and I couldn't hardly breath! I moved my face a little and got some air. The air had a different smell to it; it wasn't fresh like it was. What is that awful smell? I thought. "Close your eyes." Tengu whisper in my ear. I closed them like he said. I could hear something big walk pass us. Tengu held me tighter as it passed by. What is it? I thought. I felt Tengu body heat, and I was getting nervous. His skin was so soft and warm. I didn't think a man's skin could be so soft, and he gave off a sweet smell when I smelled him. When the thing passed he still held me a little longer. Is he making sure the thing is gone? I thought. But he let me go.

 "What was that?' I asked looking at him. Tengu was looking at me. "That was a demon from the underworld. I am here so they won't go outside the boundaries of the woods; if they see or smell me around they will head back to underworld. That's why it is not safe for you to come here anymore." He said walking me toward the trail. "But, I want to see you." I said. He stops, looking at me. " Asami, you need to forget about me. You weren’t supposed to see me, but you did. I don't want you to come here again." He said walking away back to the woods. "No! Tengu! Don't push me away! Not when I like you so much!" I yelled walking toward him. He stops suddenly. "What does that mean?" I heard him ask. I blushed. I didn't notice what I said. "I, uh, I like you means, I like you. I don't know, I just like you." I said confused myself. "You better go." I heard him walking away. "Tengu!" I said tripping over a rock. Damn rock! I thought.

 Then I heard Tengu laugh. I looked up and saw him smiling down at me. "Get up. You win." He said. I blushed and smiled, taking his hand. "Just you better go home before it gets anymore later." He said as he walks me to the end of the forest. I didn't see Robbie or his car. "Okay." I said to Tengu. He smiles. "Can you get home from here?" He asked pushing a strain of my hair back. "Yes." I said. Tengu smiles. "Bye. Asami." " Bye, Tengu!" I said walking toward home. I look back and saw him gone.

 I got home, to a very worried mother. "Where were you?" She asked. "Well, it seemed Robbie wasn't the one for me." I said going to my room. "Oh, I'm sorry, Honey. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. I smiled. "No, I already talked to someone who helped me a lot. And he's the one! Goodnight." "What, who is he?" she asked. "The man of my dreams." I said laughing closing my door, to a confused mom.

 I showered and got ready for bed. I had Tengu shirt with me as I laid down. I hugged his shirt tight, and I imagining it was him. I love Tengu and I don't care if he's not a human or a demon! I love him! I thought as I fell asleep.


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