The Invisible Man Chronicles Part 4: The Mexican Magician!


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Chapter 3: The Mexican Magician!

Mister Mexican Magician....

This guy is really powerful when he wants to be...if he can get his spells right...
When he gets his spells wrong or even right, he gets a big, white fist to the face from his sombrero. Like the time he tried to summon GEEMO 6.0. Hehe.

I consider him to be the leader of The Past, despite being somewhat new to his magic.

He visited me today, by shouting the magic words "LA REINA!".

Here's my chat with him.
Mister Mexican: Buenos dias.
Me:How are you?
Mister Mexican: Bien. Though, I did kinda mess up The Past today...
I made this symbol appear with my Magic Wand...
And chaos happened...ay...
Me: Hehe, with a symbol like that, I can imagine that was a huge mess. How did you clean it up?
Mister Mexican: By shouting the words "OYO NEGRO!", making a black hole appear, cleaning up everything.
Mister Mexican: Had some screws in my mouth, know...from the disastrous mess.

After that chat he asked me how to get back to The Past. I told him to say the words "Time Paradox". Haha. When he did...a time machine appeared. Neat.

He thanked me and went back to The Past. But before leaving, he gave me a Pimps Ahoy! cookie. Huh...I guess the actual Pimpsahoy is making cookies now. Not bad, and they're quite tasty, but they have a lot of calories...

Oh. They're musical cookies too.

This one played a song.

Very nice.

~Miss the Damsel in Distress

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