Ancient: Chapter 1

Published Nov 21, 2012, 5:02:35 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 21, 2012, 5:25:09 PM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

What do you do when you live forever? A/NL sorry summary is bad if you have a better idea let me know :D

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Chapter 2: Chapter 1

            A girl snapped awake as soon as the sun the sun hit her and looked out the window. The world hadn’t changed much in the night or in the past eight decades for that matter. She turned her head the other way and looked up at her sister who hadn’t moved at all during the night; while she on the other hand had thrashed like she was fighting Adèus’ sister Fuuri all over again just for kicks.

         She sneaked out of the room as to not disturb her sister and chuckled as she remembered Adèus’ reaction to the name the Greeks had given him: Hades. Those dorks ran around in their togas and screwed up everyone’s names and abilities, and boy did they manage to tick Adèus off. He’d blown off the roof of his house when he heard, which subsequently blew off the top of Mt. Vesuvius since his home was worked into the mountain itself. Nobody really felt like stopping him either; the Greeks were snobs.

          The girl cracked a couple of eggs into a frying pan and started to make scrambled eggs. Thinking about Adèus and Fuuri made her think about the Others. Everyone had either gotten bored and left, paired up and died off, or just plain disappeared. Her sister was the only Other she’d seen in centuries.

          Suddenly a jet of white foam covered her and the stove and her eggs….

She whipped around and faced her sister with a fire extinguisher. “ Ann…. Your eggs were on fire.”

          Ann sighed; sure enough her eggs were black and crispy. She’d been so lost in thought she hadn’t even noticed when they caught alight. She looked back at her sister LeShay and noticed she was already dress for school.

          Dark brown cargo shorts with straps that hung halfway down her thighs and fastened to her belt loops consisted of her lower half. She had on a dark green pull over hoodie because her normal body temperature was 100°F, everything was about three degrees cooler to her so she was always freezing. She was also wearing large boots that looked like they weighed two tons.

          “Why don’t you go put on Annie and I’ll take care of this mess.” Suggested LeShay.

          Ann grinned; another day of slipping on a mask and screwing with the mortals.  If she didn’t enjoy this so much she would have left with the others but she loved toying with the mortals almost as much as she loved peanut butter, which with her bordered on godly worship. Ann had no idea how they had survived without it when all the Others had lived as a community, LeShay on the other hand thought it was the food of the devil. She walked back to the bedroom and opened the closet that ran its length.

The closet was split into three sections LeShay’s, Ann’s, and Annie’s. LeShay’s section was dominated mostly by neutral colors sans cream or beige with the occasional dark green or blue thrown in. Ann’s section was mostly full various shades of blue, green, and purple, with the random red or orange garments. Annie’s section was a monstrosity. It was filled with puffy, frilly, girly, whiteness. Annie’s side was mostly white with some pastel colors since that wardrobe was geared to make Ann look harmless and unassuming.

          Ann reached into Annie’s section and pulled out a white, fluffy, empire-waist-ed, spaghetti strap dress that had huge pockets on the outside of the fabric and hit halfway down her thighs. She also took a light grey button down cardigan off the hanger too, since the dress code at her school didn’t allow for spaghetti straps. Not that Annie would get in trouble but it was the principle of the matter.

          Ann’s sighed and looked at the grey strappy heels that went with the outfit. She absolutely despised heels, though she had to admit that if you wanted to impale someone’s foot they were the best choice.

          The cotton fabric floated around her as Ann pulled the dress over her head, shrugged on the cardigan, and pulled her hair into two ponytails securing them with elastics. Ann looked at herself in the mirror and had to admit the effect was weird. She looked like every other jumped p teenager out there but it just looked wrong… somehow.

          Ann stretched her entire body. She felt bones pop, her battle hard muscles flexed, sinew cracked and Ann felt slightly detached. Her eyes widened and her lips curled up in a smile that nobody could tell was actually a smile. She fastened the heels around her ankles and hooked a silver seahorse necklace behind her neck,

          The necklace had been a gift from her Aunt Maria. Aunt Maria was one of the cases where the Greeks messed up badly. They called her Poseidon since there was no way a female could hold such power in their mind. Though the Christians called her Mary they pretty much got her personality right.

          Ann studied herself in the mirror again and though she hadn’t physically changed the difference was dramatic. She had become what everyone saw at school and in public. The one called Annie who was just now starting her senior year with her sister. Excitement bubbled to her lips and she giggled and pranced out of the room towards the foyer.

          Somebody shoot me….. please. Sometimes the things her body did as Annie appalled her.         

          Ann walked out the door to where LeShay was already waiting for her with the motorcycle. Ann settled onto the back of the bike and LeShay handed her the helmet. Ann hated the thing since she craved the speed and adrenaline just as much as her sister did but knew that unlike her sister if the crashed she’d turn into a giant pretzel.

          LeShay had a higher density than her so her skin was harder than diamonds and she’d be completely fine. Ann on the other hand had and extremely light density and LeShay knew that Ann would go flying through the air. Ann had a body much like the mortals they protected she would get pretty banged up in a crash. She wouldn’t die since she wasn’t mortal but she’d end up in the hospital, which would be a problem considering they never actually died and all their papers were fake.

          “Are you set?” LeShay called to her sister.

          Ann wrapped her arms around LeShay and shrieked with joy as LeShay pulled a wheelie and tore down the private drive that lead to the road from their estate. When you were over a couple of millennia old you acquired a certain amount of wealth.

         LeShay blasted through the ivy covered wrought iron gates and head for the school at 100 mph, all thoughts of crashing gone from her mind as the rush took over and she enjoyed the feeling of flying down the road.


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