April Anthology 2018: courage the color of a mirror (04/11)

Chapter 9: courage the color of a mirror (04/11)

"Mirror" in the sense used here is roughly an alterego, or story-projection of self.


Some days it’s a long wait alone

And I can’t be sure who’s coming -

Whose feet are running

Toward me,

Friend or enemy;

To save, or force me to atone.

But in the dark behind my eyelids

It’s still brighter than it seems,

For I dance with sunspots and dreams.

Hold fast though I’m meant to shatter.

Wait for the wonder the wind has scattered.

Call leaves and lightning and unicorns -

Conjure as I can to distract from the lies,

Until I find I’m free

Enough to open up my eyes

And see.


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