Chapter Two - Take A Break: The Wraith's Lament Chapter 2

Published Aug 20, 2021, 10:58:16 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 20, 2021, 10:58:16 PM | Total Chapters 1

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Chapter Two Of Wraith's Lament (Repost)

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Chapter 1: The Wraith's Lament Chapter 2

The Wraith’s Lament 
Chapter Two - Take A Break
Senso and Anubis would be both found actually laying down by a nearby campfire. The camping site would be set up not too far to where the two were ambushed by Spooks. Slowly Senso’s multi-colored eyes blinked open, groggy and disoriented he would glance over to the Silken Nox with Jay Nokt markings, Anubis who was lying almost right on Senso appearing to be resting as well. Senso stayed silent, as a quick flashback of what happened between Spooks and them. Senso slowly moved closer to Anubis as the last moments before he blacked out came rushing. Spooks had nearly got Anubis and Senso, if it was not for the fact there was a trap already set up and Anubis’ quick thinking, Anubis might have faced the same fate as Grim did. The two must have passed out from using Anubis’ magic and Senso’s telekinesis plus flying at top speeds and agility. As the flashbacks settled Senso slowly sat up and rubbed his head somewhat. Anubis who was curled by Senso almost instantly lifted his head up and got to a sitting position. Anubis lowered his massive head down towards Senso and leaned against his chest somewhat, gently preening and attempting to clean Senso. Senso lyfed his dirty hand and gently ran his fingers under Anubis’ feathers, “I’m okay, buddy…” Senso whispered softly to Anubis. Senso could not only sense, but he could smell the worry and concern Anubis had at the moment. Anubis pressed his head against Senso’s chest, nearly knocking him back down to lay on his back, but Senso placed his arms behind him to keep himself in a sitting up position, “Really Anubis, I’m okay. We should get cleaned up and get you fixed up too.’ Senso whispered to Anubis. The two seemed to have been given space they needed, while the others tended to different duties around the campsite. Although it most likely was not going to last, there is a sense of relaxation and calm, yet in a contradicting way there is worry. Spooks has been sent to Sol for more information and for the time being it seems like the two can have a break. Senso gently and slowly gave Anubis a little shove so he could have room to stand up. Although Anubis did not want to, slowly he moved back just enough to have Senso get up to his feet. Senso slowly got up to his feet once Anubis gave him room and slightly staggered forwards having gotten a pretty big head rush. Anubis was inches away from Senso so the moment Senso staggered forwards, Anubis moved his body close to Senso to use as support. Anubis was dirty and it appeared that from the little bit of a rumble he had with Spooks caused some cuts. However Senso had used a lot of energy and being much smaller in build than Anubis and Spooks showed that even Senso could use some rest. Senso placed his hands on Anubis’ wing and gently patted him, “Okay, guess we should take a rest.” Senso said softly to Anubis, he wanted to help out around the campsite but taking a break would be more helpful in the end. Anubis lowered himself down so Senso could climb up easier and waited as Senso climbed up and adjusted himself to sit comfortably and securely on Anubis’ back. Slowly and carefully as if Anubis was holding glass he got up to his feet and instead of flying off, he slowly and carefully moved towards a nearby lake. Senso’s houndlike ears lowered some and slowly he leaned down against Anubis as they moved through the crowds making sure not to get in the way or cause any issues. Luckily for them the lake was not too far and within a few moments they would arrive at an empty spot. Anubis lowered himself down to the ground and allowed Senso to slide down. Once Senso’s feet hit the ground he slightly staggered back but Anubis quickly grabbed his torn up Black t-shirt and kept him from falling back. Anubis held onto Senso until Senso patted Anubis on the head, “It is okay, I just lost my balance. A nice bath and something to eat and I’ll be back to normal in no time. You need some rest and to take it easy as well.” Senso spoke softly but there was a strict tone as well. Senso knew that Anubis was not going to relax as long as Senso felt weak, but Senso also knew that Anubis needed a break too. Once Anubis allowed Senso to go, Senso would kneel down to the edge of the water and cupped some fresh clean cold water into his hands and took a drink, “Much better…” Senso spoke out as he ran his arm over his mouth and licked his lips almost like a puppy would. Senso’s tail swayed contently as he glanced over to Anubis who watched silently before he lowered his head down to the water and took a drink from it as well. Senso smiled to himself knowing that as long as Senso was forcing himself to take a break then Anubis would do the same. Deep down Senso wanted to help out and it showed by him looking towards the campsite in the distance but the both of them knew that the best way for them to help was to stay out of the way. The two were not in the best of shapes and Anubis would attack anyone who dared came close to Senso and Senso would do the same with Anubis. The bond that Senso and Anubis have clearly go past something that most would not understand. Glancing back to Anubis he would move over to the large Silken Harpia and dug around in the side pouches where he kept some supplies and extra clothing. Anubis allowed Senso to dig around the pouch and when he noticed the extra clothing he would move to cover Senso, putting his massive wings around him and looked off to the side. Senso blinked a few times to himself as Anubis moved to cover him, taking note that Anubis was giving him privacy to change, “Thank you, you know me too well” Senso spoke softly as he gave a pat on Anubis’ leg. Looking around to make sure no one was around Senso took off his current clothes. Battle wounds would run along his rather toned frame, and as quickly as his old clothes came off, he would change into simple Black pants that had pockets on the sides and pouches around the waist line, followed by a Black t-shirt and matching Black shoes, “Okay, I’m good.” Senso spoke out to Anubis. Anubis lowered his wings down and exposed the now freshly changed Senso as if he had done some transformation. Senso placed his old clothes into the water and started to wash them up as Anubis stayed close by, watching Senso as if Senso was Anubis’ child. Senso walked back over to Anubis was he finished cleaning his old clothes and sat them on a log to dry. Senso then dug into one of his pouches and took out some band aids and cleaning supplies and moved to Anubis’ side, “Alright, now it is my turn to take care of you.” Senso spoke as he started to brush over Anubis’ Feathers gently, looking for any cuts or bite marks that was not noticed before, “Looks like you got a few little cuts but nothing major. We just need some rest.” Senso spoke softly to Anubis as he cleaned some of the small cuts. Anubis allowed Senso to check over him and even gave Senso some loving preens as if he was checking and cleaning Senso too. Senso allowed Anubis to take care of him as well, staying still as Anubis checked him over, “Do I look okay?” Senso questioned Anubis with a smile. Anubis gave Senso a soft headbutt to let him know that he approved of his current condition. Senso pressed his forehead against Anubis and gently placed his hands on the sides of Anubis’ head, “I would be lost without you, please be careful as well. I need you.” Senso added softly as Anubis embraced the affection he was given. Anubis then took Senso by the back of his shirt, lifting him into the air like a toy doll yet gentle at the same time and carried Senso closer to the log where the old clothes were drying and gently sat Senso down on the ground. Senso at first was confused but allowed Anubis to carry him, swaying freely until he was sat down on the ground, “Um..” Senso was about to ask what was going on, but Anubis cut him off by shoving Senso down to the ground with his head and placed his large Harpia head over him and nuzzled up to Senso and slowly closed his eyes. Senso gave off a little oof as he was knocked down and if it was not for the fact he knows Anubis the way he does he would have been scared. However it seemed like Anubis wanted to nap after all and wanted to make sure Senso did the same. Senso blinked at how Anubis nuzzled into him and smiled, his heart melted at how sweet Anubis could be with him. Slowly he felt himself relaxing enough where he drifted off with Anubis into a light sleep, ready to spring into action if need be.
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Rider +5
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Word Count 1595 = 15.95 AP 
Total 27.95 AP
**Note To Draco Stryx, This has Been Counted And Submitted, This Is A Repost Because I Had Tech Issues The First Time.**

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