Specter's Pumpkin Vendetta: Chapter 1

Published Oct 19, 2021, 4:51:49 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 19, 2021, 4:51:49 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Week one entry for the weekly pumpkin snatch for DracoStryx's great harvest. Word count is: 308

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Specter still had a vendetta against pumpkins. She always had. They just look like they are too happy, or are scarier then her and that can not be permitted! They must all be destroyed. So it was that Sorva found the angry undead lycan ‘happily’ murdering every orange festive decoration in sight.

“Specter!” she called to the raging stryx, who looked up briefly, then promptly returned to her destruction quest.

With a sigh Sorva approached her large black and red glowing form. Specter looked up again and glared with her burning red eyes at the only person she would tolerate so close. What? She asked still glaring at the elf.

“You know how upset people are when you destroy all their pumpkins right?”


“Can you just leave the ones on by the houses alone? And the fields? You know I’m going to have to make up the lost crops to them right?”

Sorva heard the stryx’s mental sigh before she answered with, I forget that, they just infuriate me so… just look at their smug faces!!!

With a sigh of her own now Sorva continued, “They aren’t smug, that’s just how they were made to look by the people carving them. And they aren’t scarier than you, not much is.”

The glow from inside Specter seemed to brighten to almost a burning white-red, which usually indicated she was happy, at that comment.

“Also, what do you have against the ones in the field? They can’t possibly look smug?” Sorva asked, curious as to the lycan’s answer.

Oh, those…. I just like to watch them explode… And they have the potential to be smug!!! She added the last as more of an afterthought.

“Well perhaps I’ll have to see about getting some land to grow our own pumpkin patch on, so that you don’t ruin the farmers?”



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