Alzoru hates the cold: Alzoru hates the cold

Published Jan 23, 2024, 12:54:47 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 23, 2024, 12:54:47 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Alzoru battles hir most fearsome foe yet! ... Cold weather.

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Alzoru PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3532
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Chapter 1: Alzoru hates the cold

If not for the promise of treasure and new people to add to hir growing harem, Alzoru would never be here of all places, far from the tropical, sun-drenched corals of hir island home, which shi kept in mind looking upon this world of snow and slush with disdain as shi shivered and wrapped hir scarf around hir gills and kept walking in the snow. The frosty white landscape was so barren and lifeless compared to the evergreen paradise that shi knew, and it made hir homesick. Shi had to borrow some real winter clothes from a rental shack just to survive in this biting chill.


Shi marched through this snowy, forbidding taiga with purpose, hir nose running and body shaking as shi kept going in hir snowshoes. Flakes of white snow drifted down from on high, floating slow on a chill wind. Alzoru sighed and saw hir breath crystallize in the frigid air, and she took out hir map to read it. So close to the nearest town. Just a little farther, just a little bit more. Step by step, minute by minute. Shi forged on and sallied forth, despite the bitter frost that nipped at hir toes and pierced these warm clothes.


Shi finally made it to an inn, and shi stumbled in, panting. Shi removed hir snowshoes and weakly walked to the desk… “W-warm. Put me somewhere warm.” Shi got out before passing out on the floor. Shi woke up next to a fireplace, and slowly sat up. Shi coiled up and shook, absorbing the heat from the fire. After five minutes, a staff member came up to hir.

“Miss, are you alright?” Asked a human male while petting hir a bit, “You were out cold for ten minutes.”

“I will be fine. Just get me a nice, warm room. And a warm meal if this is that kind of place.”

“Not that kind of place, but I do know a good restaurant where you can grab some great flapjacks, miss.” Said the guy, helping hir up.


“Thank you. How much for the room?” Shi asked with a smile.

“25 silver talons,” He answered.

“How much is that in Gold Drakes? I don’t come this far north without good reason.” Shi chuckled.


“At current exchange rates, three of your drakes will do.”


Shi handed him 3 gold coins, “Thank you. Help me to my room, please.” Shi said while barely standing.


Before either of them could really start, a different human man came in and scowled at Alzoru. “A dragon?! Here?! What are you waiting for, kill it you idiot!”

“She is a paying customer, I just got 3 gold drakes off of her. Now step off, she’s entitled to her room!” The innkeeper stood between the two.

“That thing will burn down your establishment and fuck your wife before eating her!” The hateful man said with a growl and a shaking fist.

“Okay, the only one of those I would actually do is the second one, and only if she said yes. I’m not burning down my shelter from the fucking cold, and humans don’t even taste very good anyway.” Alzoru said with crossed arms.


“Silence, demon! Trust a dragon not to torch your establishment is like trusting a scorpion not to sting you, or trusting a cat not to eat your pet fish!” Said the hateful one.


Alzoru groaned and hissed, then grabbed the jerk by the neck. “I’m only going to warn you once. Shut the fuck up, or you will regret it. I’m here for treasure, but if you keep antagonizing me, I won’t hesitate to make you part of my harem.”


“You and what army?!” He challenged.


The next morning, Alzoru exited hir room with a hen girl on a leash, “Come along, Hennivere. We have treasure to find.”

“Of course, mistress! I will help keep you warm while you look for your treasure!” said the former human male.

“Good girl.” Alzoru cheerfully said and left the inn, eventually finding the treasure, which turned out to be a small cache of silver talon coins, which shi picked up. Shi then took hir new hen, and headed back home, back into the light, heat, and warmth of the reef.

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