Pandora's Battle Recordings: Trash monster battle (battle #2)

Published Mar 18, 2024, 12:52:26 AM UTC | Last updated Mar 18, 2024, 12:52:26 AM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

Another book, this one dyed black. You open it, and again, it is hollow. All that is inside is a few cassette tapes, which contain the stories of Pandora's battles...

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Chapter 2: Trash monster battle (battle #2)

The village was filled with the buzz of gossip. Warnings and exaggerations whispered from someones lips, traveling throughout the village, until everyone knew. Even Pandora, who rarely left the house, heard it from the little boy who came to help with her cleaning sometimes. There was a monster in the swamp. A big one apparently, but she wasn't sure if it was true. Someone may have seen a raccoon, and the result would be the same. 

After hearing it so many times, she decided to check out the swamp. After her encounter with the slime, she was feeling pretty confident. Maybe she could deter it from hurting anyone? Attacking it wouldn't kill it, she knew. She wasn't strong enough for that just yet, but weakening it wasn't bad either.

Making her way into the dense swamp, she kept her ears open for any wailing that the creature could produce. The locals had described it as "a horrible, nail-on-chalkboards esque kind of sound". Although scary, she felt pity for the creature. It seemed to be... sad. It was crying. after all.

Soon, she heard it. It sounded better than she imagined, not the scratchy, gravelly scream she was expecting. Instead, it was more like a gentle sobbing, but the sound was a thousand times louder. She made her way towards the noise, until she smelled a horrible scent. She nearly threw up, it smelled of week-old rotten food and all sorts of liquids mixed into a stew. She gagged to the side, and decided that she would attack it once, then leave. 

The slosh of the swamp as it walked was disgusting, she decided, and threw her hands out, trying to send out a flame. After trying for a bit, she felt an unfamiliar burning sensation throughout her body, and she felt a blast of fire leaving her. She heard a chorus of wailing, then a big splash. The scent of burning rubber muddled the air, and she assumed that she had blasted it into the swamp. 

Declaring her mission a success, she ran off back to her house, and immediately took a lavender infused bath.

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Nothing but crickets. Please be a good citizen and post a comment for pandy