[event] What's that noise..?: What's that Noise?

Published Apr 21, 2024, 2:24:49 PM UTC | Last updated Apr 21, 2024, 2:24:49 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Harlowe and Shard help Noibat figure out what's causing the scratching noise in their attic.

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Characters in this Chapter

Harlowe Mysterious Bloom 🧑🏽 #mb32
2434 total points
384 approved points
Shard Mysterious Bloom 🧑🏽 #mb33
3434 total points
384 approved points


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Chapter 1: What's that Noise?

“Please, you have to help me figure out what’s causing this awful scratching and scraping every night!” Noibat squeaked, pressing their ears to their head. Deep bags ringed their eyes, exhausted as they stared at the pair of adventurers.

Harlowe and Shard exchanged glances. 

“I mean, this wasn’t exactly the Special Tactics And Rescue Service’s forte, but we can certainly do our best,” The jangmo-o started, looking up towards the ceiling of the wooden cabin. “We can stay here for the night and see what the problem is, and you should be welcome into the guild hall’s guest rooms for the night so you have a place where you’re able to get some restful sleep.”

“Oh thank you! Thank you!” Noibat squealed with glee, leaping off the ground.


“Do you think there's actually anything we can do?” Harlowe leaned against the ladder leading up to the attic, eyes locked on the open trap door that led to the cramped space up above them. 

“I mean, we have to try at least, right?” Shard was curled up at the base of the ladder, waiting for the faint light that shone through the attic window to fade entirely.

As the two waited for the golden light to change to the deep blue of night, a soft scratching sound came from the attic. It was faint, a light scuffing against the wooden floor. The two S.T.A.R.S members clambered up the ladder, looking wildly around the space.


There was nothing there.

The scratching was louder now, yes, but there was no pokemon he-

“THERE!” Shard shouted, leaping just to the right of a chair that had just been scraping against the floor. He landed on a shape with a thud, pinning the thing down.


“A kecleon? What was a kecleon doing in my attic?” Noibat looked puzzled as the two adventurer’s held onto the former intruder.

“I guess he just wasn’t a fan of the layout of the furniture up there.” Harlowe shrugged.

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