PDARPG Boss Fight Entries: Laguna 5: New Glasses 2 (Prompt 4)

Chapter 5: Laguna 5: New Glasses 2 (Prompt 4)

β€œIt never ceases to amaze how a simple pair of glasses can frame and complement the face,” Laguna said, sliding her new accessory, now complete with literal tortoise shell frames, onto the bridge of her nose. β€œRectangular frames are the most appropriate shape for an oval face, you know. Just a little tip to remember should you find yourself shopping around that particular market.”


β€œPaperdemons actually have 20/10 vision,” Eltanin said, β€œbut I’ll keep that in mind.”


Zuramel had waited for as long as they could, but it seemed passive-aggressive foot tapping wasn’t quite as effective when you were underwater. β€œMs Thalassa–”


β€œAh, didn’t mean to keep you waiting, Mx Dumortierite. Your guild room.” Laguna raised her staff, pointed it at an open area in the workshop, and a portal swirled open, showing glimpses of beige chairs, white wallpaper, and cream sheets… no offence to Zura, but Eltanin failed to see why they were in such a rush to go home. β€œYour payment is on your desk. And should you ever require healing services, do not hesitate to– aaand they’re gone.”


They hadn’t even waited for that first sentence to be over before stepping through. Iconic, honestly.


β€œI suppose I shall have to be more careful with this pair. In any case, we should return to the matter at hand: Bringing my brother to family justice.”

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