Twisted Fairytales: Goldilocks

Posted Jul 24, 2009, 11:19:32 PM UTC

This is a pic I made for the Twisted Fairytales contest....

So this is the alternative ending for "Goldilocks and the three bears"

While Goldilocks was sleeping she felt a twensy bit cold, so she opend her eyes and boy oh boy! there were three fuzzy brown coats in front of her.

First she tried the big one. which was very hard to open. "This one is just to scratchy" She said

Then she tried the medium one, wich was not that hard to open. "This one is too soaky!" she cried

Finally she tried the small one...which opened easily.

"Ah! This one is just about right!" Goldilocks said

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  • Jul 26, 2009, 10:51:07 AM UTC
    OMG!! I love it

    Twisted fairytale is right!!!

    What program did you use to draw this? Smile

    ICE - FIRE
    • Jul 27, 2009, 3:38:29 PM UTC
      Thanks! I'm glad you like it Big Smile
      As to the program I used, it's photoshop